Monday Fresh Start

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:06 pm

My campaign "speech" was, "If you don't vote for me, you have to take my place on the board".

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Congratulations on a well ran campaign and a landslide win!!

LL - I second suggestion of letting your DGS pick his own socks and shoes out. DS9 went through a really sensitive phase to certain materials. Not only did he not want to wear certain material, he didn't want it next to him (someone else wearing it). He was extremely adverse to it touching him. His problem (I think) was the sound the material made more than the texture. It was an easily solved issue by letting him pick the material of items he wore. I don't know if he has outgrown it or we have just become adjusted to buying material that doesn't bother him. I think there is an official DSM name for this. ....sensory something.

DS9 is now an official member of a Homeschool Coop. They said there were boys his age in the group, but we didn't meet any of them today. The parents & kids I meet today seemed open and encouraging. I am hopeful.

We went to Sam's to do list shopping and let DS9 get something to eat. We did more than list shopping (rare for me). I saw some shelves with bins and decided that is exactly what DS9 needs in his bedroom instead of chest of drawers that have trouble with the drawers falling out and/or shutting properly. I normally don't like the bin/shelf style of furniture but I'm becoming a convert. I like they are easy to change tall or short and # of bins used. OH....and the fact they are about 1/4 the price of a chest of drawers plays a big factor in my decision too. I have one of the set of shelves/bins assembled and in place. I came here to take a break before assembling the 2nd set.

DS9 and I got set up for archery practice at home. DH was not pleased with my configuration. Granted. He has some valid reasons since we already shot an arrow through the house siding. OOPS! ANYway, DH took DS9 to a piece of land we own in the country to do archery practice there.
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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:30 pm

I have swept the kitchen and dining room, plus I rounded up donations and loaded them in the rig. I cleaned up the hen house, and picked up after the dog. Dumped the trash. Moved the table loom. Yea for progress!

Back from a walk w ddog.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby lucylee » Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:47 pm

Ha! I’d say Lord M had a valid concern!

Waiting for dmom to get here for doctor’s appt.
Paid a couple bills, made deposit at bank.

Dmom is late.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:49 pm

lucylee, I know! what about make sure he has FUN socks!!?!?!! :o Characters, silly, or bright, but of a personal taste or favorite, so that there is a feeling of taking ownership and having control? If not now for a happy sock, then, when? All my poor grandchildren, even 11-year-old, are overrun with grandma-bought happy socks. If their parents are not rolling their eyes, they do not have enough socks from Grandma. $1 at Tarjay front area, or cheap full packages of fun ones from actual clothing sections. If one of them gets a favorite superhero - watch out. Grandma will bring out the Hulk socks if that's the thing. I do very little in the way of other clothing - maybe tees. And trips to Goodwill when dd38 lets me know a jeans-size need. I figure clothes are the parents' thing, but they can always stop kids wearing really inappropriate socks if they go to a wedding or something.

ToddlerC wouldn't wear socks at all, if you remember. I know she's a little kid, so this is different from your dgs. But she would fling a fit that they were the most awful things anyone ever forced on children whatsoever - until I bought a package of several fun ones for her. I put them into her own gift bag, NOT first seen coming from her sock drawer, where all the horror was. Ddil wisely picked up on this and did not take them from the car for a while, carrying C with feet in the air to the car to let her choose a pair from the ones that were in the gift bag. Nowadays, of course, toddlerC is much more sensible. She accepts something on her feet for ... oh... a couple hours at a time. ;)

Pleasant talk with dd38, who will be headed for the state zoo Friday a.m. (a partner of the univ system) to lecture regarding OSHA regulations and the importance of training the GenX and Millennials with more information, explaining the "why" more, etc. She says this will be a very unwelcome speech, to people who don't want to hear that their training needs any changes. Her focus is, "The generations who took Levar Burton seriously - they don't take your word for it".

She wants me to chat over the phone with WonderBoy about a science project tonight - way too much fun. Like she has to ask.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:56 pm

Ds came over and did laundry. He and I talked about the house. I texted MF and he recommended his real estate agent. He's in a town 20 minutes down the road from the town this house is in and she covers both towns. The place is being sold by an agent out past dd's house (i.e. a 75 minute drive away in no traffic from the house for sale.) Our guess is that it is a rental and whoever owns it chose an agent near them, rather than near the investment property.

Ds hasn't seen inside so that is the next step. He'll be at the museum tomorrow so we can talk more about it.

Dh and I went out to the grocery store (yes, that one!) and picked up a few things. We didn't really need anything but wanted to make sure the staff was OK. They are doing alright according to the check out lady (who wasn't on duty last night.) It was a regular customer who was badly stabbed so they are all upset that it was someone they knew.

