Health and Fitness, February, 2018

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Ramblinrose » Wed Feb 14, 2018 5:00 pm

Hurray...17K steps yesterday and my stomach no longer sticks farther out than my boobs :lol:
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:45 pm

Walked the dog.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:09 pm

Ramblinrose wrote:Hurray...17K steps yesterday and my stomach no longer sticks farther out than my boobs :lol:

That's one of my non-scale goals!

I'm settling in a bit better with the meal planning. Adding the odd new food here or there but it is easier to stick with what I know and like. Was feeling confident enough to do the bagel shop today but that was balanced with lasagna for dinner.

Apparently dh, who lost weight while away, has gained it back again and is upset about that. He thinks perhaps it is the popcorn he's having almost daily. I suspect it is that he's eating as much as he wants since I'm not eating the same things as him and I'm measuring when we are sharing food. Tonight he had a whole pizza for his dinner. Normally we order a medium and each have half but I don't trust myself with pizza yet so had a single serving frozen lasagna (still the cheese and tomato sauce taste but properly portion controlled.)

He's welcome to switch to higher protein when he's ready. When I do it, he seems to up his carbs with predictable results. He doesn't eat too badly except for popcorn and when he has bagels - both he loves over-buttered. And he has too much milk and not enough veggies.

So I've lost 8 pounds since coming home and he's gained 6.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Harriet » Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:03 pm

For me, it depends on my bra! :D My comfy-cozy ones are not very serious about my figure. But the no-nonsense ones that hold up their end of the deal ;) - those manage to get my bust into rooms before my tummy, thank goodness. They have a sense of direction, and sideways is not it.

Ramblin' I'm happy for your pants! When needed, I take little darts in my waistbands. Have two pair now that got added life/use because of darts.

Kathryn, I was reading your post thinking the popcorn could hardly cause weight gain, but was not taking into account buttered salted popcorn. Oh, pizza - it's like a recipe for pounds, isn't it? Yay on 8 lbs.

Today was not a great eating day. HRH made, of all things, a chocolate cake for Valentine's. Unexpected. But I felt I must accept such a sweet ( :roll: ) gesture. Thankfully, it was very small - just one layer, so he does listen. Also, he wanted Thai food as a lunch together, so these two things won't bode well for the scale, but will be temporary.

Kinda full, so don't even want a potato.
I have continued to have good luck with my evening potatoes that keep me content with a simple food, barely seasoned.

Arms - it's 6 weeks until April 1. Today on tv I heard April 1 called "Sleeveless Ready" day. That made me :shock: , especially since that was followed with "and it's only 6 weeks away!" Have ya'll heard this before? :?: Of course, everyone's climate is different, but I'll admit that here it could be about that time, that we start to see brave women in sleeveless at mid-day. Also, Easter is April 1 this year, the traditional brighter-lighter clothes time anyway - time for pulling the new season's clothes to the front of the closet.

My arms look really good - in 3/4 length sleeves. :lol: Some of my more ladylike short sleeves - maybe those that are a little fluttery - they're okay. Some that are shorter - not so much, and I realize I might avoid them, even if they are my cute garments, and that's a waste of money and enjoyment, both.

So I am planning some intentional arm work up until April. I made today's exercise a t-tapp arms emphasis. I could mix it up some with weights on some days and a day off afterward - I'll see. The "Sleeveless Ready" advocate (Atchison?) said take photos of arm trouble spots before starting arms-workout plans, so that seeing the difference will then make you happy. I'm thinking - photos of my upper arms... ..hmmm. :| I'm not sure the world is ready for this kind of historic reference.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:12 am

Re: popcorn. Dh will only ever buy Movie Theatre style extra butter microwave popcorn. Then eat the whole bag (not single serving sized bags) himself. That's 540 calories and 30g of fat.

I eat about the same amount but air-popped and sprayed lightly with butter-flavour oil. About 1/4 the calories and almost no fat but the same amount of protein and fiber.

He adds 2 - 3 tbsp of butter to his bagels so that doubles the calorie count when he has a bagel.

And his use of oils in stirfrys is why we aren't having them right now. I'll use a tablespoon, he'll use a 1/4 c or more. That's in our non-stick pans, btw, so he doesn't have a good excuse.

He's no longer skinny but he is in very good shape. His BMI is in the higher end of the normal range, 23.6. My only concern is the extra weight is visibly abdominal.

He absolutely refuses to change his eating habits. He says he's 60, in great shape according to his cardiologist, so he'll not change a thing. He'll lose the weight when he travels (he intends to lose a lot while in Africa for a month) and then gain it back when he gets home and goes back to eating less well.

I can't increase his movement since he's on a bike for 40+ minutes each day, walks outside about 4000 steps a day, but some days 10K or more, and does floor stretches each morning. In his case, it is food causing the weight gain, not being sedentary, and I can't change it so won't bother trying.

Don't bother suggesting less awful popcorn, he searches out the most extreme versions, some of which have Extreme Butter in their names. He doesn't like the rest. At least popcorn is his only salty weakness, he will do chips like crazy when they are are there with dip (gotta have the extra fat!) but if there's no dip, he won't have chips. And he's happy with a handful of nuts.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:30 pm

Mid Month check-in.

