Be prepared Sunday

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:15 pm

I don't believe it! I came here fully prepared to wish Emptynester a Happy Birthday on the 10th. And then that moment I realized that today is the 11th. So.....Happy Bleated Birthday, Emptynester.

Came home from our outings this afternoon to see ROBINS in the yard next door. Did my heart good.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:51 pm

Happy Birthday, Emptynester!

and thank you, Dee, for being so attentive. (yes, you are, and everyone agrees with me.)

Feel better, Cathy!

BookSaver, such a similar situation (car salesman and flu) to what we went through BUT that guy with you was not your friend but a business situation! Good grief! How does he think the fact that he got a prescription for himself helps those in close proximity to him? Does he think the Z-pack works by airborne means? By osmosis? By wishful thinking? Did he wave it in the air and chant? Sheesh. (Okay, I am over-reacting a little, but it bothers me that you could get sick.)

Anyway, happy new car, Mr. BookSaver.

I have really taken care of this family today. Call came in before I could even leave for rehearsal that dd needed me to handle something, and before I could get back from taking care of that situation after church, ds was on the phone to me in the car because he and children needed me. (HRH took care of half of that and I dealt with the rest when I got back.) I have been to electronics store, lumber yard, dept store and pizza place helping to meet everyone's deadlines and keep them fed today. I am whipped!

It's not that Mom is not happy - Mom is happy to be needed, BUT Mom is now on vacation!!!

Honestly, I asked my darling children, could they not find another day of the week besides Sunday to have crises? :roll:

and, of course, I have eaten on the run, too. I didn't have pizza, but my healthier-sounding alternative really wasn't so healthy, just a lot of veggies piled ONTO white flour, oil and cheese, but called something different. :roll: No more of that. Tomorrow, gratefully back to the straight and narrow.

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:01 pm

It amazes me how they "jerk you around" when you're buying a car. You go in there ready to pay and buy the car, and they go off and do this, go off and do that, tell you it will.
I have heard ghose rooms are bugged and the want to see if they can get it for more $ by listening to conversations.

The grange rock trading shelves had been knocked over again. But I just set em upright again and picked up the rocks, all but one shelf and texted the one gal that helped last time and they are put back together again now.

Back to the games.

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:25 pm

howdy howdy
dinner done, put away, dw on, hand washed rest, counters and table cleaned, shiny sink, stove swiped, floor swiffered.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:43 pm

Our froyo place is out of business. We're the touch of death for those places, that's the third that has closed since I started eating froyo.

If the church closes, I'll save a good 500 calories a week. That's a pound every two months I could lose by giving up church. Tempting....

In the meantime, I tried to turn things around by substituting chicken for the beef I had planned and getting on the treadmill. I succeeded on the first item, the second was a failure because Netflix wouldn't work and then my headphones let me know they were out of power so I couldn't even listen to music. I gave up. I didn't make my 10K average steps anyway so it didn't really matter if I don't exercise today.

After we got home from church, the super dropped by and we moved a bookcase to the other building and then left it there in the lobby, forcing the hand of the manager. I'll send her photos of it and ask her to pick the location (like a mom letting a toddler choose between two acceptable outfits.)

I had 5 emails to handle from church today.

Dd and family are home. Dgs has a rash all over his face and is miserable. Dsil took him to the ER yesterday and after a 4 hour wait they said it was nothing, probably teething. He didn't sleep last night but did on the train home and was asleep when she wrote me. They figure he'll be up all night again tonight.

Tomorrow we have a neighbour having surgery so we are the backup ride for that. Given the freezing rain (which is causing brownouts here) we may get called upon since the primary ride is flakey. Another neighbour has surgery on Wednesday and we are backup for that as well. So both days are blocked off on our calendar.

I have two emails to write and then I can go to bed.

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Re: Be prepared Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:45 pm

good night d kathryn - ((((hope that rash heals fast)))!

good night d nancy!

good night d dee ! robins wow

Happy Birthday d empty nester!

good night d harmony

Good night d harriet -
I have really taken care of this family today.
so sweet - you should be exhausted - You're a great mom!

Good night d twins! 'I think it would be so much fun to have dinner or brunch at your house. I know you make a wonderful hostess with the most-ess.

Good night d lady. I know they are telling people at church not to shake hands etc. because of the flu. Asking people to stay home if even a slight bit sick. Thank you for sharing. I always wondered how that program worked. I looked into it but it is pretty far from here. Good for you! I now my dr. had told me to look into the spiritual side of weight loss.

Good night d book! You have been very busy! sorry also for the frustration at car dealership.

good night d lucy

good night everyone
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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