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Postby Nancy » Fri Feb 23, 2018 11:58 am

I am having a fantistic Friday, thought it was Thurs. Is is not yea! I am up have had meds and breakfast , written in my journal, did my day planning. Winter weather advisory tonite. H is at work. Hens chores done. They are getting used to the sleeping the coop routine with the run closed overnite. Soup is on the menu. I need to get on the exercise bike. Want to do some sewing got fabric cut out for a bag. I tested mixing up paint for rocks it worked yea! Those are drying. 31* and sunny now.
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Feb 23, 2018 1:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 12:48 pm

hi d nancy! stay safe in that weather.

going to take a ty lon el as I am already getting really tired and that usually means a headache is around the corner.
I feel like playing (well my version - sewing etc) but I know I will be gone all day tomorrow having fun so today I have to adult.

I found out I can listen to our city newspaper while I work. I love reading it but I have been putzing
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Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:38 pm

I feel like I played hooky. I got a pedicure and stopped off at an "antique mall" type place that has a lot of books. Ended up with several on Civil war and local history.

I had lunch, a tofu and black bean scramble, need to get busy writing and documenting!
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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:16 pm

I must be moving slow because I just finished my morning routine.
I even had a sluggish walk up the stairs - mmmm
I am finally s2s as well, paper has been read to me.
talked to dh a lot this morning.
emptied dw
rinsed the lunch dishes and put that in the dw
dh is washing the sheets

now for a different routine. Laundry: separate laundry, bring down laundry,

How's that working for you: getting dishes in dw, cleaned sinked at night - takes time but it is working for me.
freezing left overs from dinner especially soups - working really really well.

exercercise and stretching: I have been meaning to go every day and do something and it is almost march and I haven't - it's not working for me and I don't feel physically better bc I haven't started. (a good one to start)

dd younger made for me thin sliced apple, a dash of fig jam and thin sliced manchango cheese and I loved it. (for lunch)
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby DeeClutter » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:32 pm

Don't think I've ever had fig jam or manchango cheese, Blessed. Lots of jam/jellies to finish up here before we buy any more though. I've been slowly putting things from the old fridge into the new. Will only put things in as we need them now. Otherwise they'll stay in the old (or be tossed). I'll leave the freezer stuff to dd. Know there's some of that will go.
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Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:40 pm

Morning...or at least it still is for me...

This is gonna be long so feel free to skip....

My plans for today changed. Originally we planned to go to an annual art show, but yesterday when we heard about the supposed weather for today, we did decided to postponed it till Sunday. Course when we work this morning the predicted weather did not show up and it is bright and sunny, though a bit chilly.

Tomorrow Sweetie and I will be attending another training session with Yoni and Willis. We had an amazing experience on Monday with Yoni. As I said before he is Ceasar trained which we are familiar with. When we first arrived, Yoni had us bring Willis through his house and into his backyard. Part of it was fenced in with a 3 foot wire fence. He placed Willis in it and then came back to where we were sitting. Willis paced and whined the entire time...and we commented we had never heard him make so much noise.

After Yoni explained how he trains differently than sit,stay or stuff like that he told us that Willis needed to respect our space and then demonstrated how to use our bodies to block or pushed Willis away from us in certain situations. Example standing by a door. When Willis attempted to push through the back door in front of us, we faced him and pushed him back a few feet with just our bodies and NO WORDS and then we entered the door. After a few times of doing this, Willis got the idea.

Our biggest concern is how Willis whines and dances around when another dog is near. Yoni taught us how to distract Willis by walking a few step with him by our side and then abruptly turning different directions so that he stayed at our knees. We, Sweetie and I, did this numerous times till I thought I was gonna get dizzy.

Then the real test came. Yoni instructed us to take Willis to the far side of the yard and then brought his pitty girl out. I figured as soon as Willis spotted his dog, who was about 25 feet from us, Willis would start to do his dance thing...but he didn't. That was amazing in its self. Then Yoni had us walk Willis to the middle area, perhaps 15" from his girl who was quitely laying on her bed and he took Willis from us. As he and Willis approached his pup, Yoni pointed out how Willis ears went forwards and his forehead would wrinkle. As soon as that happened, Yoni changed directions and walked Willis away. He did this approach and turn things several times so that Willis would focus on him and not the other dog.

