Wednesday Weeds

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby CathyS » Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:03 pm

I was out earlier to do some errands. Empty streets. Empty parking lots. Empty drug stores. Even the bank was empty. It was great. Took my clean car out of the garage and put it right back in as soon as I got home.

Then the trouble started. I needed to find 2 very important pieces of paperwork ASAP! I went through the 2017 box. I went through the 2016 box. I touched every piece of paper in both boxes. I absolutely cleared off the horrid mess of a desk. I got to the point where I just gave up and decided to call our accountant to ask his advice. He asked if he could call me back in 5 minutes. I said sure. Hung up and decided to look through the very few pieces of paper in the desk drawer which is less than 1 inch high. Took out the entire tiny pile of paper that was in there and GUESS what I found. Both pieces. Then my accountant called back and I told him what had happened. Then the bank called and I was able to tell the person that I found the paperwork and I was told I could bring it in before noon tomorrow.

Because I worked on that for most of the afternoon, now I have piles of paper all over the ironing board right behind me. I have 3 boxes on the floor and a lot of stuff on the board. I also have a very messy kitchen because dh wanted me to make a pork chop recipe that came up on his FB page yesterday. I didn't have any chops, so I made the recipe using chicken legs. OH my goodness!! It was so good!! BUT the mess in my kitchen is just horrid. Lots of flour that got on to the counter and the stove and dishes everywhere.

I am going to load the dishwasher and the sink.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:11 pm

hello - dishes first part washing themselves
i do have pots to wash, counters to clean, stove to clean, foods put away and soup frozen,
the floor Eeek!
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:19 pm

good evening - glad you had a nice time doing errands . I am thrilled you found that paper - I dislike that feeling! phew glad you found it .

good evening d nancy wonderful on getting 1/4 or 1/3 of the chore done!

good evening d harriet wishing you the ability to get things/responsibilities off your mind! so happy your dh is fine! scary
MMMM Mmm good on bean sprouts - have fun with toddler tomorrow

hi d kathryn wow lots of errands - yay on 9200 steps

wishing you all a good evening. Watching the end of the Librarians.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Sunny » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:46 pm

Hi everyone. Supper is over and I've just finished cleaning up the kitchen. Dishes are drying themselves in the drainer. I've never had a dishwasher; only used one when we visited with dfam#3. I've enjoyed reading back on yesterday's and today's posts.

Yesterday and today we have finally taken down holiday decorations. The bins were all emptied, sorted through all the decorations and repacked neatly for next year. There was a lot of ornaments we discarded; I didn't think they were in nice enough shape to donate. This afternoon dh went through the three totes that had strings of lights for both outside and indoors/outdoors. Most of them we are passing along to ds#1 along with our 7 ft. tree. I don't think we will ever be decorating a tree that large again. (It's a lot more fun putting the decorations up than it is taking them down and putting away).

Donna, I'm glad you are feeling better and back to visit here in our Village.

Lucy, my suggestion...if you do write a letter to the editor, could you get a p.o. box # to use as a way for those who have information to contact you? And why not use the last name of your grandfather in a title such as "so & so's Family...? for the address at the That way you don't have to put your personal information out for those readers that are not you own family. Small town or not there may be some people you will not know and don't want to give out your personal information to.

I would be hard pressed to pick a favorite "tool". However, my phone is most important, computer also, for keeping in touch with my family and contact with our website here. Lately the most used homemaking tool seems to be the broom and mop for sweeping up the fur from our favorite furbaby, DMinnie. I often wonder why she is not bald since she sheds so much hair! The weeds in my life is the clutter that is out of place, mostly paperwork here also.

Lady M, from a few days ago...I had to laugh out loud at your Ds9's prank. It seems that boys that age are concerned with all kinds of bodily functions. I remember that well ---- times three!

Oh, I think I mentioned having to use duck tape on the seal of the washer. I did that on Saturday and let it set overnight. Sunday I did two loads of laundry and only had a little bit of leaking on the floor, not the whole laundry room flooding. So I think it will hold for a while, even if I have to redo the tape, before we can get the seal replaced.

