Unsurprising Sunday

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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:35 pm


I spend Sunday finishing up the laundry and always making sure that dh has his 5 tops for work. They might be clean even though they don't look clean. Dh has put a fire on, which is becoming standard for a Sunday.

We are watching yet another hour of pregame to the pregame to some football game. Dh has invited his best bud to come over for pizza and nachos. Whether he shows up or not is another thing. We told him that we didn't have any beer, so he can pick up his own.

Dryer is chiming, so I need to finally go put this load away.
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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 04, 2018 2:43 pm

One thing I would rather not have on Sundays is nervousness and a lot of being social while trying to have a meaningful time personally. One thing I'm grateful for is the calm later.

Our meeting today was intense. I knew it would be. The beginning, again, was that we could address no other subject than upcoming budget, but as I requested, I was recognized. So first thing was my report of 2017 and I tried to be brief, but it's not a brief subject. I went line by line through expenses with some answering of questions, and dwelt longer on income. I made no bones about the fact we had been on a downward trend through 2017 and went on to say the fourth quarter was the lowest and gave the percentage of shortfall. As I finished, the elder who rotated off two years ago asked that a statement be put into the minutes that I was to be thanked for all my work, and the congregation applauded.

This feeling may have been short-lived. It was obvious we were on a fast track after that to quick approval of next year's budget. In fact, I actually interrupted that same man during what seemed to be a motion to pass, and asked for more discussion. I stood up again and said this was not a treasurer-supportable budget and did the math, adding this smaller percent increase to the large shortfall and saying, all things being equal, we could expect that total to be the next shortfall. I made a motion for one change to operating expenses (wish I could have said more but it would have gotten confusing) to bring the proposed budget down so that at least it wasn't an increase. I don't even know who seconded it, but it passed.

Then, minutes were requested and it was our enforced person who read those aloud with a lame joke at the point at which I'd received applause. Whatever. Dd was furious about this, I found out later.

Many came up to me and thanked me. 2 women came from across the sanctuary to tell me it was the best financial meeting we'd ever had. Teacher of the specific women's Bible study that happens evenings mouthed "thank you" several times on her way to me. So that's one thing down.

Having dd there means my afternoon will be taken up with transport, but I don't care. Feeling relief. Bbl.

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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:02 pm

d harriet wishing you calm next time you go to church. I am glad you received thanks for your work!!!
Feeling relief
- so happy for you!

hi d cathy happy laundry day

welcome home from church d kathryn

put menu in, hopeful, stone done :D
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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:07 pm

Oh no, not you too, Blessed!
I hope that every day will be the turning point, perhaps it is today?
Oh I agree, Twins. Thought today was better, but conversely I feel crummy. DD wants to go grocery shopping and I just want to sleep.
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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 04, 2018 3:35 pm

thanked for all my work, and the congregation applauded.

Harriet - I'm so glad they recognized and appreciated your dedication to the treasurer duties. POTB!

Church this morning was good. DSIL was on stage playing bass guitar this week. It was a first time for him to play at church. I taught Children Church again this morning with DH. There were 14 children in the class (3 to 5 year olds) so it was non-stop busy to keep them engaged in learning the Bible story and memory verse.

After church, we ate lunch with DD, DSIL and his extended family. There was 11 of us at the table. It was an enjoyable time together.

On the way home, we did a drive-by of the boathouses at a local lake. I am still in decision mode on whether I want to buy a boathouse. I feel strongly both ways. (Yes, I do want a boathouse. No, I don't want one). As long as there isn't one for sale, then the decision is postponed. :)

Ugh. Apparently, we don't build immunity against the flu after having it? I have a couple friends who tested positive for the flu a couple weeks ago and are sick with it again. Did they get the flu again or does the flu come back after the symptoms go away and feeling good for several days? This is seriously a bad strain of flu going around. The death count from the flu is approaching triple digits in our state.
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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:17 pm

I've been working on my feedback for the pro gen group. I only have two more to do. I've been holding my breath because the professional genealogy who mentors us can be quite sharp-tongued, but her comments on my work were thankfully positive. I think I was the last one tho. I set up a phone call earlier with my genealogist friend E to give her the low down on the course I took last week and we talked for awhile and caught up. I need to regroup on what genealogy course I want to take this summer, and whether I want to go to the NGS conference in Michigan in May.

