Wednesday Weeds

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:14 pm

I like that... what are the weeds in my garden - a nice metaphor
I loved yesterday and today's topic - I never thought of things this way.. as tools and weeds

My weeds: (not working for me things) (what's that dr. phil thingy: how's that working for you?)

big big one: my lack of fitness and not going to the gym because I don't put it first and foremost

tv (if I had my way I would not have tv's in the house)
clutter - dh's and dd youngers
in the old days.. fear of going out of my comfort zone - fear of being successful bc I thought i would have to keep it up continually and fear of failure.
games that family will play - learning not to be pulled in is important

biggest: lack of focus and spinning wheels in my brain of too many things I could do.

Old days: believing that everyone wanted to be fair and fighting when people were mean or over bearing. I used to believe that people would listen to each other and everyone wanted the same thing. This was a great thing to learn not to deal with. I let others bother me and believed you could talk anything out but learned fast that not everyone wanted that. Boundaries became my tool.

A tool I forgot about: having the ability of saying no without feeling guilty especially if someone else wasn't happy or angry because I said no. I now love to say exactly what we can or can not do (kindly but firmly).
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:21 pm

we are supposed to have 9" of snow coming our way but we shall see - it never happens - usually more south or east of us because of lake effect snow.

I have a sinus headache thing - probably the weather.
I slept until 11:30 as oldest dog had to go outside multiple times last night due to d*rhea again. I also had really nice dreams - I was outdoors in snow the entire time but I really thought I was awake but my eyes were so tired in this dream and I kept trying to open them up the entire dream. ;) 8-)

today: daily cards
hoping for a house blessing and do the bathrooms I missed yesterday
dd helping my with my project.

I am so so tired again. I feel like taking a nap again :shock: ;)
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:30 pm

hi d nancy yea for progress!

d rose - I never thought of migraines as a weed but you are so right! it takes so much out of oneself! (((praying that those migraines disappear)))

hi d elizabeth continued health d elizabeth! healing!!!

waving at d cathy ~~~

D book always a pleasure seeing you - waving at you too ~

hi d lady I use organic chickpeas canned and they are good!
your lunch sounds lovely

hi d kathryn great on finishing the statement. Stay safe with this weather!

hi d donna I totally understand the work with really old dogs! Our old dogs are making housework continual and interesting 8-)
(((for your d dad and your d family))) I am so sorry you lost your dear sister three years ago!
Have a great day yourself.

Hi d twins I love hearing about your genealogy work!
hope your headache goes away. dd younger got a mouth guard and she said that helped her when grinding teeth.
I wish I had your energy today :D

hi d harmony you never hijack the thread - it's so wonderful to hear what you are doing!

yay that your house can have company d rose!!! have a wonderful time with visitor.

1) Having completely organized 5 years of our church's Angel Tree participation into one portable plastic file, I will hand that over to another person this year if I possibly can, and let someone else have a chance at a rewarding volunteer position.
so happy for you d harriet... that was a lot of work.

Hello to all that can't be here today... I am thinking of you and cheering you on as you work as well as all the dear ones here today.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:09 pm

WTG on the organization of the Angel Tree stuff Harriet. And don't waver if no one steps forward to do it. Here in our neighborhood, the lady who was chair of the social committee finished her year and was done, and no one has stepped forward to chair it, so nothing is planned until someone comes forward. I admire her for taking a stand.

I need to regroup. Dfriend M checked in with me about going for a long walk this afternoon and we were off to the Nature park with her R uby. Great walk, great to catch up with her.

-make the bed
-reboot laundry
-call my brother
-do some clean up in my office upstairs

I need to leave here around 5:30 to pick up my Elderberry syrup. Since I won't make it to the grocery today, I'll pick up some milk while I'm out there. If needed, it can stay in my car until after Tai chi.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:42 pm

hi d twins so happy you had a lovely walk! enjoy tai chi today! Good luck with the regrouping chores.

my d mom did the same thing as the woman in your area d twins. My d mom did the yearly St. Patricks day party for both buildings - she did it almost ten years cooked and everything (lol she's french not a drop of Irish) (irish dancers and all) and finally said she ready to give it up. One year one person did it but after that it fell away even though people wanted it they didn't want to work as a team to get it done. I gave her a lot of credit to step back.
I have a very d sil who is a remarkable person but she got talked into chairing the bridge card group = she doesn't play bridge).
Feeling a little better after cleaning myself up - s2s and hair ponytailed. I am even wearing a thin sweater: I never dress warm but I am chilly today - boy I feel comfy.
I think I will put a pot of hot water in the kitchen to get a little humidity in the house.

I asked dh if he would help me with the first floor - vacuuming and a quick swiffer rinse - I asked him and he looked at me and gave a little smile and I said you really don't want to do that - He continued to smile and say not at all. I really would love the help but you could see it wasn't his thing today. ;)
dd younger is walking the dog - she wasn't feeling well yesterday and slept for a couple hours so it is good that she is out walking.

What is the next right thing.
I know that if I make dinner now then I won't have to worry about it later when I am tired and feeling yucky. i don't want to but I know it is the right thing.

I know I should pull the dry laundry out and bring it upstairs but I don't feel like it right now.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:50 pm

Moroccan vegetable soup cooking with a variation. now for clean up and turn on the stove for the french bread toast.
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 07, 2018 6:58 pm

I transplanted some horehound plants that were in the middle of the yard and the path and two close to the back gate. One plant the hens do not eat! Yea for other progress also I finished the section in the chicken run I was cleaning a center strip then put in more leaves the hens loved it! While doing that thinking how to update the wood on the coop.

This helped me to feel better afterwards because of the exercise involved glad for that. I got the trash cans out of the carport and out into the back yard where I will actally use them. The carport looks better too. I have a 3 mo. Goal to get the yard back into shape that should be do-able.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:02 pm

At dinner now. I left at 2:45 and have run 7 errands. Driving is very slow and steady. Not true in the city. People are reporting taking 20 minutes to drive a few blocks. I'm glad I got out of the city earlier than rush hour.

I am at 9200 steps so may make 10k today. I did a few laps of WM to run up my number! Normally I would have picked up parking lot steps but no one is out in this so I have had great parking spots!

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:49 pm

Offering delivery person the use of the facilities while it's storming is very kind.

Love the stories of agreeing to run St. Pat's festivities when not Irish at all; agreeing to bridge work without being a player.

Boundaries - yes, another good tool against weeds of many descriptions.

After discussion here, I made a phone call for appt for the help on extended-family paperwork. It will mean a lot to me to have some things off my mind.

Hard rain here and cold all day. HRH driving truck hydroplaned on a curve not far from here, but no real trouble, just surprise.

He took me out to WM as well, later. We just decided we wouldn't melt in the rain and put up with it. Looked for clothes he remembered buying there and couldn't find, some things for sprouts and couldn't find, did find comfortable socks, although only the beige, not any darks, sigh - I suppose they are the last, picked-over remains. Does no one wear cuffed socks any more? Lots of ordinary groceries. A healthy-foods store trip is in my future - possibly during my own errands tomorrow afternoon, which include bank and appt.

Big handful of bean sprouts with supper. Very crisp. So far so good.

Ds brings Toddler C to me in the very early a.m. tomorrow. They usually send some food suggestions with her. Hope so. But also have some ideas here. If all else fails, I have bananas. She is less picky than her big brother.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 07, 2018 7:57 pm

Did anorher two rounds moving what I clean out of the hens run filling in low spots in the back yard so glad to have that finished with for now untill I do the next section only one fourth or one third of that chore is complete. It is not a one day task. Hens are back in their run now and happily going after their feed in the leaves.

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