Make it happen Monday

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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 05, 2018 12:46 pm

Progress. Have worked on desk and pulled out things that can go upstairs also. And wrote feedback for group. Now just to remember that I need to be there at 4 p.m. today. Someone actually forgot last time, and I'm always afraid of doing that myself. I also went through a file box that was under my desk - it was stuff from mother's house. Most of it pertained to her retirement in 1984, so most of it went out.

So it's on to folding laundry, s2s and walk the dog. I'm moving, and have gotten rid of some papers too.

The chromosome "in common with" file that I'm uploading this morning is 1/2 done. I'm going to try to upload two per day until all are done.
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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:01 pm

I worked on the kitchen zone yea! S2s happened. I spiffed counters, cleaned microwave. Dishwasher is unloaded. I vacuumed the traffic areas on the cave basement. Bed is made, dumped more trash. Hens are fed. Got the hand towels swapped out. Still to do inside the fridge. I have a plan for dinner g. beef today.

Next up thinking of a round raking leaves later on this afternoon, and doing a rock drop. I need to put an item to return in the rig!

Twins - thanks for that reminder I need to do a paper round. WTG everyone on your making it happen!

What is it with kids just after you straighten up the couch, or make the bed the dive bomb on it? When I finish on the m. bedroom then I just close that door & it is off limits.

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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:33 pm

I haven't been making much happen today.

I did get dishes done and kitchen tidied and checks to the mailbox.

Extended time just thinking / trying to determine what I want to do. Yesterday was not so nice a day and I am just considering how I want to move forward. I'm pretty tired of life being just all about work and never doing anything "fun". I'm not an extrovert and if I was I'm pretty sure I'd take the time somehow someway to do some fun things... but non-stop business/work 24/7 is kinda wearing on a person.

I can get in a "blue funk" pretty easily so this isn't good.

We're having a problem with the car, it's either the oil gauge itself or its sending unit or something worse like the oil pump or something even worser (!) like motor bearings. If this wasn't going on I'd probably just take myself out to somewhere and do something out of the house. That usually cheers me up, but until we figure this all out I'm sorta stuck here.
Done with all that..................

Ok, y'all have a nice day!

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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 05, 2018 1:38 pm

Harmony, just pop by here and you and I will sit and chat, plus you can see a whole different set of chores. (yay?) :D

Isn't it interesting how science becomes a big part of your work, Twins'.

Today so far has been communication day here. Email and phone calling. Not dreaded. Two families at church have difficult extended-family health crises, and the lady who wants to be my nutrition client is trying to schedule times, so we are back and forth, too. HRH's friend who was going to visit while he was here on business has started into some symptoms that may mean he's sick, so he's waiting to see whether he will avoid us or not.

Next up is Desk Day for church, since tomorrow is study and that probably takes the morning, plus I need some things off my plate before baby-sitting Thursday.

Sprouts (mung bean) are coming along. Not yet the plump, fat size I expect in store-bought ones, but it's only day 5. Most online instructions I see suggest day 6 or 7 is maturity. I started too many at one time so divided between a quart wide-mouth mason and a plastic drainable container that cuts off more light (they are both in a dark corner). I believe the one with less light looks more like what I see in stores, so maybe that's why some people cover the jar with a cloth. Some of the most obviously beautiful "crops" in how-to videos are done by ladies who speak Asian languages. HRH says he recognizes one's language as Thai or Laotian. His friend who's in the area speaks Thai, so if he does come by and recognizes the speech, he might translate. I can grasp the method somewhat, but no idea of the rapid-fire specifics being given. Anyway, they have a method of growing on fabric. Then at maturity, when the fabric is inverted and held up, there's a beautiful flower-like ball of fat sprouts to pick off.

Lol, Nancy, the first thing I thought is that I want to close the door on a messy room, not a finished clean-and-clear one I want credit for! You're right about kids, though, as far as keeping it clean and clear. I worry about a messy room; kids will get into all manner of trouble there!

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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:21 pm

Taking a break for lunch.

I have a pot of pinto beans and ham in the Instant Pot. I was hoping to have them finished in time to eat for lunch but it didn't happen. I'm having some leftover lentils with my brown rice instead.

