Tuesday Tools

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:21 pm

I am exhausted and don't know why - I haven't done any of the bathrooms like I had planned.
dinner was good.

Next empty dw
put away the dishes I hand washed.
vacuum the floor
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:45 pm

I'm exhausted but our 2017 taxes are filed (Federal and New York!) Thanks to DD. We made out much better than I had thought. We're getting $860 more than last year -why? I have no idea. But I'll take or rather we will. Now to watch our account for it to come.

Now maybe I can get on to more improtant things. (At least in my mind's eye).
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:00 pm

well done on your taxes d dee

d kathryn I am glad you were able to get desk work done

d lilac oh my on the broken foot! fast healing!

d harriet :D I agree!
it's lovely that even though you have different styles, you both admire each other!

I know what I have to do... :shock: 8-)
forced myself to put away dinner, groceries. cleaned counters,cleaned stove top, turned on dw again, no dishes in sink and all recycling put away, vacuumed the floor :D if feel mor like ;) bc I am tired!

Things that did not get done... I have no idea what happened to my day -

tuesday is usually bathroom day - never got to it
I washed 2 loads of laundry and only dried one and did not put it away
no vacuuming in the remainder of the house
I didn't finish the banana bread
I didn't touch the laundry room
I didn't touch the closet
no gym
no french

But I did the best that I could!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:13 pm

Oh, Lilac, I hope his pain is over fast and he heals quickly.

I know how important it is to all of you to hear the latest in my mung bean saga. ;)

HRH made me very happy by immediately getting a cup of the sprouts out with some tongs as soon as he found them in the fridge, and having them with a noodle dish. (they were a surprise to him - I kept them hidden while they grew, in case they were a bust) He's a finicky eater, but just-grown sprouts from a known supplier :lol: passed his inspection easily.

Used a Debbie Me yer brand produce freshness bag for these, with a paper towel in the bottom. It's a learning experience to see how long they will last.

Found an online lady who is Chinese but speaks English who did a video, and so with more info I think I get the technique for longer, thicker mung bean sprouts. Somewhat labor intensive, in that she says how could you expect to have large sprouts without getting up in the night each night to water/rinse. Hmmm... ... Also a man who says water every 5 hours, period. Definitely going to try something close to the method, but for now my fridge has a good supply of sprouts that impress HRH, so I couldn't ask for more from a first try. Dark seems to be super important - those in the clear mason jar didn't grow as well.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:15 pm

Good night all or good day - where ever you are!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:56 pm

Sigh... The refugee's apartment is confirmed. It will be a 3 bedroom, 700 square foot apartment for 6 people. So most of the furniture that is about to be crammed into my apartment won't fit and I will have to get rid of it. Sigh.....

Emails sent about setting a meeting, talked on the phone with CM (she's coordinating donations.) She came up with the idea of using a bench instead of chairs at the dining table (since the donated table only has 4 chairs.) I looked on the used site and couldn't find anything. Then I remembered a great bench she has and talked her into donating it. It's perfect (it has storage in it!)

Ok, time to get the kitchen cleaned up. I was just about to do that when the email came in. I'd actually started it but came into the living room for my headphones.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby BookSaver » Tue Feb 06, 2018 11:03 pm

After speed reading to cuop just from today -- because I've missed you all so much! --
Tools, hmm?

I think of my car as a tool. I don't care how it looks or how many bells & whistles it has, as long as it gets me where I want to go with enough interior space to haul what I need to haul.

I have been stunned at how much time has been involved in replacing that thing that I think of as a tool -- and how difficult, almost impossible, it is to stick with a basic version. We ended up having to pay a lot more $ than I wanted to pay to replace my car because of the timing.

We knew we were going to replace DH's car very soon. I had hoped to keep mine for another couple of years. I was looking forward to the odometer reaching as close as possible to 200,000 miles.

I learned a week ago that my car's rear axle was dangerously rusted and would break apart -- would, not could. It was only a matter of a short amount of time. Maybe some shop somewhere would have been able to replace it, but it would have been very expensive and I'd have been without the vehicle for weeks.

Walking to work for 1 week in winter was enough. I have to be able to run up north if DMom needs me. I had to get a different car sooner rather than later.

I am grateful that DH had already done a lot of research into new cars and knew what he wanted. He suggested that I look at the hatchback version of the model that interested him. We did look at and test drive a few cars, and chose what came closest to what we had planned to spend, although mine was over budget because it would have taken a lot more days (or even weeks) to get a car without the remote start and other features most people can't live without.

Even factoring in that we were looking for 2 cars instead of just 1, the process took forever. A quick look at the car lot last Wednesday after the place was closed. Hours longer than expected on Saturday test driving and filling out paperwork. My new car was ready to pick up today, which we thought would be 1/2 hour at most, but it was another 2 hours plus.

The salesman spent so much time touting features that I don't care about, so much time showing what can be done by syncing a smart phone with the car's electronics, using a free app. I DON'T CARE! I don't want to communicate with the car through my phone. I don't even have that kind of phone. I just want to turn on the car and drive the thing!

I'm sure that I will appreciate the ability to start my car while I'm still inside the library, so it will be warm by the time I walk out to it. I don't need it, though. So many buttons and screens and settings ... It all just seems like so many, many more things ready to break and expensive to fix.

Oh well, at least I have wheels again. I can finally go get some groceries tomorrow. I will be able to drive to work Thursday.

Yesterday I had to walk to work in the middle of a snowstorm with the wind blowing directly into my face. Talk about brisk! I was definitely wide awake for work, no caffeine necessary. :)

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