Wednesday What are you asking for?

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Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:12 am

I realized this morning in a frustrated moment that I asked for exactly what was frustrating me.

Be careful what you ask for. You might just get it! :)

What are you asking for?
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Feb 28, 2018 8:23 am

DS9 and I have been working on him learning how to get up in the morning and get ready (on his own). This lead to also working on his bedtime routine to ensure he gets enough sleep. We have been using several tools and methods. I have been monitoring his sleep time on Fitbit to see the results of the changes we are making. We have been backing up his bedtime routine by 15 minutes each time he doesn't make his morning deadline. ANyway, this morning he woke up at 4:30am and was wide awake and ready to start the day. NOOOOOOOOOO, THE EARLY MORNING HOURS ARE MINE!!

As DS9 was doing his typical chatting non-stop this morning I realized what I had done. It's the only time of the day that I get to have quiet and by tweaking his bedtime I am the reason it is not quiet!

Now we are going to work on him staying in bed until his alarm goes off at 6:30am.

I am sooo very thankful to have such an easily solved "problem". Even though it did cost me my quiet time today. :)
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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Feb 28, 2018 9:24 am

You'll get it all sorted out, LadyM. No doubt!

I, for once, had a very decent night's sleep. How different I feel! :D I did get up about 11:45 with a low BS -first in quite some time. Ate 3 pieces of licorice (about 2 1/2" apiece). Must have done the trick as it was 104 this morning.

I had lay in bed waiting for dh to come out of the bathroom and finally raised up and realized he was up and gone. Now I'm ready for meds and breakfast. I'm off and then I'll do my PODA.
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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:00 am

how wonderful that you got a lovely night sleep d dee!

4:30 way too early :lol:
d lady I could imagine your face when he woke up so early!

wishing you both and everyone a lovely day!
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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:06 am

I think - I am more looking at What I am asking for compared to if I am doing anything to fulfill those goals/wants.

I noticed that I want fitness but don't work at it
I have to make that a step by step program for me.

wishing you all a good day.

Yesterday I ended up the couch with sleep and a headache. (not a migraine yay)
today: hair cut and hair dye.

I am going to do the 15 minute timer program to get started on different things I want to do.
15 minutes in living room removing paper
15 minutes on photos
15 minutes on kitchen focus.
15 minutes on animal brushing and care
15 minutes on catching up on stuff I had to miss yesterday
Last edited by blessedw2 on Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby Nancy » Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:09 am

Ddog barked at paper delivery person at 5 am woke me up, glad I went to bed on time so I am up on time. Day planning done. Last evening I did a put away after so e decluttering i tne storage zone down stair. H commented on the way it was looking better in tnat room yea!

Yesterday I learned a drygoods store is closing in our town. Glad I did not pick them for my Rx place saved me some hassles. A different rx place closed last fall as well.

I saw the Easter stuff was out at the charity shop when I was there yesterday. It is a fun declutter to loom for green things in March. I let go of that stuff last year.

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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:32 am

hi d nancy!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Feb 28, 2018 10:34 am

I noticed that I want fitness but don't work at it
I have to make that a step by step program for me.
Yeah! I'm at that point too, Blessed. Hoping that I can 'step by step' get back to feeling more fit and that my stamina and strength return. I'm ready! Think now this viral/cold thing has morphed into allergy season. :roll: I'm so tempted to open the windows this morning but know how bad the pollen is out there. Yesterday I began to have a serious problem with plugged ears. We had opened the doors earlier and finally decided we needed to shut them and turn the AC back on. Today is our 23rd day in a row of over 80 temps. Unheard of for sure. Supposed to be one more day and then back to mid 70's. I'll be glad. Sure our other FL Shes will be too.

I'm going to do my PODA and get busy while I still feel like it.
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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:38 am

Good morning! What am I asking for? Money and lots of it. No downsides to that!

As expected, DD16 had homework instead of going to craft night. We had fun balancing chemical equations. (Seriously, it was fun). Then, I did some planned procrastination with the computer jigsaws. I have assembled a list of things I need and/or want to buy. I have not figured out which ones I will attempt tonight. I, too, need a wallet, but have not found any to my liking. I have an old FlyLady wallet, but it is falling apart and regularly loses my drivers license. I have looked, but only found unsatisfactory ones. I would not have thought to look in a flower shop! Not getting great sleep, because Briggs yowls in the night. He is probably looking for Stratton.

At payroll, I have to make reports that include WIP for people who do not understand inventory. Maybe instead of calling it Physical Inventory, WIP, and Available Inventory, the headers should be "stuff in the warehouse", "stuff I have promised to someone else", and "stuff I can distribute".

One essential tonight is a LOL. Somewhere in the five feet from my nightstand to where I put on my clothes, a bra has evaporated.

I suggest for Harriet a stair basket. The key to this is that every time someone goes upstairs, they have to take the items in it up.

TwinsMom: What is KDP? It is dangerous to walk through Michaels. Things jump into your hands and drag you to the cash register.

Like Booksaver, the wind patterns around me cause litter and leaves to accumulate around my front door and a corner of my front yard. One time I found $20.

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Re: Wednesday What are you asking for?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Feb 28, 2018 11:45 am

I can make fitness my priority and despite a dodgy end to the month, have had a successful February. I'll probably miss my March 1 goal by a pound but am forgiving myself since it was a very aggressive goal.

The issue is that in order to make time for all the food planning, prep, cleanup, logging and all the exercising, I don't have the time/energy to do other things. So I can be fit, or semi-in-control of other items but not both.

Realized first thing this morning that I owed our W&R their monthly allowance. Got that sent. Have had dh set up a tickler for me since I didn't open my planner (my fault but obviously I need to set multiple 'alarms' for this.) I'd write post-dated cheques but the bank will put a hold on them so he won't be able to pay his rent. Email transfers give him access to the money within an hour.

I got distracted with Slack again, installing it on my phone and tablet. I'll give this communication tool a try but am not sure it will work. I need to get audio notifications going as well so there's more to do before the software is running as it should and then I need the family to buy into the idea of using this. As well, there are complaints that the app eats battery power and you need the app since it won't work in a mobile browser. In other words, it seems to be getting complicated.

The issue is that we currently stay in touch via phone, email, FB messenger and text (both through the cell provider and What's App.) But not all of us are on all of these methods (dh isn't on FB for instance, ds and dd aren't on What's App.) Texting works but I don't check my phone often enough according to the kids. With my new phone I'm getting better. It is bigger, so easier to use and more powerful, so serves more purposes, therefore I keep it closer to me.

Currently we need a way to plan our time better since the kids need access to us at the moment and dh is overwhelmed with work. I am too but am keeping my head in the sand instead!

Elizabeth: there are downsides to money. It affects relationships, increases choices (which makes making choices harder) and creates more work (managing/keeping track of the money, caring for the things bought with the money and creating the time to do all the things you are doing with the money.) Too much and too little money are both challenging. Finding the amount that is 'enough' is the goal. Not too much, not too little - it is a shifting target since that amount depends on what is happening in one's life at the moment.

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