Wild & Whacky Wed.

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Donna's Lifestyle

Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Donna's Lifestyle » Wed Feb 14, 2018 2:59 pm

Hello Ladies
Debating whether to lay down for a nap or try to accomplish something before leaving to watch Dgrks.
Spent the nite with Dparents house as Dmom became ill severe cramping with little vomiting/diarreha, called the Dr after a few hours, he had us take her to hospital, they decided she needed to be checked in, they think she has contacted some type of virus, well she was not happy camper,being taken to hospital and now having to stay, Thank Goodness it didn't take long to get her a bed, we stayed a little while longer, and convinced Ddad he needed to go home and get some rest we had been in touch with my sibs and Dbro said he would come out and stay with dad, if mom is in for a long period we will take turns but for now Dbro will take care of him.
So that is it in a short version :lol:
Hope to be back later

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:26 pm

I am back from store run. Glad the counters were clean so I had some place to put the sacks when I brought stuff in. Snow day North of us it did not stick here.

I am painting the frame of a bulletin board in school collage colors for dgd before I give it to her. Got a batch of rocks done for the Easter rock hunt they are drying now. Next shamrocks and green theme ones.

Delt with a couple of pesky tech. issues we used to call paperwork but one was in person, the other was on line yea for progress. Net flicks is back on! Yippie. Back to my painting. Will have to watch this later.

Meal plan: fish veg & cheese cake and one piece of chocolate dining in.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:00 pm

I ordered one ticket for myself to see a string quartet at our local historical building that is now used for receptions, speeches, events etc.
for March 4

ordered 3 tickets for cheap for a talk on how are town got it's name and its history
March 18 (I will surprise dh - he loves this type of thing).
did 3 x 15's more paperwork type stuff. I didn't think it would take so long but I stuck to it.
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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:03 pm

hi d nancy yay on your counters are cleaned so that you had a spot for groceries
I love how you take creative time for yourself.

hi d donna - (((your d mom)))) Hope she heals fast! you are so cute - I love that how you put down -the shorter version :D

hi d lady

I have a few things on my kitchen table so I need to do a put away. done :D dh has my car - dd is cranky - not her usual - she has a dr. appointment re meds in a bit.

I have been putting off adding what I spent the last week - so that will be next - hiding in the sand never works. ;)
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:05 pm

Donna, I hope your dmother has only a short stay. It's good you have others to call on. I was in your situation back about 2010, with parents who could take good care of each other, not needing anyone to stay nights, just check. I hope things go back to normal for you all.

LadyM, definitely try it against some different colors, because a color of mat or mat/frame may make it
"POP", and interest you. First attempts are notorious for being disappointments! So if you and dgs each came away with a finished piece, you may deserve credit for more than you think! My first 2 attempts at patchwork never got finished, yet I liked the method so never quit. I guess it comes down to whether you enjoy the medium/supplies and the techniques. I noticed with Dine's work sometimes he wasn't using brushes, but other things, too (squeeze bottles, knives). Who knows. I commend you for making a memory!

HRH took me out to lunch and at home had made a cake for our dessert. That was nice.

I got a sweet Valentine in the mail from the lady at church who had apologized to me previously for being away so much. I hadn't noticed it, but she said she had been staying home avoiding church in anger, then started feeling guilty she wasn't there to speak up enough, and would come back, which she has.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:07 pm

Went to breakfast with dbil, dsisil, her dsis, and our 2 nieces. Then went over to dbil/dsisil's house for a couple of hours. I was 'socialized out' by the time we came home.

The ticket saga: Dh was more than pleased with his gift -flabbergasted is more like it. He just called DS-A and told him and DS kept saying, "Awesome!" "Awesome!" He's so pleased dh is coming up home for this banquet. So I scored on two counts on this one -2 birds for the price of one. Actually dh will fly up March 8th/back on the 13th and then he'll drive north beginning the 25th of March. He wants to get up the road before the Canadians start heading home and all the Easter traffic. Think a lot of our Canadian friends have to be back up there around April first. Am I right, Kathryn? At any rate, to say dh is happy is an understatement! It was more expensive for him to fly into Rochester via S outhwest than F rontier to Buffalo but oh so much simpler. It's a nonstop flight both ways too and leaves and comes at really good times. Think it leaves Orlando at 1:30 so a lot easier drive for me. Gets into Rochester at 4:10 -so a really good time for someone to pick him up. Coming back on Tuesday, the 13th, he leaves there at 4:50 and gets into Orlando at 7:35. Will have to have either dd or dsonil pick him up though. I have a meeting at 7:30 via F ace T ime. Don't want to miss it 2 months in a row.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:21 pm

d dee I am so so thrilled for you - I love that your dh was so excited - so happy for him!