Can you imagine going to the grocery store at 6:45 p.m. to pick up breakfast cereal and ending up in critical condition in the hospital from stab wounds? This is a very upscale neighbourhood so it feels surreal. We understand there are areas in all cities where that isn't a remote possibility, but in a neighbourhood where homes start in the $800K range, it seems surreal.

I've switched dinner to be hamburgers because I desperately feel like beef tonight. Plus I had a smaller than usual lunch.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby LadyMaverick » Mon Feb 26, 2018 5:57 pm

Alrighty! Both sets of shelves/bins are assembled and in place. DS9 is now filling the bins. We discussed ways to organize his items and agreed on a method. So now I want to step back and give him an opportunity to implement the plan.

I swear this is the 100% truth. DS9 just came and asked if he could get rid of a pair of socks. He said, "The socks fit my feet but I don't like to wear them because I can't feel my feet when I wear them. They just feel weird." I found it somewhat funny that I had just written about DS9 and his aversion to some fabrics and then he walks in here and talks about it. He had no clue what I had just written.

I might have already known this.....but if I did, I haven't been taking advantage of it. Sam's has free shipping! So....that gives me 3 places to order from with free shipping. I can compare prices between the 3 places and order according to who has the best price. If I had it my way, I would rarely enter a brick-n-mortar store. I much prefer to order and have everything delivered to my door. But then.....I hate to shop.
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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:25 pm

hello - hello!

had a 5 hour lunch with dd younger and d one sis in law! we had a wonderful time!
So much fun. It was great seeing dd enjoying herself.

hope you had a lovely day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Nancy » Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:59 pm

I seamed up a blanket this afternoon glad to have that in the done pile yea me! H. Is home. Had requested deli chicken he remembered good thing bc I had no plan for dinner. Eggs are cooling so can peel em for lunches, veg are cooking as well.

I keep for getting to mention I enjoyed "weekend aristocrats" on net flicks about castles in England people stay in for a fee.

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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:53 pm

I think I probably have sensory issues sometimes too. Or perhaps I'm particularly tactile. There are some fabrics I just can't stand, and I get very irritated about some tags at the back of my neck. I wonder if the aversion to socks is because they're yucky and smell funny when you take them off? Sometimes they just bind my toes too much and I don't like that either.

I had a fairly productive day, altho my plans for the week have changed several times.

Phone call about getting dmom a referral to an opthamologist and getting her new glasses and somehow making the broken ones do until we can get new ones.

Long walk - almost an hour with big hills - in the neighborhood with M and R uby. Muffin didn't get to go - I think it would be too much for her and slow us down too much. (She does get a.m. and p.m. walks on our flat circle.)

Decided - hopefully - on a document for the portfolio "document work" where I transcribe and abstract a document, then analyze the document and do a research plan based on a specific question about someone in the document. The one I chose is a deed of gift where he makes gifts to his adult children and names them - but three males he lists as sons have a different surname. I did the transcription, then did some research to see what resources there are for research - this is East TN in 1811. (Found what I think is the answer along the way, but the research isn't part of the work - the three other guys were son in laws.

So dh suggested I go to the library in Nashville while he's away on Wed, Thurs or Friday, and we'll have supper with dd tomorrow - either out or I'll cook. She missed supper with us last night.

Dh was invited out for dinner so I was off the hook about cooking tonight, which gave me more research time. :D I put the pork tenderloin back in refrig to cook another time.

Tomorrow I'll work out with M at the Y at 1 p.m., I hope. In the morning I'll go see my eye guy about short-term repair to dmom's glasses.

A good day. I hope I sleep better tonight.
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Re: Monday Fresh Start

Postby Harriet » Mon Feb 26, 2018 8:56 pm

Kathryn, has the news story morphed at all? Perhaps the person didn't want attention, but in most cases that wouldn't matter. I'm so sorry your community is dealing with this and hope that customer recovers soon.

Found in a box I went through in decluttering today, where I didn't expect them - 3 carved wood items my late dh had been gifted by a former retired minister, now passed, who carved them. I have often used these as holiday decor, but thought I stored them somewhere else and haven't enjoyed them for several years, so this is nice. Two tall thin bearded men like St Nick with flowing robes and beards all the way down in simple carving - I think this type was once called Candlestick Santa or Pencil Santa - and a tiny bell.

I remember how my late dh protested that the minister shouldn't give his carvings away, but he'd hear none of it and wanted my dh to have them. I remember his last name, and know the first initial, so I think I could look his name up and write on the bottom of at least the largest so the children will always know. Now that I think of it as I post, I'm sure his first name was Clifford. I'll do that right away.

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