Wednesday Weeds

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:01 pm

Good morning! Yesterday's doctor appointment certainly didn't go as I expected. I thought I would be handed pills and sent back to work. Instead I was handed pills and a referral for cyst/possible abscess drainage in Home City. Which went ok, but certainly not fun. I ended up home early and did the animal org minutes and notes. Then, I noticed the red skin all over me. Now I have a call in to the doctor about possible antibiotic allergy (has happened before). I am due to take another pill, but am afraid to. Both doctors concur that some antibiotic is needed, the second said he usually starts them a few days before the procedure. But since the next available appointment is 2/22, he went ahead with it.

This has been the most useless month for me, with the illness followed by this cyst. I would rather be getting useful work done! I still have 40 work emails and 126 home emails to contend with. I need to collect my tax documents and get an appointment, make a DPC tonight, and figure out what travel crochet project I will take to Mobile.

I am with LadyMaverick on my feline weeds.
They shed their furry hair all over my home. They create all kinds of extra tasks that I wouldn't have to do if I gave them up. But that would be like cutting out a chunk of my heart. Nope. I'm keeping these weeds.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:15 pm

My weeds are herbs that went to seed. I cut back the lemon verbenia dead growth from last year and put it in the back yards for birds and hens. I am sure the neighbor considers this a weed. I have some horehound plants to dug up that could be transplanted.

I have been listening to a 4 min. Decluttering home org. Vid in the morning and clearing the living room first thing this is great progress and helps me to stay on top of it. My anti procrastination task today will be some desk duty as I deal wirh a few of these items that are now on my desk.

I need to check laundry and make a list of home goods to get like top sheet towels to replace the others that are tattered here.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:28 pm

Yikes ... Sweetie just told me his friend is stopping over in a little while. Good thing I am dressed and my footprints are picked up. Home is back in order and ready to receive guests... phew!!! Love it :D
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Harmony » Wed Feb 07, 2018 12:31 pm

Hi! I actually walked around inside the house looking for weeds. It's only the out-of-place papers that are weeds around here. DH's fault. It is the way he thinks that is the problem. When he needs something he wants it at his fingertips, not in files or boxes or drawers somewhere. He can remember that he put such-and-such a paper in this or that pile and find it quickly. But if I organize and file, even though I tell him where to find stuff, he's just lost. It looks better around here, but actually makes more work for me fetching things he has no clue where to find. This problem will never go away until he retires, and now I'm not saying when but if.

Ha! Purslane! At old house when we moved in we made a nice wood-framed flower garden right in the front and at HD they had trays of this stuff and I planted it. It was beautiful, flowering all the time... but I realized it could take over and removed it all. The creeping charlie weed vine in the grass was a real weed. //shudder/// I worked many many hours pulling that stuff out, tap root and all but it always came back and choked out the grass.

Booksaver, thanks for the computer tip. Here's what I do: I have a word template that I use and I save as with person's name and proposal in the title. That save as is the whole template and I can go back in and edit things and change. That way my template is free and clear to work on another proposal. I sometimes have several going at the same time. But if I take the save as and make a pdf, then for some reason I'm unable to go back in to the save as and change things. I wonder if it has something to do with keeping the same file name for both? When I do the pdf, I'm able to tell it where to save, but I have not seen a place to rename it.

See, I used to just print out the save as and scan it back in and save it with a different name and email that but I can no longer do that with old printer and new computer. Which is why I'm trying to do the pdf. I don't dare email the save as because anyone could change anything on it as it's the whole template.

Ok, I appreciate your help. And I appologize for hijacking the thread here.

I guess I should get back to work around here. I've done my desk chores for the day and dailies. I cleaned out another desk drawer. One place at a time, things are looking better.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:01 pm

I need to unstick my bottom. I did spend about an hour writing an email to a DNA match explaining why they should upload their info to Gedmatch. I'm uploading another FTDNA file to GMP. only about 23 to go. :shock: I've done a load of delicates that are hanging to dry and I have another load to move to dryer. I got the recyclables out to the street too.

I woke up with a "grinding the teeth" headache this a.m.

