Sunday Reflecting

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Re: See you Sunday!

Postby Nancy » Sun Feb 18, 2018 10:09 pm

And I am off --- survived another week, I am off next week but br-r cold temps in our forecast here.

I got the kitchen cleaned up rebooted the dishwasher. I am so glad about that, I need to clean up tne bathrooms and swish & swipe them, plus sweep and mop but may wait till morning on that. Home blessing is on my radar. As far as weekly planning goes.

Did hen chores.

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Re: See you Sunday!

Postby lucylee » Sun Feb 18, 2018 10:37 pm

Just a quick ci: to let y'all know I'm still alive and well... Seems like I've been AWOL a lot lately. Maybe I'm just missing you ladies b/c dh has MONOPOLIZED the computer so much lately. Yesterday he listened to baseball AND softball games on the computer (not at the same time!), while watching a basketball game on TV (but listening to the radio announcers for that game.) Then at 10:30 or so, he has to have the computer to read the comic strips. :roll:
Oh well. I always know where he is... smh...

We also had dgs overnight last night. We enjoy him so much. Took him home this afternoon after lunch. DDIL & DGD stayed home b/c dgd has had a really runny nose, and with her on Humera, ddil wants to make sure that her lowered immune system doesn't come in contact with the flu.
I have told ddil that when dgd is potty trained, I will be better about keeping them both, but right now, they are just too much together. Changing diapers is just a small part of the reason, but it seems a good milestone to aim for, LOL! DGD does not like to sleep away from home, either, and I am hoping that will improve by the time she is potty-trained.

I have actually had a cousin die from flu complications! Just last night/early morning. She was probably around 75, overweight, and a heavy smoker. This is my ddad's first cousin. She had been in the hospital during the past few weeks, went home, and had to return by ambulance last night. My daunt said she thinks she developed pneumonia. We were not what I would call "close." She was a very difficult personality in many ways, but I really feel sorry for her son, who is my age. There's been some friction between him and his younger sister since their dad died (sometime in the last five years, I believe -- you lose track of time, but I'm pretty certain he died within a year or two after my ddad.) Anyway, I have to try hard to make the visitation of that b/c of the son. I may have to carry dgd with me.

Tuesday, ds & dh are singing at my dmom's church -- but I don't know if dmom will even make it! She is VERY bothered by her feet right now -- BOTH feet -- and may need me to accompany her to the doctor tomorrow. My head is kinda spinning. I told her I will have dgrands Tues & Wed,
:!: and tomorrow night is birthday dinner for dbil -- surprise dinner at his new girlfriend's house! He will know she is cooking, but he doesn't know she has invited us! I'm a wee bit nervous myself, b/c of course we've never been to her house, have only spoken to her very briefly on a couple of occasions, but her dad and my dad worked together and were good friends, so we have that in common, at least. I wish ddil could go, to help carry the female side of conversation, but she has school.
Tuesday night is nursing home, and we'll probably eat out with ds & family afterwards.

Wednesday, dh & ds will go to college town for the last basketball game they will attend together this season. They WERE both looking forward to it sooo much b/c we were having such a phenomenal season, and we're playing that Other Team in the state... and then yesterday, one of our starters broke his ankle! :o Wednesday is not looking so bright now. :cry: We lost two starters at the first of the season because of eligibility questions.
* sigh *
I will have to take the dgrands to church Wed. night and start the new Bible study series myself... even though I am VERY frustrated with our pastor today. In his sermon today he took a very condescending tone to more conservative, evangelical preachers/leaders that in my humble opinion, speak to truth and are much respected. Our pastor is absolutely too young, too immature, and too liberal for my taste. I know Methodists traditionally are more liberal than Baptists, but I have been in this Methodist church for almost 39 years and this is the first I have felt this way. Of course, a lot of things have changed in 39 years, and I might feel this way wherever I was.
I asked dgs if he remembered anything the preacher said, and he said no. DH and I looked at each other and whispered, "That's just as well."
DGS spends the hour looking through my Bible. I think he is memorizing the books of the Bible. Certainly worse ways he could spend his time.

So glad ds9 enjoyed his archery class, LadyM! I think archery is much more difficult than it looks -- seems like I tried it once in PE and was amazed at how tight the bow was and how quickly it could make your fingers sore, all that stuff.
DGS here is excited about starting a little mini art class tomorrow. It's only for four weeks, but he's looking forward to it.

(((BIG HUGS))) and prayers for dsil & family, Dee... I know there are lots of difficult decisions to be made. Nothing easy about what they are facing.
Hope your cough will go away and stay away soon!
(((Nancy))) -- you too!

Also (((BIG HUGS))) and prayers for dbro & all of you, LadyM! How well I remember the waiting and worrying for test results...

Harriet asked about what we were reflecting on this day to make the week go better. Y'all can see above how my week is going to go.
I did my weekly list last night, and I have GOALS --
:arrow: to get back on track with exercise & routines -- I have REALLY fallen off the wagon in EVERYTHING, especially exercise & s2s FIRST THING -- ever since Wednesday, the last day I "had to" get dressed early b/c I was expecting dgrands. The last three days... I have been worthless.
:arrow: to get back on track with some sort of focus cleaning
:arrow: and something else I can't remember right now, LOL... but I promise, it is written down!

Waving to Twins... Rose... blessed... Kathryn... AND all who may check in later!
We are about to go to the movies (again!) Sooo glad dh is feeling more like going out. Last year at this time... no way would he have been on the go this much. I am sooo thankful his health has improved like this.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Sunday Reflecting

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:27 am

I did some reflecting this afternoon when I did my journaling, and weekly planning. I must say it really helped and was needed.

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Re: See you Sunday!

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:48 am

waving at you d lucy
et d nancy

sweet dreams
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sunday Reflecting

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:49 am

i reflected on this week as well - i have to finish the one project and hopefully do some outside care
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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