Wednesday Weeds

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Wednesday Weeds

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:04 am

Yesterday we shared a few tools that are helpful. What would you find if you took an inventory of the opposite? Things that are not helpful. Maybe even classified as weeds in our garden of life.

This feels scary to me. I'm not sure I am brave enough to do.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:19 am

The eternal optimist in me tries to find good in everything. Some people consider weeds to be bad, but even weeds have blooms (usually) that bring beauty to our lives.

My weeds (aka - what takes extra time & effort and can not be ignored).
* Kids & grandkids - they are a daily constant strain on my time and energy. But I can't imagine life without them. I'm keeping these weeds. Someday I hope they will bring less work and show the positive results of constant tending as they grow.
* Furkids (3 dogs) - They track in dirt. They shed their furry hair all over my home. They create all kinds of extra tasks that I wouldn't have to do if I gave them up. But that would be like cutting out a chunk of my heart. Nope. I'm keeping these weeds.
* Sugar, flour, artificial sweeteners & corn - Giving up these weeds was HARD at first. Today is Day #21 without sugar/flour & Day #9 without artificial sweeteners & corn. I am so grateful to be out of their controlling influence on my life.
* Flu germs - I have spent a lot of thought and effort to keep from catching the flu germs that are EVERYWHERE. Taking a guess - about 50% of the people I know are sick now or in recovery mode from the flu. I definitely do not want this weed to take hold in my life and am taking extra steps to keep the flu germ seed from falling on fertile ground.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby CathyS » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:12 am

Hi everyone!

Weeds... I could say the mess that comes through the door whenever we bring in another arm full of wood, but the wood is for the fireplace, and that keeps us toasty warm. It was the marvelous heat source a couple of weeks ago when the power was out for more than 6 hours. That one stays.

Dirty dishes. They mean that we ate again, so they can stay.

The clean laundry piles. I have the knowledge, but even in this tiny house, I am exhausted by the time Sunday night rolls around. I need to tend to that mess.

Today I have another mess to tend to and that is the snow that fell over night and then stopped. Now it is falling again. I need to go out to the garage to bring in some meat for supper from that freezer. The freezer in the house is a jumbled mess with some runaway perogies tossed in for good measure.

I also need to go to the drug store to pick up some meds that are waiting there for dh. While I am out, I need to drop something off somewhere else. To be fair, dh offered to do this and I said no because I thought I would be going to the stitching group. I think everyone is going to take one look outside and say no way!
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:24 am

Paperwork is my weed. And like the real thing, it manages to grow without any help from me! New weeds blow through the door all the time!

Like LadyM, I have problems with classifying weeds as something negative and have a real problem when I have to preach the Parable of the Weeds! That being said, I find it most helpful to share the definition of weed that a biology teacher gave me in Grade 9 or 11 (can't recall which.)

A weed is something growing where it shouldn't. A beautiful rose in a field of wheat is a weed. A patch of wheat in a rose garden is a weed.

When I think of it that way, it isn't paperwork that is the weeds, it is the paperwork out of place that is the weeds.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:33 am

I'm up.

I have a very big day today, including driving a lot in a major snow storm. Sigh. My timing is off. Plus the snow storm keeps getting put off. Originally it should be almost done by now, instead it isn't starting for another hour or more. Which means I'll be in it when I leave in the afternoon. My strategy will be to get out of the city as soon as I can. I have both Costco and WM returns but rather than do those where I planned (close to me), I'll do those out in the suburbs so I can get out of the city before rush hour traffic sets in. I'm having supper in the suburbs too, then the, normally, 20 minute drive to the village for my 7 p.m. audit meeting.

I'll take my computer and work on my sermon if I have extra time between errands and auditing.

It is also hair wash day (I'm not yet s2s) and I had meant to have my hair henna'd by this date but that's not happening. Maybe Friday.

I have to visit the office to negotiate signing out a key for the apartment where the furniture is.

I have to finish my refugee accounting and print that off.

I have to do some housework so I can rearrange my own furniture to fit in the refugee stuff.

And I want to get on the treadmill so I made my 10K steps today. That will have to happen in the early afternoon before I go out but after dh's conference calls. Dh's dinner is planned as well so I'm good there. Lunch for me will likely be eggs again. Maybe scrambled today.

Laundry is caught up. Paperwork is a mess (and needs to not be a mess before I can rearrange furniture.)

So, a busy day.

On the bright side: I'm not sick. I have a car that works (((Booksaver and Harmony))) and when the day is done, I'll be able to cross off Audit Church Books and Empty Car from my to-do list. Already, the apartment is looking cleaner because I've moved the items to be returned from the front hall to the car.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby BookSaver » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:43 am

I totally agree with Kathryn about paperwork!

Must run errands today. Before I go to buy groceries, I need to plan menus.
I should do errands this morning rather than my normal pattern of waiting until afternoon.
I'll be on stand-by today in case the car dealership gets DH's new car in and ready for pick-up.

I want to get back to my project of cleaning out the sewing group files. Regular monthly meeting will be this Saturday (weather permitting), and it would be nice if I could finish the project and get those files out of my house then.

I've been up and working over an hour but haven't had my first cup of coffee yet. At least that's an easy problem to fix. :)

Harmony ~ (from Monday) I'm not sure why creating a PDF would change your original doc, but one way to get around that would be to name your original as Master and then do a "save as" draft 01, ver.01, or whatever term works for your business. Convert the copy to pdf. That would preserve your Master for you to make changes, as long as you do the "save as" every time, and would also preserve the progression of changes if you ever need to have proof of how many and what kind of changes they requested.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:14 am

My A-River items, ordered 7 days ago, will arrive on the 8th day. They were shipped today. So much for being fast. They can get things here in 2 days, just like before, but they are not bothering to ship until day 7 when they promise 8 day delivery. They sound like me, putting things off until the last minute to meet a deadline. I don't like that behaviour in myself, nor do I like it with them, especially since this is new, terrible, behaviour.