I am continuing on my learning path with Overeaters Anonymous Christain based group. I just finished step 3 and will start step 4 next week (12 steps total). I've been told this isn't a one time and your done type of study. You loop back through the steps and each time you discover more. Each step has multiple assignments to be completed. I took a peek at Step 4 and it has over 20 assignments.

I still don't have a sponsor. I don't know if that is unusual or what. I've been told many of the longtime sponsors are sick and/or going through a personal crisis in their life. I've seen others announce they now have a sponsor so maybe it will happen for me too. For now, I'm using a lady that handles all the newbies. Newbies without sponsors post on a particular thread and she gives guidance to us all. >>>>shrugging shoulders and trusting it will work out<<<<<

The GREAT NEWS is I haven't binged eaten since starting the OA program. It is working!!! I have messed up a gazillion other ways but the insane cravings that caused me to binge eat are disappearing. I am learning trigger foods that set off the cravings. So far, I have given up all sugar, flour, all artificial sweeteners (including stevia), corn, nuts and instant potatoes. I have discovered when I eat those foods I struggle to control my eating. This knowledge is giving me FREEDOM!!

I am still learning proper portions and food selection. You would think after 30 days that I would have it down pat. Nope. I weigh and measure everything. I actually find it sorta fun and a treat that I do for myself.

I am learning to plan in detail. This morning I planned everything I will eat for the next 48 hours. I weighed, measured and packaged it. Now I am free and can forget thinking about my food needs until Monday noon. I will cook for the family but not eat their food. I am 100% okay with that. I have lost the desire to taste their food.

A part of me realizes that a month ago I would have thought to eat this was too restrictive and controlling. But once I started it has become such a blessing to be free of the insane cravings. Most of my meals require 2 plates (or a plate and couple of bowls) because fitting it onto one plate is impossible. I am stuffed by the time I finish eating my meal. It's hard for me to be wanting the foods I no longer eat when I have so much to eat.

My reason for doing this OA program isn't weight loss but I am hoping that weight loss is a side effect. I have lost over 4 lbs since starting so it seems to be helping that need too.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:52 pm

Can your sponsor be far away or does she have to be in your local group. I have a cousin that has been involved with OA for decades, but in British Columbia.

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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby LadyMaverick » Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:35 pm

Yes, the sponsor can be located anywhere. The group I belong to is all online. There are people from Japan, UK, Germany, Canada and all over the US. (there may be more countries but I haven't "met" them yet.) My temporary sponsor is in UK.

I don't know much about the OA groups but I just know there is a different requirement within each group. I think every OA group guidelines include the no sugar no flour requirement but then every group has their own individual guidelines. I'm not positive about this though!

One lady just announced that she has a sponsor now from the FA group. She will be leaving our group and following the FA food guidelines. I'm not planning on leaving my group even if I don't get a sponsor anytime soon. Most OA & FA groups are generic in their "higher power". I selected my group because it is Christain based so I'll just wait and hope for a sponsor.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Ramblinrose » Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:48 pm

Yeah... I am in a small pant size but still have a ways to go. Got in my 10K yesterday and I have joined Beach Body on Demand. I think I paid $59 for a three month program and I can choose from any and all their videos...I don't have to stay with one and cant switch or do two programs if I want. It works well for me because I can roll out of bed in the morning and instead of going to the gym, I can just mosey over to my office. No traffic to contend with plus I eliminate the travel time.

LadyM...I weigh my food most of the time, but have been doing it for so long I can pretty much eyeball it with great accuracy. Practice makes perfect I guess.

I have eliminated all that you have with the exception of my stevia...but have cut that back drastically. I am also making pancakes with my protein powder because I am also trying to stay away from whole eggs for a while and I hate egg whites. I have also bought several walden frams product which contain no sugar. I use their mayo, strawberry and syrup as well as their caramel and chocolate. Also I use their salad dressing. great flavors and just a little dab will do you. I use most of the syrups on my fruits...I can only tolerate apples, oranges, strawberries and some times blueberries at the moment.

I eat one fruit in the morning and one after dinner as my dessert. So my breakfast is a protein and a fruit, lunch is protein and 1 1/2 cups of veggies and dinner is the same as lunch. I can have the second fruit either as a afternoon snack or for dessert. I've also cut out almost all dairy except for a tad sometimes in my coffee, but I am trying to drink it black. Did that years ago so I know its doable. Oh and I can eat all the lettuce I want.

The hardest thing for me to give up is and will always be...bread. I miss it, but I am doing it. UGH!!!

Here are two links... I will tell you that the ratings on the Amazon site are pretty accurate. and the salad dressings arent too bad. I use the blue cheese, ranch and caesar but dont expect them to taste like the real stuff...however I find the blue cheese come pretty close. ... lden+farms

I forgot to add stores like Sprouts carry some of their products as do Walmart and other health food stores.
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Re: Health and Fitness, February, 2018

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:27 am

Yesterday I got in more than 12k steps yesterday. Had to get on the scale this morning for diet bet which ends in a week. I have lost 13lbs since the first of the year. Will win this diet bet too :D

Am starting my exercise program today as well. Need to work out a schedule for myself... thinking I will rise and shine when Sweetie gets up at 6.... tuffie cause my bed is so warm and snuggly at the time, however when I was doing CrossFit I was getting up at 4 so this is certainly doable. Just need to set my alarm since that is the best way for me to start my day...
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