Mopping Up Monday

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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby CathyS » Mon Feb 19, 2018 12:57 pm


Watching Olympics here this morning. Dh has gone to pick up a freezer that one of his customers gave us after hearing that we had a meat delivery last week. I'm sure we can use it, but I don't know where dh is going to put it or even how big it is.

I had a long hot shower this morning and as I came out of the bathroom, dh was serving up breakfast. I am at the point where I can eat an entire egg Mc Muffin type of breakfast. An English muffin with a fried egg and a slice of cheese and a slice of salami. I also had my first hot chocolate since before getting sick, so that was 12 days ago, I think.

I am starting to figure out Curling as a sport. There is a lot of strategy in the game. We also watched 2 man bobsleigh and ski jumping.

Supper tonight is pork roast with potatoes, carrots and onions roasted in the same pan.
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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:08 pm

hi d twins and hi d cathy
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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby Lilac » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:26 pm

No time to post but doing a test. I just spent an hour on a long post and when I hit submit, it went to the login page and the post was gone. For the last month, I have had to login in, each and every time I visited the village. I was logged in or else I would not have been able to type a post. Grrrr these internet gremlins.

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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:27 pm

dh is not on my happy list this morning bc he was snarky - snickering at what I was saying in a condescending way - because he said a dh "fact" that turned out not true - he does that based on gossip (for a man he is a gossip about politics (non factual), people etc. Sometimes - not often, he becomes my own Gladys Kravits! Dh falls for a lot he sees and hears re: political (his side against another side - just like d mom but an opposite side). If someone tells him something - say a blow hard type of man - he always believes it until he has time to think about it. I don't think it shines onto what person he really is 95 % of the time. He is horribly nosey - always looking out the window - it seems to have gotten worse as he has gotten older. ;) So right now he is a bit in the dog house because it was disrespectful. he never yells, etc. but this is the 5% that is the ugly side for all of us. Not nice but trying to make someone else look foolish when he makes the mistake and when he is like this he mansplains a lot. Not a great part of his character. (of course I am perfect :roll: ;) ) I will chat with him about this one in a bit... he does this with the girls too ... so I can't let this one go. We will be talking about respect in a bit on all sides.

that didn't last long - we had a little talk about respect and how his smirks made me feel. Also, If he was upset by something just tell me instead of being passive aggressive. He did apologize, which was nice, - but that's not important as not making a habit of disrespect in our home. I won't do tit for tat type thing because it gets one nowhere. I am glad got out in the open right away. i think when I mentioned if I did that to him he would find it disrespectful and condescending; and he agreed.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby Lilac » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:28 pm

Well at least that posted, but still no time to post otherwise. Just wish I hadn't spent an hour on a long post. Oh well................

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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby Harmony » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:38 pm

Good afternoon!

I am certainly mopping up here. I'm in the middle of deep cleaning a room. I've come to realize some rooms haven't had any air in them for a couple months. Too cold to run the A/C and windows weren't opened. Some stuffy places. I have the window opened for a change. It is a bedroom.

I've pulled the mattress protector off and am washing sheets with that. I've washed 2 throw rugs. I've washed and rinsed by hand the plastic mattress protector. I've done the inside of the window. About halfway done with the room.

Yesterday we went to small group at 5:30 but no one was there. I hadn't gone the week before and DH did and totally missed that it had been moved to another location. We didn't figure out what happened to everybody until someone called late at night to find out why we weren't there. DH does not focus well and his hearing is bad. Unless someone gets his attention so he knows he has to listen to something important, he will continue to talk with others or not pay attention.

I told him that was the biggest reason I want him to quit working. I am tired of listening and reading and keeping track of everything because I know he doesn't / can't. I can't begin to count the times I've kept us out of trouble because I've remembered things he didn't. DH seems upset with himself that he did this. Finally sees what I've been complaining about.

Anyway, after church yesterday we bought a new phone system for the house. 4 cordless phones and one unit is the answering machine. Today we plugged everything in and we set the times, but there is a lot of other things we need to do. We don't know how to use the answering machine yet. Our old one had a lot of buttons. This one gets programmed from the menu. It's like going from a dumb phone to a smart phone. Very annoying. I don't know how the rest of you keep up with all this.

We get about 10 calls at least an hour. Sometimes I just take messages on the machine because I am burned out stopping to answer. Right now we don't know if the fax machine will turn on automatically like it did with the old system.

Oh sorry, Lilac. I've had my login time out, but it takes a long while.

(blessed) good luck!

Ok, I'm back to the room.

Something I forgot: tomorrow I go for jury duty. They have called about 140 people and I am in the 80's. I would have had to go today except the courts were closed because of the holiday. It will be a very very early morning for me tomorrow.

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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:43 pm

how can such a wonderful man be a dufus sometimes. :roll: but all better.
hi d harmony: I need your energy!!!
hi d lilac ~~~

I have not been productive... time to be an adult

took care of emails
read the newspaper
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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:46 pm

I just finished detail planning the menu for the week. I have my food weigh/measured/ready to cook through Thursday noon. **Big sigh of relief** Now I can quit thinking about food. Not really.....since I still cook for the family. But a huge part of my decision making is done which feels very freeing.

I have the Instant Pot going to cook a batch of brown rice. We eat that almost every day.

Next up -
** Cook Manwich mixture for the family
** Clean up the kitchen
** Print menu plan with nutritional data. I am still struggling with myself about paper vs digital bullet journal. DGS21 had the most amazing disc bound graph paper bullet journal notebook. Every time he pulls it out of his backpack I get longings to have BJ on paper. I am going to try to print some of my digital BJ pages and see if that will help my longings for paper-based. I know I don't have the patience to hand write bJ pages, so maybe this will be a compromise. Most likely I will always be drawn to both paper and digital. A never-ending saga.
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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:18 pm

Finished with that round. Dh and dd have taken my car and gone out. I am going to write upstairs until they get back. I have started loading Ancestry files into GMP, I finally finished FTDNA just before we went away.

Dfriend M is going to gym at 1:45 so I'll pass.
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Re: Mopping Up Monday

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:22 pm

Good morning everyone! I have finally caught up on my home emails!!! I am also DONE with the antibiotics that left a bitter taste in my mouth. Yesterday was a little odd, because although I had DD16, she spent the entire afternoon sleeping, leaving me free to go to the planner meeting. Originally, I was not going, because it was to be next weekend (same weekend I supply youth group dinner AND we have the animal org annual meeting). However, a friend at church asked me if I would be there and I realized that it was early this month due to mid-terms for the organizer. We are encouraged to work in our planners at these meetings, so I started my MBR reorganization plan. I will be moving onto Plan B, I didn't like Plan A. It would be so much easier if the catbox did not have to be away from the wall. I got reservations in Sedona for Dad's visit completed and groceries purchased. The other webmistress cannot access the church website builder right now, so I updated that. Bills and budget nearly complete. LOLs run and put away except for four items. Really need to unpack and put away my suitcase. Stayed up too late on the computer jigsaws. Dumb and dumber.

I still have not heard from xBFF about the drinks she suggested. However, I cannot blame her for that. I realized today that she has every other Friday off, and I sent my reply to her at work. So, I did not get with her on Friday, but my own fault. I ended up playing cards with some other friends and would have had to miss that.

Today's list of five, in order:
  1. Return wrong color yarn
  2. Cook some vegetables
  3. Vacation plan
  4. LR
  5. Finish B&B

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