Well, I'm thinking of everyone here, hoping that those who are ill are starting to feel better. Also thinking of those with family members with medical issues and wishing the best for them.
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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Harmony » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:12 pm

I'm hoping RRose's DH is feeling better.

Got some stuff done today. Things on my mind.

First I got a LOL washed and hung up. Then I tackled my MBR master closet. I usually have to do that after I put away everything from Christmas (it all goes up on the high top shelf). This year I thought I might not have to do it, but as usual it was very messy. I consolidated all the stuff in there and cleaned it out and reorganized. All the overflow from the house is in this closet. My gift wrapping stuff, boxes, papers, shipping boxes, ribbons, etc. The bins of fabric are here, my one stack of scrapbook stuff, my extension pieces for my quilt rack, my vacuum, my air mattresses, my rug scrubber. It's all organized as good as I could get it and the only messy things are the pile of 2 sewing projects started last year and a pile of mending to do.

In the middle of all that the CPA called and we took off to get our tax work. It turned out pretty good. DH went in with me this time (he never does this) and asked him about working while he's on full Social Security. CPA told him exactly what I told him, but this time he listened and even wrote stuff down. He was looking for an excuse to keep on working. :roll: CPA was professional, all about the figures and didn't get into the emotional part of working so hard and our health, etc. Not his problem. It's ours.

I didn't have to pay any more so that's good, and I have some to put towards next year. No estimated payments to make in 2018 so that's good too. Dealt with the sale of older house, so now that's done too. Whew!

I swept the floor and mopped kitchen and hallways.

So I'm pretty tired. Glad it's almost bedtime.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 07, 2018 11:51 pm

So glad I was so productive in the back yard today bc it is supposed to be windy tomorrow so I may just do inside stuff. I have folded the laundry I started this morning. We had dinner.

I got the floors swept and mopped tonight yea for progress.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Feb 08, 2018 12:34 am

My goodness, I just saw the time!

Off to bed.

Audit is done except for sending out the auditor's statement and the refugee financial statement.

Drive home was a breeze. The snow had stopped the plows caught up enough. Plus the roads are still empty.

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Feb 08, 2018 1:12 am

I put the dishes on from dinner (washing nicely)
I still have 1 sheet pan and a few recycling in the sink that need washing but I am not doing those tonight
I did not clean the sink - I swiped it only.
I cleaned the counters, cleaned the stove and my rolling cart.
I also had to rewash a load of laundry as it sat for 2 days.

I am happy I din't fall back to sleep earlier in the day. being in s2s helped.

Sweet dreams d kathryn yay on your adit being done. glad the ride home was good!

so happy you were productive in the yard today d nancy = good for you!

d harmony yay on getting things done that were on your mind! Look at you and your work!

Hi d sunny. yay on leaning up your dishes after dinner and most of all getting all that holiday work cleaned away.

hi d lynn. I can't thank you enough for being you!

sweet dreams and good night or
Good morning and have a great day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby Lilac » Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:32 am

I am up late, as usual. I started balancing the checkbook and the budget, about 8 pm and finished a little while ago. I hadn't done anything since right after Christmas. The checkbook balanced which is the main thing and the budget keeps showing that I am long $58 plus some odd cents for about 6 months. Obviously I deducted something twice but I don't know where. I guess I will just add it to my clothing budget.

Dgd21 and babyK came over this afternoon. He has the sweetest smiles. We had not seen him since New Year's Eve. I have been wanting to see him but you never know if you are going to be sick tomorrow and contagious today. I just don't want to be responsible for him getting sick. They say the first 2 years, a premie's immune system is compromised and to be careful. He sure is a little guy. She is hoping when they go soon for his 6 month check up that they dr. will let her start him on vegetables and fruits. She recently started him on cereal, which he loves.

Well I better drag myself to bed...........

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Re: Wednesday Weeds

Postby lucylee » Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:08 am

MY GOODNESS -- while I've been chasing dgrands, y'all have filled up four pages! And I know it is already Thursday for some of you -- but I must post --
I have to add two more FAVORITE tools before I get into weeds.

