Traveling Tuesday

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:40 am

I had fun looking at Jim Dine's hearts, LadyM. I just looked up those three words and enjoyed the images, but now at least I think I have a concept of your acrylics class. What a smart teacher to schedule this class at this time. Some remind me of quilts with blocks of different hearts. The ones I like best are those with surprising color. You do realize that at least a description of your experience will be needed in Art, Craft and Needlework thread, correct? ♡

For the first time this calendar year, I went back to bed this morning. Last evening both HRH and I had remarked on how tired we felt. I certainly proved it this a.m. With no idea why, I took care of the most necessary morning routines and climbed back in bed while it was still warm. Unknown.

I looked up on our local funeral home website our bass singer's dfil's obit and lo and behold, just above his, with "arrangements incomplete", 2 other persons whose deaths were surprises. These were ladies who were a part of my life when I was young. I immediately emailed a cousin who will need to know about one.

The seller dd19 paid an extra $6.99 for shipping, but didn't send until the day it was to have arrived, has responded. They seem irritated that a-river now expects them to get in touch with me to rate their service. They say since we did receive the package, we should be willing to rate them. :| So I responded by quoting the request for refund and why. How condescending can you get. They don't understand I am the one who will make the decision about what my rating will say.

Today will be errand day.
I'll start the monthly report.
Want to repot a plant but don't think I have potting soil .. .. hmmm.

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:06 pm

I powered down my computer to have breakfast and get dressed but then dh needed something from me and I was sucked back into it. Sigh...

Anyway, I managed s2s by 10:30 and dd called just as I was putting away my hairdryer. I'll head out in about an hour and eat at her place.

I think I'll do kitchen chores next since sitting at the computer isn't actual accomplishing my goals for the day (on the other hand a large number of emails have been written, I cleaned out my email box back down to 14 items and two of those will go away when I get a chance to read two emails that are for information only.

One email I responded to brought tears to my eyes. Our little village has three struggling churches, United (formerly Methodist), Anglican and Presbyterian. The Presbyterians sent us a note saying they were praying for us (they know we are struggling the most) and then at their annual meeting (same day) passed a motion donating $1000 to the refugee fund! We have barely enough money to get by and this will make a huge difference when unexpected expenses mean having to choose between eating or paying the expense. Non prescription medicine and translation services for professional credentials comes to mind.

So I'm having another "God is good" moment here.

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 12:52 pm

at hair place - I look beautiful with the color processing in my hair :D 8-)

I thought I would cheer you on as your work through your day!!!

[quote next since sitting at the computer isn't actual accomplishing my goals for the day [/quote] this should be my motto d kathryn.. I constantly fall down the computer world rabbit hole. But you do work on your computer! good for you deleting emails. Praying for your church d kathryn.

hi d harriet!
you must have needed the rest! Sorry to hear of the losses of those you knew from when you were young.
I disagree that you should have to rate them - Not good business practice on their part.

asked dh to mail my envelopes when he goes out.
so that is off my list.
Bro asked my to call him at noon.

dd younger bought a book yesterday to help her be stronger on taking care of her own money and future. She is trying to start her own photography business. She started a website with her work and Instagram

wishing you a great morning
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:31 pm

Feeling teary, too, Kathryn. Thoughtful kindness - budgetary excellence.

Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:00 pm

How do I get a restart for today?? Between losing posts, a whiny clingy Dgrk and Dh asking me to do things he can easily do/research.If I get the basics done today I will be happy.
Just finished Morning Stuff, still need to clean bathrooms, and throw at least one load of laundry in,. with Dgrk here won't get to the basement maybe tonight...have chicken thawing for dinner.
For all you cooks..have any of you made cauliflower rice or zucchini noodles?
Well Dgrk just climbed onto lap, will cuddle with her for awhile..I would bet she doesn't feel good:(
Be back later...hopefully

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:08 pm

I went way over my ww points so far - took dh to his greasy spoon place he loves - sigh I don't even like hamburgers and I had a patty melt and feeling yucky now. I also had a pixie (not your run of a mill pixie but a 2" fanny may pixie. I also had a sb coffee instead of making coffee at home. How could i go that crazy in 1-1/2 hours. I am not happy.. move forward from this mistake. there wasn't any thinking in this eating process.
Move forward.

d mom is in not so d mom mode. ;)

stopped at f anny may for valentines treats ($10) for dd's - nothing too much.
at lunch out w dh :shock: :arrow:
stopped at post office
played with dogs
dh to my car to dealership bc tire is going flat again
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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:16 pm

Donna, I haven't made those, but I did make cauliflower "mashed potatoes" which I didn't like as much as regular mashed potatoes out of potatoes! I notice in stores now, in the frozen section, those cauliflower things are available. Must be getting popular. I love cauliflower and often put that in tiny pieces in my tossed salad. I also love it steamed with cheese sauce, but have been trying not to eat much of that since it's calorie dense.

(Twins) for family matters. Safe travels.

I haven't been here much in a few days. Still struggling with my mood. Yes I've been in a mood. Not a good one. Thought I was doing better but then I just got so tired and sleepy again... and I can feel it is stress. If the phone rings and DH starts in on his conversations, I just wilt. We will be working on stuff together and he gets a call and he drops everything to talk... and I just want to scream.

Yesterday I finished a plan and a bunch of paperwork for him and he was off to permit office. I have no idea how he's going to finish all this work he's signed up. And I ordered an inspection and have a confirmation # but computer tells me no one scheduled it, and we've left messages with homeowner and the dept. responsible for it..... if everybody would just DO their jobs the way I'm expected to.

Anyway, house is just sliding along, been using my dishwasher and that's easier. I have laundry to bring in from drying, and a bed to change.

Yesterday was 6 mth dr. apt. and she did not have lab values from other office who is supposed to send them to her and never does... But appointment was uneventful, just a conversation and another appointment made.

Took care of a lot of paperwork on my desk because I wanted it clear. Phone call supposed to come tomorrow for my insurance audit and I wanted to put all my papers there in case they have questions. I'm hoping it goes smoothly.

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:18 pm

I have the colorist stuff done yea, s2s as well. No knitting mtg for me today. Enjoying some down time the sun is out. I picked up the yard and tossed some stuff before trash pick up glad for that progress. Waving to you all!

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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:41 pm

I got sucked into watching recipes online. I found out that I have to replace all 4 tires and that I had been smart to get off the highway the other day when I felt the tires running rough - I just thought it was the cold - turned out that I had a slow leak where their was a slit developing near the rim. Around here the highway is about 70 most of the time.

Hi d nancy!

hi d harmony " I just wilt." I understand that! praying that your spirit lifts up again and that you can shut out those outside influences.
I get that when dh questions the things I do re: decorating, home repair and donations.

hi d harriet ((tears))

hi d donna!

Hi d everyone.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Traveling Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 13, 2018 3:44 pm

okay - going to pull my card file
and do 1 " of my photos
I thought I would be able to go grocery shopping but without a car I had to order groceries to be delivered between 6 - 7

dd younger is at an appointment
dh has my car- getting repaired - had to put on charge about 900 + (I won't know until dh gets home - I had planned on putting aside money for taxes on my end but I have to pay this off first).
and I just realized I am in the house by myself! :D for the moment I will just enjoy a little quiet. I am rarely by myself so it is nice to have a quiet spot for about 1/2 hour.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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