This morning homeschooling has proceeded smoothly and drama free. I love love LOVE it when DS9 has a good attitude. It is a joy to work together. I'm fairly strict with him being respectful toward me. I hate when we have to divert school lessons into attitude adjustment. He is such a sweet boy with a huge heart for others. Today during vocabulary lesson DS9 turned to me and innocently asked ......How do you spell "I cup"? I answered him without thinking.....which lead his silly 9 year old boyish belly laughter for several minutes. Yup. He got me good. I'm actually proud of him learning to tell jokes because he has always been so black/white thinking that he struggled to understand jokes. Hum....I guess this would fall more into a prank rather than joke category. Ohs well. If you understand 9 year old boy thinking then you know how much they like these type of "funnies". :roll:
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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:33 pm

Had to sound that out allowed to get the prank! I snickered, which means I'm not a lot more mature than a 9 year old boy!

Lunch is done (leftovers from Saturday night and last night.)

Dishes in dishwasher which is running now.

Last load of laundry is in the washer and should be done momentarily.

I pulled out the sewing machine and did the two mending items. One was a pillow case so that's on the last pillow on the bed meaning the bed is officially made now. The other was a cloth bag handle and now I can go back to the store to pick up the last 2 pillows for our refugees.

I've been doing back and forth emails about their needs. The other group wants to buy a used car seat. I'll leave it in their hands but I'm not happy about it. Actually, I'm not really happy about the car situation at all. The youngest legally requires a car seat, front facing, installed into LATCH points in the car. Installation will be a real drag but normally you do this once and forget it (but at least check it.) In this case the car seat will be in and out of all sorts of vehicles. Which complicates things greatly because an improperly installed car seat is like having no car seat at all as far as danger to the child. The 5 year old has a booster seat (that was already donated and isn't regulated.) But the almost 4 year old will be in a car seat for at least a two years.

Stroller! I just realized we need a stroller too. Off to add that to the list.

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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 05, 2018 2:50 pm

When I got back from doing the rock drop moved the stroller so we could get to the trash can out for trash day on Tues. I need to cut up the broken kiddie pool so it can be hauled off. Doing the happy dance see j & c about the letter. :mrgreen: feels like I got my life back. Was loosing sleep over that this week end.

I have a plan for dinner will put meat and veggies in a jar with an egg to cook in the I P I am excited to cook something new.

Found a ♥ shaped rock reather large #2 maybe to paint so will get going on that. I need to clean one tray in the fridge.

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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:19 pm

finally back from errands and vet visit. (1)
I brought some old movies in to see if they can make it into dvd's for us (to see if it will be worth it)
I also found out that taking dvd pictures and making a copy would be expensive considering I would have to make 8 copies at $10 to $20 a piece - the woman at (2) Wal greens was very helpful and suggested I try myself to make copies.
dd younger and I went to (3) pet something to buy a ramp for the dogs - now to train them to be comfortable on it 8-)
went to chipotle for dd (4)
stopped at bank (5)
Dd might go to the lake to take pictures bc we are supposed to have 2 to 5 " of snow - a touch worried about that but she needs to do what she needs to do.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 05, 2018 3:31 pm

hi d nancy feels like
I got my life back.
good for you!

hi d kathryn (so cute! I love that you giggled) Well done on your work

hi d lady I am glad you came here to take a break! Glad ds had a great day and you too!

hi d harriet happy desk day!

hi d harmony well done on getting kitchen tidied and checks mailed.
eldest dd is feeling that too as work has been constant including evenings. I wonder is there a way you can get time for yourself. It is hard having ones own business. Can your ds or d dil take over some? I also get into blue's; you will be able to move forward. I think even one thing out of the norm helps the soul! plan one thing. Wishing you an adventure.

hi d twins happy desk day to you too! and happy folding laundry s2s and walking the dog.

Hi to everyone I missed and to all of us in SHE world.

list spending and add up what it comes to so far.
put photo dvd on to see if I can actually make copies for relatives
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Make it happen Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:11 pm

Vitamin dispenser filled, last load of laundry put away. Did a zone chore. You don't see that often in my posts. According to my sheets - my zone chores are on sheets on a clipboard in my desk - I last tackled this zone in Jan 16. So that would be two years ago (just in case you have difficulty with arithmetic or thinking I mis-typed!)

I have a splitting headache. Not sure what to do about it.

Dh had the office doors closed because my podcast was on too loud. I had chrome cast it to the bedroom radio while I worked this morning but he had left the kitchen radio on after stopping casting yesterday, so it played, loudly, in the kitchen and I had no clue because I was in the bedroom. Sigh... That's the problem with casting, if the stream ends, the radios stay on.

Harriet: another observation about A-river. It used to be we'd order and get the item 2 - 3 days later. We don't have Prime, that was just regular delivery speed. The order I put in 5 days ago still hasn't arrived. It isn't due until Thursday but it was coming straight from A-river so I expected it today at the latest.

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