Be prepared Sunday

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:07 pm

My afternoon service is done. The retirement home put up a sign saying do not move the furniture in the Chapleau. And put furniture in the way of opening the cupboard with the hymn books. Sigh....

I moved the chair to get in but insisted on leaving the books out at the end of the service. I will write a note to Activities explaining the issue and asking them to consult with the attendees on how to arrange the furniture so it works.

It is freezing rain here but not bad so we are stopping for froyo on the way home. It has been a challenging day.

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:30 pm

finished all the valentines day cards for d sis in laws and d nieces but forgot entirely cards for dd's - I thought I had bought them????
also send out all the february birthday cards.
It longer than I thought.

dd younger is not well today - feet and hands are swollen and she is dizzy
she is though going to help me scan
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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:49 pm

(((((CathryS))))) Glad to see your DH is stepping up to take on additional duties while you are sick. Hope you feel better soon.

Home from church and lunch with DFamily & friends. DH and I teamed taught 15 children (3-5 year olds) this morning. It was a busy time. They are well-mannered children all-in-all. Most of the time it feels like organized chaos. :)

While DH was counting the money after church, I organized the curriculum in this classroom. This resulted in 4 HUGE stacks of papers to get rid of. Each time a stack of paper would start to fall over, I would start another paper stack. There were old lesson plans from 2015!!! I couldn't carry the stacks to the dumpster so I left them to deal with on Wednesday night. I'll check into using the gator to load/haul these stacks because the dumpster is on the other side of parking lot.

After lunch at our favorite place, DGS21 "kidnapped" (his words) me to go look at a dog with him. He is such an animal lover that he would easily own a dozen pets if he could afford them and have a place for them to live. His apartment limits him to two pets. He has a dog and a cat so each time he wants to get another animal it forces him into a decision to give one up.

Be prepared. I am learning this big time with my OA group. This week I was given 3 new daily requirements to do and post about them. This in addition to posting my meal & snack food plan each day. I have to stay focused and organized to pull this off without a blunder. Today is Day #25.
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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:43 pm

scanning worked on a bit- i took a video so I can "remember" how to do it ;) I am a bit lazy on this.
card file set for week
dh is a b & N (his daily trek)
he bought basil and chicken for me

I haven't s2s :shock:
I folded laundry, matched socks too, that still needs putting away

Next: s2s so I can cook in clean cloths. I am making this into a bigger job than it should - bring timer upstairs
after this start dinner fixings as I need to marinade the chicken

I have to believe I can today - because I still feel overwhelmed as time is going by so incredibly fast today.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:49 pm

wow 15 kids = well done mr. and mrs. Lady - hi d lady!
what is OA? and what is day 25 - I am sorry I missed what you were doing!

hi d kathryn! sending you a more relaxing day!I like how you plan your goals (with chocolate and tea) - I hope the meetings in the future go without a hitch. Well done on planning benchmarks!

Wishing you all a good day/evening!
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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby BookSaver » Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:20 pm

"Be Prepared" with well-stocked cupboards and meat in the freezer helped me for the time I was without a car. At least I didn't have to be anxious about needing to go buy food.

Long check in, feel free to skip:

Picked up my new car Tuesday after Dh got off work. Took forever and a day.

Wednesday ran errands and bought groceries. New car notes: Disappointed that the hatch space in my new car is much smaller than the back of my old car. Happy that when I have my hands full carrying a bunch of tote bags, the locked doors will unlock by just touching a button on the handle, as long as I have the key fob in my purse or pocket. The key fob is twice as large as my old one and that is annoying. The good thing about the fob is that the car starts by pushing a button, which lets the heavy fob stay in my purse rather than dangling from a key in the ignition.

Thursday was a library work day, and the beginning of a bad weather system that started that afternoon while I was at work. We were extremely busy with people coming in to stock up for a snowy weekend. Thankfully we didn't get as much snow as originally predicted, and what did come was the light and fluffy kind easy to shovel, but it kept coming in batches over a 3 day period and snowplows could not keep up with it.
Thursday afternoon DH received a message from the car dealership that his new car was ready for pickup, but we decided it would be foolish to go get it in such bad weather.