#1 -- a super-long heavy-duty extension cord. I found out tonight that if I plug in the vacuum cleaner in the den, I can hit the high spots all the way into the "baby" room AND the master bedroom, without unplugging. It's AMAZING how much less bothersome vacuuming is when one isn't constantly unplugging and plugging in.

# 2 -- a new-found philosophy for me: THE MINUTE YOU START TO DREAD THE TASK, DO THE TASK IMMEDIATELY.
This new mantra has gotten my floors vacuumed and dishes washed tonight, AFTER dgrands left at 9:30 pm, plus two loads of laundry. But I did one before the left.

Dishes weren't much, but I did have FIVE spoons, b/c dgs decided he wanted FIVE individual serving size Jellos, and he wanted separate spoons for each one. :roll: I put a stop to that, but then I couldn't tell which ones were clean and which were dirty.

We've had a very good day...
Played Where in the USA is Carmen San Diego for a while...
Watched the Wizard of Oz...
Ate pizza...
DGD took a long nap...
Played with Legos & balls...
Watched college basketball... the low-point of the day. Our team lost by 1 point in the last 2 seconds. :cry:

The Wizard of Oz. Y'all, It took me more than one viewing, I believe, and I was probably around 10 years old or more, when I realized that the scarecrow, tin man, and lion were the men who worked on Dorothy's aunt and uncle's farm, and that the witch was Mrs. Gulch.
DGS, age 5, commented as the house began to spin, "This is a dream; the house isn't really spinning," and before the lion made his appearance, he announced, "These are the same people who were in Kansas."
Maybe I was just slow as a child ;) ... but I was impressed.
He liked the movie, and he and dgd2 both paid really close attention till it was almost over. When the witch had Toto, dgs said this was getting too sad, and I had to convince him to stick with it, that it was about to get a lot better, but he still got pretty distracted by the last 30 minutes or so.

DH still isn't home, so I'm going to try to cuop now.

Weeds... well, first, the DANDELIONS and other wild stuff that grows in our yard. We can't get our yard man more than every 2 weeks, and sometimes rain/etc causes him to take longer than that, so our yard is embarrassing for a good part of the summer season. No weeds = the very best part of cold weather for me.
Household weeds --
-- dust
-- ironing
-- clutter in the baby room, including stuff that SHOULD BE at ds's house now (but has too many "weeds" there, too) plus all the baby stuff/toys that has found its way back in there over the last five years
-- crumbs under the table every time dgrands are here
-- loud tv & radio noise when dh is listening to something
-- flour, sugar, all that stuff LadyM mentioned. Yes. HUGE OVERPOWERING weeds here. I'd be embarrassed to tell y'all all I ate for supper. Took advantage of dh being gone and dgrands and I got carry-out from P izza H ut. At least it was thin crust. Cinnamon breadsticks weren't thin, though.

Oh -- BTW -- I don't want to make y'all think our little Tiny Town is a real hotbed of dissension and corruption (re: letters to the editor). It's just a hotbed of opinionated people, LOL. Actually, there are very seldom ANY letters to the editor. There is one man who can be counted on to write, every year at the start of school, about what he perceives as racial inequalities in the hiring of school staff. Another lady writes every November to ask for support for church organization aid for needy children at Christmas. Then she writes again in January to say thank you to everyone. There are a few misc letters scattered throughout the year, but I just feel self-conscious writing to the paper. I don't want to get a second PO box -- we already get our mail at the post office -- and I just feel funny about it, knowing how dh feels about it. I think dh thinks it would be more practical to just take out an ad (and probably pay for it with dmom's debit card! ;) And she probably wouldn't be opposed to that; she said one time you might have to take out an ad in the paper to reach people. But I'm just wondering how many people I'd reach even then. I think I have 27 photos at this point. At least 20 of them are no longer owned by the original owners. So, at this rate, I don't know what sort of success rate I'd have anyway.
Tomorrow is another day.

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