I've also started browning ground beef for chili.

Harriet, it sounds like a lot of meetings I've been to. It's like a force of nature and whatever it is will happen come heck or high water. I can so identify.
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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 04, 2018 4:58 pm

I walked the ddog at tenish so glad I did the winds have kicked up today. We have had lunch did thin crust pizza. I have veg thawed out for dinner with soup tonite. Got the towels folded & put away, hens are fed & on free range time. Got thd bed made up. Journaling done. Revampled my wellness journal. Dusted downstairs window sills. Took out the trash.

I am trying to avoid football looking forward to olympics wondering when they begin.

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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 04, 2018 5:24 pm

feeling a bit of cold symptoms 8-) Nooo is right d dee!

I made an appointment for a dog swim place a 1/2 hour from here for both dogs as they are getting really old and need exercise without to much strain. I spoke to the woman and she was so energetic and nice. Our vet recommended it as the dogs have arthritis now and it is winter - one dog has a plate in her leg because her tendon snapped two years ago. One is 13 1/2 and the other is 12 and they are big dogs.

I am proud that I finished all my paperwork for today and my card file is organized again. I made a tab for my dailies in case I am away or ill and the family can get a gist of what we do daily. I also made a tab of importance (paperwork and letters/calls to keep in mind - that I will move each day. I tossed a lot of junk cards. My desk which is actually my kitchen table looks good. I wish I had an office but dh has his own office.

dh hand washed the rest of the dishes Yay!
and he put away the clean dishes from the dw
Floors look awful

d twins I am so happy she says nice things about your work.

d lady hello Church today sounded lovely. Glad you had fun as a family today - how nice!
it's a different virus than what she had before. Thats the bad thing about this influenza as there are so many strains. Praying for all affected

Hi d dee ~~~ waving.

Hi d nancy. good for you on your day!

hello dear all.

spoke to d f whose birthday is today - always lovely.

I was feeling a bit overwhelmed looking at my table and my card file but it is all put together again and I feel a sense of accomplishment even though I didn't move a whole lot of this Franny of mine.
Next look at the menu for tonight and start prep. I really don't feel up to it but I know it's the right thing for all.

time to s2s (no I didn't s2s yet) part of me wants to put on jammies and a soft sweater and read a book.

dd younger took d dog 12 for a long walk and took d dog 13 1/2 for a short walk and both dogs are sleeping finally.
dh went to his daily B & Nobles run. dd younger is upstairs after her long cold walk.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Feb 04, 2018 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:08 pm

Harriet: good job getting through this Sunday's meeting. I'll face that next Sunday. Had my trial run with the other auditor yesterday.

"Why don't we get word of our bad financial shape out to those who are in the periphery of our church?"

The answer is: we have and in effect said, the church is small and struggling. They have responded with silence.

They don't care about church and will not support us to the extent we need support. Coming out to the occasional supper and bringing in some family members to come to Christmas service with you will not keep a church open. If they are not dedicated to belonging to a church, then dragging them in is not going to help.

I think we have something to offer others (we don't have many of the issues of Harriet's church) but they are no longer interested in church as part of their social community.

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Re: Unsurprising Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 04, 2018 6:14 pm

Home from dd's. Had a good 2 hours with dgs. Dd pulled dh's slippers from their spot at their house and dgs brought them, one at a time, to dh. He played for a good while with dh and then a long while with me. Dh doesn't have the energy I have with him. Dgs particularly loved his two Wrinkles stuffed dogs (do you remember them from the 90's?) tossing is winkle toy back and forth with him. Lots of giggles. They are the only puppets in the toy box. It is time to think about getting more.

He is communicating more and more with me. Most of it is that I'm learning his signs. So we were reading his storybook variation of the frog prince and when we got to the end he was throwing kisses because that's how Klara converts Karl back into a boy. Then he had me read his 'Eating' book 3x and he signed for food. It was his snack time so I checked with dd and she said I had interpreted correctly. Most of the time he says "fffffff" for food but this time he used the food sign.

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