hi d harriet - how nice! so sweet that you two had a nice lunch and he made a dessert for you! the woman that sent you the card sounds like a lovely person! I am glad she thought of you.
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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:28 pm

figured out spending - it still shocks me but it is good to keep track weekly.
paperwork took much longer than I thought but everything is accounted for/recycled/shredded etc.

spoke to d brother - he reminded me I need to take care of something on our will - I didn't realize 2 months have gone by already. He was very nice about it. So tomorrow (not today) make copies of our will for the appropriate parties to change names on things otherwise its not legal and if something happens to me the kids will have a hard time working it out.

I am tired- paperwork does that to me . dd younger called after doctor - in J and c

I know I have to make dinner before doing anything else otherwise we won't have dinner and we will eat badly ;)
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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby lucylee » Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:32 pm

Yes – weird weather here, too, LadyM! It’s very warm but damp here – not raining right now, but messy and humid.

DH on his way to college town w/his dbro. See J&C – dh isn’t feeling well, and as it turned out, I could have gone to this game! DDIL woke up with stomach upset and she sent message to her teacher that she wasn’t going to school tonight.
DGD did well with gastro-doctor and they told her she didn’t have to come back unless she needed them! So that’s one less doctor to worry about scheduling, one less thing to worry about for ds & ddil.

One thing a day, Nancy. That is a good philosophy. I must remember that.

Also thinking about blessed scanning one inch of photos a day. I should be able to do one folder of pictures a day, right? I don’t need to scan – I just need to put pictures in albums and scrapbooks.

BookSaver – IKWYM about forgetting what you were going to order. Dmom and I were just talking about how many distractions and crazy things can happen to a woman in the course of a day of home-making. I, for example, lost a pillowcase yesterday. Found it this morning in the garbage can beside the washer. I have no idea how it got there. Did it fall before or after washing? If before, then I ran the washer with nothing in it. How odd.

Checked our bank stuff this morning, too, Dee. DH’s SS check was deposited, but still no return from the hacker who used our card in Florida. * sigh *

Blessed, I had not planned to do Ash Wed. service either, b/c I thought I would have the dgrands. Now, I’m alone for the night but I don’t think I will go either. We use a common cup, also (Methodist church)! We dip our bread in it, so it’s not like everyone actually putting their lips on the cup… but still… whether it is flu season or not -- I always wish we had the individual cups like I was used to in the Baptist church (and like we used in the Methodist until just a few years ago).

Must get things progressing here, Kathryn

One at a time, blessed says… yes…

I am having trouble concentrating – trying to watch coverage of the school shooting in Florida. Parkland, Florida? I believe they said this is close to Ft. Lauderdale?

BUT… must take advantage of this unexpected day at home alone!
* Laundry
* Cards – bathrooms/dusting/misc… ONE AT A TIME…
* DVD’s – start copying from dvr to dvd’s b/c with dh gone this is the best time for this project
* Check shutterfly for savings code this month
I will strive to cuop here -- ONE PAGE AT A TIME…
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Wild & Whacky Wed.

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:51 pm

I am thinking of your dh and your d dil!!! d lucy

I agree that they should have individual mini cups - they have that at our local lutheran church - it was so nice when I went there - the mega church here also does that. dd younger forgot about ash wednesday and I told her not to worry - I didn't forget but after the cardinal mentioned if you are sick don't shake or hold hands or drink from the challis (which is communal) -
I was (a long time ago) a Eucharistic minister and the rule was that all the wine had to be drunk by the minister and could not go down the sink - and with a communal cup and people being sick I couldn't do that part. someone dropped the bread on the floor and even if it is stepped on the teacher said the minister had to eat it :shock: That's why I stopped being a eucharistic minister. I loved doing it but the rule was too hard for me to accept. (my thought was that one wipes the cup down and that napkin with wine on it goes into the wash machine and the wine gets washed into the water system - at least put the left over wine in the challis out in the garden instead of drinking it all up. (I know its sacrilegious of me but I wasn't the right person for the job so it was best that I stepped down) I really enjoyed it - the one on one)

do you mean I have to put the photos back in the book after I scan them :shock: :lol: Good for you on one folder at a time!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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