taking the first step tuesday

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taking the first step tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:45 am

"you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step"

Its so easy to see a job/goal as so big that it makes it hard to start or finish. I look at my routines as my baby steps - with the help of all of you. When I keep up with my routines it makes other things easier.

How do you start making a goal or job into baby steps to get to your goal. Changing the mindset from looking at the whole staircase to workable steps.

Good morning! I wish you a really wonderful day! This quote is important for my family today as I am trying to help dd younger to take baby steps to health and her future. I am trying to help her simplify her view - instead of looking at all the work it takes to get to a place she wants to be at I am hoping to help her see the simplicity of breaking things down into little workable and doable steps to give her confidence and feel that she is making a difference for her future.

Have a wonderful wonderful one step at a time.
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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:15 am

Dfriend M and I walked up a couple of big hills yesterday and used the technique of calling out a rock, or branch, or mailbox as the next way mark, instead of looking at the entire hill. I remember using it with my kids once when they were too tired and whiny about walking back on a walk.

I need to get cracking. Mother, her glasses, a workout later, and dinner tonight for dd - in or out? Maybe I'll let dh take us out. M changed workout to 4 p.m. - she's working the strategy this week of "getting the big rocks into the jar first." That is, trying to schedule the big things that should happen and fitting in others around it.

-breakfast and meds
-brush teeth, clean up and dress
-walk the dog!
-MUST get the garbage can to street soon!
-fold a lol

and I'm off.....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:24 am

Dfriend M and I walked up a couple of big hills yesterday and used the technique of calling out a rock, or branch, or mailbox as the next way mark, instead of looking at the entire hill. I remember using it with my kids once when they were too tired and whiny about walking back on a walk.
I loved this d twins. what a great idea!

I also love the idea of getting the big rocks in the jar (the important things done first)

wishing you a great day d twins
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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:28 am

put the dishwasher on when I woke up
having coffee and breakfast

I love d twins way of looking at things a little at a time to get up the hill. -
morning routine first

- dd youngest dr. appointment
- kitchen counter put away
-list spending from yesterday
-take care of dogs
-today is bathroom day - keeping fingers crossed (dd's and dh have been swiping their sinks daily)

emptied the dw (and I still had all----llllllll the dishes from last night)- I have been really good cleaning it up each night but with dd at a low spot and in tears - we had to call the dr. - meds problem- I didn't do a thing (not even wash dishes or counters as I would cook). So I had to refill it and it is on again.

started dinner prep

I have strawberries that need using up... I am going to spoil us by using them in basil strawberry iced tea. why not.

next wash recycling and put it outside :D
take veggie fruit scraps to compost :D
take meds - me and dogs 8-)
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:06 pm

Good morning everyone! I had a very productive day yesterday, because I did NOT turn on the computer at home!!! Everything on my list was attended to if not finished except the LR. Not because I procrastinated, but because I was busy elsewhere. Unfortunately, the dentist visit resulted in two cavities and a future crown. The crown is not strictly necessary now, but is inevitable, and if I wait until the tooth breaks, there will be less to anchor the crown. It will probably be done in the fall timeframe for financial reasons. The cavities will be next week.

I bought the yarn in town instead of online. The price difference was 20 cents in favor of in town, and I prefer to shop local. Online had better coupons, but also shipping charges. I did eat dinner out, because it worked better than going home to eat then going back out for groceries. I wrote a letter that has to be sent out today. I kept moving on my various clean up projects, but none got completed because I alternated among them and there was too much for the time frame. What did get done: made a pile for DD16 to go through tonight, put away many things from my travels, kitchen maintenance, put away some things in the hallway, tiny amount of put away in the disaster area formerly known as the sewing room.

I got some really good feedback on a report modification I posted yesterday. I have figured out how to handle a bug elsewhere. That will be a pain. However, there is a high priority modification that needs to be done before 3/1.

Tonight is Girls' Night Out with DD16. I am hoping she is homework-free so we can go to craft night at church. I am so close to finishing the Mardi Gras Barbie dress. I have to remember to enter my time into the payroll system. I tried it when I got in but the system is down. I have to request time off for the cavities and get an animal org question answered. I should also play catchup on my home emails.

lucylee wrote:It MIGHT have been his daddy. Or Mommy. YES, Mommy might have done it.

DDthen3 blamed something on the CAT! I said, "Tiki does not have opposable thumbs!" In first grade, the kids had to talk about a pet they had or would like. Her teacher said she included that fact.

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:12 pm

Full moon I was up in the nite w a low bs # 66. The dog got hubby up. She did her part, we were pleased. I slept in.

H got the trash to the curb. I got that rounded it up dumped and ready to go out yesterday I did some dusting last evening. Did some on catch up on cooking eggs for h lunches & p m routine. Now the there is no Olympics on in the evenings now.

For my Anti Prastracanation Day for my tasks on Mon. - Bc Wed. Is desk day. Did pick up the yard, and sewing hemmed 4 table clothes and seamed up a blanket, got a created of fabric emptied yea!

Tip for granny....
Found kids books read aloud on U tube!

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:52 pm

recycling is washed and out
food compost going out
sink is shiny
washed the rest of the dishes by hand and is drying
dw is still wash
counters and stove done
listened to dianne in denmark - trying to simplify my routine
threw the ball for a while with d dogs
had a yogurt - I was hungry :shock:

need to take meds done
look at errands and see if I can toss it in done
ready for s2s
cards pulled

take care see you later :D have a great day.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:22 pm

d elizabeth and d nancy good morning as well

ta ta for now.
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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:31 pm

Hello everyone.

I was up early but half the day is done and I don't know where it went.

After I do dailies I always check what's needing done at my desk. Sometimes I think there's nothing but DH has printed off bills and left them for me. So I got that done and tackled my spreadsheets again. Jan and Feb all done. This time I did not have to look at my notebook of tips but one time. That's a lot of progress. I am getting faster at it.

Lady came by for a check and then stayed chatting on the porch with me for over an hour. DH came home and then there was more conversation. Sigh......

Just had lunch/breakfast.

I don't often figure out a job to do in steps. I think about just starting the chore and then it just sorta flows. I don't think about the whole thing. Laundry. I just think, some needs done and I get started. Stuff in the kitchen, I just think clean it up... and everything falls into place - dishes, counters, floors. I find if I overthink a chore it looks bigger and more daunting. If I focus on how many things need done I might not get started in the first place!

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:35 pm

Thinking of Sadie today.

blessed, this depends - are we going up or down the stairs? :D I want to see plenty when headed down! Ugh, shall I admit that HRH has stacks on the edges of the stairs right now... .. we promised we would never let this happen. Just overwhelmed at times, but MUST handle. Any step might be "a doozy" if there is anything on it besides your foot.

Have done church Desk Day. If I could get this week's two deposits out of the way today, at least one big rock, as Twins' Mom said, could be handled. I also have a local appt at 4:30 - thank goodness not a long drive. So my errand list is building.

Frantic-ness at the upcoming weekend is starting. I can feel it. Because of the leak, some things were piled in our bedroom and need to go back. In fact, that whole room has "excuses" that don't matter - just need to do the work that gets it back to order.

Pest guy showed up, and I asked him not to spray. I requested we stay on our normal schedule. I know that we are having a weird few weeks of warmth, but I'm not going to believe the whole year will change. February is still February.

Watered plants, changed windows for them. Started beans soaking.

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