Friday DH decided to take a day off and avoid the bad road conditions. He says he has 20 personal days built up that are in addition to all of the vacation days he hasn't been able to take either, so it wasn't worth fighting slick roads. He called in to work and went back to bed. I sort of took a snow day, too, but of course there are always chores to do around the house.

Yesterday (Saturday) my sewing group meeting was cancelled due to bad weather because the group meets early in the morning and the roads were still awful with snow continuing.
By mid-afternoon the snow had stopped and the roads were better. DH and I went to pick up his new car. It took hours again even though they said they had it ready for us on Thursday. So frustrating!

DH likes having a car that is quiet, has good tires, doesn't have a bunch of rust holes, all the doors and windows work, and he doesn't have to worry about it stalling at red lights. Plus, he has a sun roof. He won't be able to enjoy opening the sun roof for several months, but it's there waiting for him. :)

This morning I woke up early. I washed a bunch of dishes, cleaned the counter and stove top, did a few loads of laundry, and deep cleaned the coffee pot. That should be enough to have me prepared for Monday.

I'm not feeling that great, though, even after taking a nap. I'm hoping it's just accumulated stress from all the car crap, and not that one of the many bugs floating around has finally caught me. Not only have people been bringing everything into the library every day, but last Saturday the car salesman waited until after we'd shaken hands, spent time with him in his cubicle, and got in a small car to start a test drive, and that's when he mentioned that he'd been sick with flu for several day "but I'm taking Z-pack so it's ok" AND he had shingles. I told DH later that I should have been smarter, I should have driven straight back to the building and insisted on having a different salesperson -- but, you know, we have to be Iowa Nice and not make a fuss. Argh.

Anyway, I'm going to take it easy the rest of today and see how I feel tomorrow. It is entirely possible that I just need a little more sleep to make everything ok.

Hopefully now that all of this car kerfuffle is over I'll be able to cuop and participate more here in our village threads.

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:35 pm

Quiet afternoon here, I was busy all day yesterday and we had company last night for dinner and I was worn out. This morning we went to meet friends for brunch - I ate stuff I probably shouldn't but it was a good time. Got home around one and actually napped well this afternoon.

I am getting a few things done today, need to get organized to go out of town on Tuesday. :roll: I suspect I'll have a decent time but I just donwanna travel right now.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:37 pm

Blessed- OA = Overeaters Anonymous. I am on Day #25 of doing a program for those who struggle with Overeating. The program I selected has a stronger faith-based component than the original OA program. It also has stricter food plan requirements. It is an arduous program because the bulk of the daily work is spiritual study. Even though it is physically and mentally challenging me, I am loving the spiritual insights gain enough to keep on.

Bookie - I am enjoying reading about your new car discoveries. GGrrrrrr on the exposure to flu germs. Hope your body is able to fight it off.

Be prepared. I'm working on this week details in bullet journal. So far I have prepared a plan for..... 5 medical appointments, 2 Valentine parties, 2 outings with DGS21 including a painting class, preparing lasagna meal for 70 people, 2 dances (one for DGD6 and one for DS9), 9 phone meetings, 42 homeschool lessons, 19 meals to prep/cook/clean up, and 6 items due to arrive from A-river...... plus the normal daily doings. Let the juggling begin!
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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:46 pm

Be prepared. DODGE THE FLU GERMS! This morning our church attendance was about 1/2 the normal. I can only assume it is due to the crazy amount of people being sick. Come on summer!! It can't get here soon enough.
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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:48 pm

School was out on Friday here for the flu, LadyM.

Bookie, it amazes me how they "jerk you around" when you're buying a car. You go in there ready to pay and buy the car, and they go off and do this, go off and do that, tell you it will be a few more minutes, and make you wait hours. You'd think they would be happy to sell a car but they make you go through all that waiting around.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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