All items were in stock when I placed the order.

That reinforces my decision to stop using them whenever I can.

If I had ordered the toner from my usual supplier it would have been here in 3 days. I didn't pay less (in fact, might have paid more) but added to the Amazon order to get free shipping on the other things.

The batteries easily would have been found in 8 days of regular shopping (for instance, I could get them today while at WM and have them faster than ordering them a week sooner on A-river.

The fancy electrical thing is trickier but most hardware stores have online stuff so I could have search online and then, either ordered from them or bought locally.

My face cream was only available through Amazon but then again, it wasn't part of the order I'm complaining about. It was shipped Feb 1 and is currently in customs. That might take a week to clear, but Feb 15th is the earliest I'm to expect that parcel and they have until the 28th before it will be considered late. I understand shipping cross-border is dodgy at best but they shipped right away and that's all that matters to me.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 07, 2018 10:53 am

Yesterday I had to walk to work in the middle of a snowstorm with the wind blowing directly into my face.


So, was the decision to buy "your" car while dh waits, or is he buying one similar to what he researched (hatchback, though) and you will take his? I hate the decision to spend money. Sometimes it is easier when your hand is forced. Fewer regrets, if it was the circumstance's "decision" rather than your own.

Kathryn, be careful in the snow.

LadyM, that's really a good question. One thing gardeners know is that sometimes it's not the weeds, it's whether you waved the hoe. Vigilance. I remember being so careful to say "no" more in charitable or volunteer work - that was after I'd gone way overboard in my late 20s, 30s. Then I let my guard down more recently as I approached and crossed the 60 mark. Sigh. So without as much vigilance, lots of time must be spent on too many things to which I could have said, "no". Paperwork - quite right about that - it increases exponentially with each of these. Also worries. Also deadline angst.

weeding in my house:
1) Having completely organized 5 years of our church's Angel Tree participation into one portable plastic file, I will hand that over to another person this year if I possibly can, and let someone else have a chance at a rewarding volunteer position.
2) I can't get out of the agreement with extended family to do the financial work of a deceased relative's bequests, but what I will do is calendar it better, lean on some financial help, get things done faster rather than procrastinate.

About Kathryn's take on "what is a weed" : purslane ("red root" or "little hogweed") is such an invasive weed that it has made its way all around the world. (Sandra Mason says, "Running a tiller through purslane is called purslane multiplication.") But it turns out it's healthy to eat. It has a huge nutrition profile, especially the highest amount of omega-3s of any edible plant, and in theory may have saved the lives of untold numbers of people worldwide at times there was little to eat except weeds. I have considered growing this weed on purpose as many people have started doing lately. :| Now, I'm not sure I'm ready for the responsibility of cultivating something that is said to come up behind you in your driveway if you're not careful, but you do have to appreciate the irony.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:42 am


My weed is certainly my migraines. Can’t complain about anything else cause if I am doing them it means I don’t have a migraine.

I have several errands I must run now that I feel comfortable leaving Sweetie by himself. Many footprints to to handle now that I can move freely around my home without the fear of disturbing Sseetie.

Yesterday as I sat on my couch with folded laundry all about, in very organized chaos I had to laugh. Reminded my of days of old before I found my box system. Many things were out of place like dirty dishes and such and I am so glad I normally don’t live this way anymore.

Perry is on and I need my second cup of coffee. Even my morning routines are off... however Sweetie just got up so I’m off to start my day. Willis did get fed his delicious morning breakfast ontime so he is happy. Sheets are next since our bed is empty at the moment ...

Waving to y’all....
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby BookSaver » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:53 am

Harriet, we were ready to pay for and pick up both new cars yesterday if they had both been available. We've been saving up for a long time, so we were able to avoid taking out a loan. I've been giving myself pep talks to get over the anxiety of spending in such a big lump sum. For one thing, it is a comfort to know that if DMom calls, I can just jump in the car and run.

The delay for DH's new car is because he had a longer list of requirements than I had. The deal breaker for him was that he really wants a sun roof. He says that with any luck, this will be the last car he'll ever have to buy, so he wants to splurge a little, and a sun roof will give him a nicer commute in warm weather. We have always bought compact, bare bones cars with the priorities being good gas mileage, reliability, and inexpensive as possible. Those are still priorities for both of us, but DH added the remote start, which was easy to find in every vehicle, and the sun roof, which is taking longer to locate. Apparently the dealership has to work a deal with another location, and the snowstorm Monday caused another delay.

DH's old car looks and sounds horrible but, as far as we know, it is still safe to drive. However, it hasn't been very reliable for a few years. I also want him to have a more comfortable drive since he has a rather long commute every day. I've been pushing him for over a year to replace his old beater.

As I said, I would have rather waited to trade in my car, and my only requirements were good gas mileage and reliability. I didn't want the extra features because I didn't think they were worth the extra money. I ended up paying for the extras because my old car was no longer safe to drive, and I don't trust DH's old car to get me up to DMom's. I felt like I had to take what was available on the dealer's lot.

I originally thought we would both be getting the Chevy Cruze sedan that DH chose. He suggested the hatchback for me since I'm the one that does the household shopping. We compared both side by side. The trunk space in his sedan will be good size, but the hatchback will be easier for me to load heavy bags and boxes in and out. Remember I've also been hauling a sewing machine and supplies fairly frequently.

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