Each time Yoni did this, he and Willis would end up getting closer and closer to his dog until finally they stood two feet away from each other. Willis never whined, lunged, twirled or danced at any time....quite remarkable for us to see. Then Yoni turned Willis over to me and made me repeat the entire process. The only correction comment Yoni made to me was to relax my arm that was holding the leash. Then I handed Willis over to Sweetie and he did the same thing. By the time we were finish and were standing around discussing the process, Willis just decided to lay down, four feet from the other dog. We found ourselves laughing because both Sweetie and I were saying the same things that we've heard repeated over and over again when we watch the Dog Whisper...We just couldn't believe the difference in Willis' behavior with just an hour of training.

Of course we were sent home with homework to do with Willis...the distracting walk and such...but what is most amazing is how calm Willis continues to be since we brought him home. He loves to pester me while I prepare dinner, but instead of telling him to "go" out of my kitchen, I just block him with my body, keep my mouth shut and push him away AND he doesn't come back. After talking with Yoni, we understood and recognized how much we were contributing to the problem.

Perhaps the best part of all is watching Sweetie find his confidence in working with Willis. He usually walks Willis at night but worried about meeting up with other dogs. Willis is walking much better with him instead of pulling him along the way. Without my knowledge this morning, Sweetie took Willis out on the street and worked with him there. Tomorrow we go to a class with many other dogs and we are excited to see how we, the humans, do. Yoni and his assistant will be there to teach the class. I am beyond excited because I can see hikes with Willis in my future. It's been a problem in the past because so many people hike with their dogs off leash which as always been a concern for Willis and me. And, oh by the way, you CAN teach old dogs, and humans new tricks...Willis just turned nine and I have a really good feeling its gonna be a great year for all of us.
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Postby BookSaver » Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:48 pm

I did not get called in to work today. :D
Laundry is caught up. Dishes are getting there. I'm doing 10 minutes chores all over the house.

Elizabeth ~ The chicks that hatch during Project Peep belong to the children's librarian. She and her husband live on an acreage. She raises chickens and rabbits for show and to sell for 4H projects. She's won a lot of blue ribbons at state fair. The eggs she brings to the library are all from small colorful breeds like silkies, and the rabbits she brings to visit story time are also small breeds. I think she sells the chicks that are hatched at the library and donates the money to the summer reading program.

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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:04 pm

dh/dgirl are not wiping out their sinks like I asked. - I will ask dh to do it - even though I asked how it was working for him (having the clorox wipes on counter) and he said great :shock: i get so tired when i get stuck with the work over and over again. (little tasks that if not done grow)

Next: toss from bedroom the few things I had pulled out for garbage.
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Postby Sunny » Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:11 pm

Hello everyone! I'm eating a bite of lunch while check in here. It is 84* here with very few clouds. After the cold in January it has been unseasonably warm, near record breaking temps.

I enjoyed reading yesterday's posts. I have to say that Sunny's Own Maid Service has joined Slackers Anonymous and I think they are out on the beach enjoying this fine weather! :lol:

Yesterday I also enjoyed a nice phone conversation with dsis. It was nice to catch up on a lot of family doings. Ds#2 called and talked to dh. He still hasn't found a truck to replace the stolen one, but seems to be getting close. He's even looking online for anything available in other cities around FL. They have been told by The Insurance Man that the "check is in the mail". He, ddil-Y and dgd16 are going to Highland Games in Jacksonville this weekend. Dgd22 cannot get off work to go. Dgd16 is not going to dance, but does want to compete in piping.

Harriet, I hope Toddler-C is feeling better today.

Lucy, I was sorry to read about your dsgrm and her dsis.

I hope you all are staying safe and warm in this crazy winter weather we are having; Lynlee, too, in her summer heat and storms!

Supper tonight will be fried potatoes with onions (from left over baked potatoes we had yesterday), ham steak and green beans. I have a lol ready to move from washer to dryer.....
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Postby blessedw2 » Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:13 pm

what a cool woman to donate the profits to the summer reading program.

hi d book - glad you are able to stay home so happy for you.

hi d rose hope sunday is lovely when you go to the art show. sorry it didn't work today.
I can't wait to hear how your lessons for your d dog goes.
sweetie and I, did this numerous times till I thought I was gonna get dizzy.
:D :D :D

d dee - I never heard of it either - I have too many jams/jellies still also. good for you cleaning out from one fridge to another!

hi d twins I am happy you had some time for yourself d twins. sounds like a fun morning.

hi d sunny Your dinner sounds great.
I have to say that Sunny's Own Maid Service has joined Slackers Anonymous and I think they are out on the beach enjoying this fine weather! :lol:

I am loosing steam - but I will do my mini home blessing - not the regular one - with d dogs and d cats shedding (even though dd is brushing them) and the ground being so wet, I have had to vacuum and swipe more often. Keeping it simple. All I want to do is sleep. GET ER DONE - repeating this mantra
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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