Wednesday Wellness

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby CathyS » Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:39 pm

I have never shopped with amazon, nor do I do any other shopping online. I had a HUGE problem due to E bay and Pay Pal when I was with ex. We had to jump through hoops to get the money back and even though my ex was cheap about some things, he was talking to a lawyer regarding the issue. I haven't done any online shopping since then.

Just came back from having tea at a friend's house and she tends to wear us out with her talking, which is nonstop with numerous tangents as she explains who this person is and how she met them and how many children they have and what colour their car is and whether they use Dawn or Sunlight to wash their dishes... (only kidding slightly)

I need to get the dishwasher ready to go.
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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:11 pm

Cathy: one reason people use Amazon so much is there is no problem getting the money back. Remember when I bought a pack of ten eclipse viewing glasses and then they turned out the company could not prove they were not counterfeit? Money was back within hours. I've ordered things from China that were to take 6 weeks to show up. At week 7, I get my money back. I ordered counterfeit USB cables before knowing the difference. Got my money back. Dh must have ordered a half dozen of one item until he found the combination that worked for us. The others were all returned with our money back. No cost for returns, either.

That's what makes it so easy to use, the risk is so small.

We've also found products we thought would be nice if they existed but we've never seen in a store. Things like an outlet splitter with a circuit breaker so if too many appliances are plugged into it, it blows instead of a fuse. Power bars do the same thing but they take up more room on the counter. And it is hard to find touch lamp pads (you touch the pad and the light goes on or off so you don't have to reach the lamp.) Our Home Hardware used to carry them but doesn't anymore.

Then everything changes when delivery ceases to be reliable. Then the cost of using the system when you can't count on the item arriving when expected or even at all ("porch pirates" follow the delivery people around stealing the items dropped on front porches) starts to make the savings look less attractive. All the empty store fronts cause you pause and then your thinking starts to change.

In the meantime, a lot of bricks & mortar stores now do online shopping of some sort. Staples and Costco have always had it. Canadian Tire allows you to buy the item online and they email you when it is ready to be picked up at the store.

So one doesn't have to use Amazon, there are other options out there that are convenient but still offer a local presence.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:13 pm

My evening blew apart.

I got on the treadmill on time, dh had to reset the router for a second time today and that slowed down the start of my show. Then he talked to me (so I had to stop the show), the CM called to talk refugee stuff (and ill friend stuff) and that took the rest of my workout plus 10 minutes.

Then I was emailing with dd about car seats. Then updating my planner.

Anyway, the night is over and I didn't accomplish what I needed to accomplish. Nor did I charge my tablet after the workout so it doesn't have enough power to get me through the night (I listen to podcasts to sleep). Sigh...

Off to bed now.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

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Re: Wednesday Wellness

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Jan 31, 2018 11:47 pm

Home from church. It went well.

I asked DD if DS9 could stay with her tomorrow for a few hours. I need some uninterrupted time to set the new network up. DD agreed to keep him. DS9 doesn't want to stay with her but I didn't give him any option.

I am hopeful that the network won't take very long so there might be a couple hours for DH and I to go see a movie together.

DS9 has a 2pm doctor appt so we will need to see the first showing of movie in order to get back in time to take him.
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2. Go after it relentlessly.

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