taking the first step tuesday

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Feb 27, 2018 5:38 pm

Went to knitting mtg. Glad I did, I skipped store run 4 today. I have a good report about decluttering the too small knitting needles went like hot cakes at the mtg., I gave kidN mom books for her and water color paints and a not pad I was letting go of, then delivered stuff off at the thrift shop. got a free tea and yarn gifted to me. :mrgreen:

Need to walk ddog. Done.
Hens are on free range time.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Feb 27, 2018 6:22 pm

I have DS9 fairly tightly controlled on the internet from each of his devices. DGD6 is allowed to do most anything with no parental monitoring from her tablet. I thought DS9 might resent me for not allowing him to do what DD allows DGD6 to do, but instead he thanks me for keeping him safe.

A local flower shop is giving away flowers today to anyone with my first name. So I went by and picked up my free flower. I didn't think it would be much but it was amazing bouquet arraignment in a nice bottle. I took the flowers to DMom because I knew she would appreciate them more than I would. DS9 asked to spend a few hours with his Great Grandmother this afternoon. I'll pick him up in a couple hours.

While at the flower shop I found a perfect size wallet to fit into cargo pant pocket. It had to be small & slim. I am sorta weirded out by how quickly I became addicted to cargo pants. They are sooooo easy to carry everything I need all the time. Nothing in my back pocket so the pants fit smoothly.

I stopped at the little town grocery store for a couple items. I do like to support local stores but I'm not going to go out of my way to do it. My time trumps my desire to support locally. I'm okay with being selfish and taking the easiest way of shopping.

I still haven't accomplished what I said I would do a couple hours ago. Trying again....

next up -
*** plan and package tomorrow's meals
** Do my OA homework and post it.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:00 pm

Just realized I haven't posted today. We went to "willing workers" at church this morning. They were boxing the rolled bandages for dh to take to Maryland in a month. Can't believe how fast his time here is winding down.

Dh and a friend of DS-A are going to a Detroit Tigers/Tampa Bay Rays game here Saturday afternoon. Our over 80 string is supposed to stop in a couple of days. Think we're at day 23 of over 80 in February in a row. Old record was 18 days. And the most over 80 days in February was 13 in 1932. It'll be a very long time I'm thinking for this record ever to be broken.

How do you start making a goal or job into baby steps to get to your goal.
I often take things "one step at a time", Blessed. When I'm really not getting going on a task, like church council minutes, I list every step to complete them. Like: "Recieve Trustees report, paste & correct report; Receive Deacons report, etc, etc, etc. Which reminds me I need to call up home to church to find out why I haven't received anything from the meeting on the 13th (the one I missed).

Oh, here's dd. Guess I better turn up the heat on dinner.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Tue Feb 27, 2018 7:16 pm

Back from errands.
I bought myself a treat since I have to be out in public so many extra days this week -- a bottle of fresh-squeezed orange juice. I figure I'm going to need the extra vitamins. ;)

While I was out, I got a text from DSis asking if I could come up north for lunch tomorrow because she has the day off. It's an hour drive to get to family, and I have to be at work by 12:30, so I suggested breakfast. I'll have to wake up early and I'm sure I'll be exhausted by the time I get off work at 8:15PM, but it will be worth it to see DMom and 2 of my DSisters.

I need to finish putting away groceries and start cooking supper. I'm not going to have time before dark to do as much tidying in the yard as I had hoped, but if I can get out there long enough to grab the most visible litter, that will make things look much better.

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:54 pm

Struggling on the treadmill now.

I'm exhausted so have slowed down to 2.6 mph. I have been doing 3 for the past few days but tonight that is too fast

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Harriet » Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:11 pm

My errands could NOT have gone better

Phone call from WonderBoy just before I left, asking me to pick up potting soil.

got both deposits made and then to hormone dr right on time.

Good appt with her - she noticed my weight loss and good bp. But also just a helpful talk about what's going right and what could be better.

Then to home improvement near there and bought potting soil. A little disappointed in the place. Here I am, their prime customer, really looking around for a few things, but couldn't find anything. I walked out with that small bag and a packet of seeds I could have bought anywhere. They had a dismal selection of the little pots I've been looking for, for houseplants.

So, this is good because now I know to go elsewhere for spring outdoor needs.

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby BookSaver » Wed Feb 28, 2018 12:39 am

While it was still light out, I went out and filled 2 plastic shopping bags and grabbed half a dozen other larger items of litter that had been hiding under the piles of snow. Everything had been blown into our yard from various neighbors. How do I know it wasn't our own litter? Packaging from products that we never buy -- cigarettes, dog treats, candy, coffee cups/cans/pop bottles in brands we don't drink, bags from stores I don't even recognize the names, a milk jug from a convenience store that I think is far too expensive ...

Something about our location attracts all this stuff. Why couldn't it be something useful, like winning lottery tickets? ;)

I also took the household trash & recycling out to the bins in the shed. That puts me ahead so tomorrow after work I'll only have to carry the bins to the curb.

I didn't learn anything new in the 2-hour online class tonight, but the teacher was a blogger I've read for years so I don't mind supporting her fb page.

During the short breaks in the class, I washed the new dishes I bought today.
* New storage containers to replace cracked and dingy ones. The new ones are translucent and it will be helpful to be able to see what and how much is in them without having to open the lids.
* Pretty colorful mixing bowls with lids. My old bowls were a wedding gift, nice vintage Pyrex, but I've never liked the color which is a sort of olive green. They were a gift, though, and Pyrex is a great well-made brand, so I had to keep them, right? Well, I've been thinking about replacing them for at least a year, and today I finally found some I think are nice enough to let go of the old ones. The new ones are melamine and I know they won't last as long, but they are pretty, and they have lids.

I'll take the old mixing bowls with me tomorrow to see if DSis knows anyone who would want them.

I think I've done almost everything I need to do tonight to be ready for an early start tomorrow. I've read the weather report for the northern city. I found the online map and the breakfast menu for the restaurant where I'm meeting DMom and DSisters. I've checked my tote bag for work and decided what snacks to pack. I need to take everything in the morning in case I don't have time to stop home between breakfast and work.

I'm trying to finish a library book that is due back on Thursday, but probably should avoid the temptation to read much before bedtime. Well, maybe just a few pages ... :)

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Re: taking the first step tuesday

Postby Lynlee » Wed Feb 28, 2018 1:17 am

Lady M - here there is a police dept that deals with online child 'grooming'. They conduct sting operations that result in charges when mtgs are set up..
I have no idea if such an agency exists over there, but passing on the info of screen name may be helpful.
Well done in putting a stop to that contact.

today - a fight back after 'whatever' struck.
Woke and bounced out of bed
tmeds and caught up on dishes.
bins late to the kerb but they got there. I'm thankful it wasn't the green bin day as it was mostly empty.
dress bfst
bus to taichi.
Stayed for much of the advanced class.
left a little early to catch bus.
groceries. lots of fridge stuff. taxi was about so I got one of those to circumvent my struggle with heavy shopping cart on the hills.
Talked to neighbour - pd for mowing done this morning.
I'm needing my nanna nap.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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