-load up corrugated cardboard in my car to recycle
-clean up my office room upstairs - there's trash and corrugated up there from the desk and chair set up
-call dbro and set up day to take him to see dmom before I go away again next week
-meet woman at 6 p.m. to get organic elderberry syrup for immunity (don't ask, I looked for it last week when I had the flu)
-tai chi at 7 p.m.
-get ancestry dna kits into the mail to paternal first cousin and to dh's first cousin once removed
-lots else, but those are the biggies? My mind is exploding.

Right now:
-finish emptying dishwasher, do kitchen clean up
-make the bed
-walk the ddog (rain is over)
-kitchen floor sweep

I don't know if I'll get the DNA into the mail today. I need to include instructions on activating if they want me to manage the account. I want to be able to download these tests and upload to Gedmatch. And reassure cousin on dh's side that she can be anonymous.

My laptop is probably my primary tool - and a waste as well. Right now I can't keep it from going to sleep when I step away from it for a minute or two. Sometimes it goes to sleep so fast. I'm uploading the files to GMP constantly so I need it to keep going. I've changed out windows settings so it shouldn't ever sleep.
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Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Wed Feb 07, 2018 1:25 pm

Hello Ladies:)
My weeds?? Well I will be a hysterical mess when he passes, but my "cranky" old dog is at the top of the list as he ages he becomes more work.
D Lady would love to know more about how you went about eliminating sugar/flour etc, sugar I could probably handle, but with baking, etc I don't know about flour, is it all flour, or just white flour?
Was up early this morning, got the morning stuff done, made up a shopping list for what I will need for Ddad's 90th Birthday celebration this weekend, and headed out,next need to call Dmom on what else she wants/needs. and see how Ddad is doing, he gets very depressed around special occasions, three years ago this past January we lost a loved one his second oldest daughter/my sister she died in her sleep it has been very hard for all of us but especially for him, he still says it should of been him :(
Didn't work long on the 2 projects yesterday so will hopefully get to that before having to leave to pickup Dgrk.
Best get moving, finish up a few tidies.
Have a great day if I don't get back:)

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:11 pm

I finished the refugee financial statement and had my lunch. I've loaded my backpack with everything but the computer. My delivery from A-River arrived.

The snowstorm has arrived in full fury. The delivery guy said it was terrible driving out and that he was being careful and using chocolate and coffee to keep alert. I offered him use of my washroom which he gratefully accepted.

I'll try and do the treadmill now. I really just want to leave but it is way too early.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:24 pm

breaking for lunch.

Between homeschool lessons, I made some brown rice in IP and chickpeas in IP. (not together). This was my first time cooking Chickpeas so I checked the instructions several times. I soaked them overnight but they didn't swell up like I expected. I am familiar with how Pinto Beans swell 2-3 times their size. The Chickpeas were soft so I assumed they were done. I then used them to make a Chickpea Loaf. The idea is to get a dish that is similar to a meatloaf but without the meat or crackers I am in an unknown territory with cooking things that are off my normal. If it is a total failure I guess the dogs will be happy to eat it. :)

Lunch is Pinto Beans, brown rice, homemade salsa, raw salad (with 4 kinds of vegetables).

RR - I am so glad to hear Sweetie came through such a scary time without any problems. WOW! I'm glad his GB didn't rupture. It sounds like he has a high pain threshold. ((((Hugs))) and wishing those horrible migraines could join Sweeties GB and be gone.
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:39 pm

Just finished and uploaded a report on a non-FoodBank project. I guess my anti-procrastination and WTF is the DPC tonight. I had to think twice on IP. Around here, it means internet protocol, not cookware! Back to the FoodBank reports and the associated Never Ending Changelist. The doctor still has not called back. The nurse told me to take Benadryl, which I have done. My skin is still red, I don't know whether I should take any more of these anti-biotic, AND Benadryl turns me into a zombie. I had to tell the person taking that calls at the doctor's office that I could end up at the ER before I talke to the doctor. Only then, did they consult with the nurse. Much better to feel among the living dead than to actually join the really dead.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 07, 2018 2:52 pm

I have laundry in the dryer. Got to the desk duty. Got the top sheet from the ones in the house glad I got it on the bed. Yea for progress.

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