Marching Forward

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Twins' Mom
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Re: Marching Forward

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:31 pm

Still haven't done anything productive, but I did do something I've put off for two years. I called an elderly cousin about taking a DNA test. I had talked via Facebook with his daughter back then, but never followed up about calling him. I don't know what I expected - a crotchety old man? but he was very nice. In fact, he's moved so he's not in FL anymore but living with his daughter in Knoxville, so I'll just visit him and take him to lunch.

OK, I am going to reboot the laundry and head out.
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Re: Marching Forward

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:38 pm

I think you are amazing d harmony!!! I don't see you or kathryn ever being a slug!!!
I do understand when someone else is working - zip zapping around the house and I have a headache or am exhausted.
I wish dh would leave the house once in a while but I would miss him terribly if was gone most of the time!

I think he may have a bit of depression that I am feeling and a lack of moving forward feeling - I have a feeling that this is more the issue.
along with dd struggling w the meds going goofy on her.

some good news though - dd younger found a life couch that works with creative endeavours (a young person's coach) - he is really good - highly recommended by drs.
plus with working with a therapist, her neurologist and drs. we are hoping that dd will start healing.
dd younger went to exercise and that just cheers her up - she also played with both dogs (who are now happy)
dh went on his usual run of errands which makes him happy

dinner prep done - I will make the banana bread and freeze the bananas
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Re: Marching Forward

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:42 pm

Next clean up in kitchen
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Re: Marching Forward

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Mar 01, 2018 4:52 pm

I'm usually the slug of our relationship too.

My schedule for today
• 7:00 DD here to get DGD6 ready for school
• 7:30am phone meeting
• 7:45am Bible Study
• 8:00am Math
• 9:00am English
• 10:00 Reading
• 11:15 Lunch
• 12:15 DS9 to Speech
• 2:00 Dr appt = DH & DS9
• 3:00 DGD6 on stage at school
• 3:45 DS9 to 4H meeting
• 6:00 DS9 to Robotics
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Re: Marching Forward

Postby Harriet » Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:12 pm

Just catching up with money chat. At this time in my life, money worries I've noticed that are out of the norm are mostly about responsibility for what mattered to others in the past or will matter to others in the future. It's the wondering if I've done right by what comes under the headings of inheritance or limited benefits/retirement. Also what I was put partially in charge of shepherding, in the way of bequests or charity. I know really good business persons would have handled the county pressures better than I have, too - county doesn't try to help you and so if you aren't savvy enough, you don't know to take advantage of things and you lose chances.

Thoughts about taking care of what was meant for my children is one of the reasons I'm so intent on staying healthy way into old age. I've sorrowed with some cousins about the whole life savings of both their hardworking parents being lost, because of long-term care and hospital bills for one, to the point of selling out their homeplace just to hang on to an expensive bed in an ordinary nursing home.

Okay, is everyone feeling chipper now that Harriet posted? I'm sorry.

A short answer would be, I like having enough money to have different choices for supper. I remember when I didn't have that, and this is better. Also, back to childhood-shaping memory, I can have more than a third share of a carton of 6 bottled 10-oz pepsis per week now. I don't have any business acting on that choice ;) but I can.

ToddlerC was subdued today, cuddled a lot, and even napped just a bit. She said her tummy hurt, but there were no sudden rushes to the bathroom. If I never watch another one of those children's cartoons about the pig family it will be too soon. I had her by 7:30 and her other grandmother was here before 1:00, so not quite 6 hours. They then left to let Gunner out a while for his exercise and pick up the big brother from K.

The important thing to me is that I really filled a necessary gap for ds and ddil, so they can keep their work responsibilities up. They try hard and sleep little, I think. He just emailed me a thank you. I'll be doing it again a week from now.

Went out with HRH to grocery this afternoon. Not easy in the rain, but it needed to be done and best if both of us were there to do it. High ticket, high ticket. sigh. (thankful for grocery receipts because it means I have supper choices?)

Next up - deep clean of tub and shower.

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Re: Marching Forward

Postby Nancy » Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:29 pm

I walked the dog. Did a rock drop, donated painted rocks dish cloths and hot pads for Easter egg hunt.

Kids take turns with big people shows here. They get a show for a while then play some.

It is 55* outside & sunny but I am in no mood for yard work.

Got clean sheets back on the bed.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Mar 01, 2018 10:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Marching Forward

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:40 pm

d harriet - I thoroughly love to hear your wisdom and everyones wisdom. I wish I would have thought about health more when my d kids were younger and even now. I thought I had to exercise like other people.. on shows, neighbours who were super fit or athletes. i had this imagination that I had to do it a certain way - perfectionism type thing "I don't have time"( means that I don't have time to do it right the way I imagine i should do) not exact words but same idea.

I actually always feel chipper when ever you post d harriet!

We were really broke as a family when I was young - I remember d mom struggling to have dinners that stayed in a very small budget. I guess that' why I love to create things, with cooking, that is a bit more then the 7 days a week meal repeats we would have.
I do go over budget on this type of thing and I also go over my body budget 8-) that my body should have.

I love young parents - they work so hard and they do sleep little... so nice you are able to be there d harriet

hi d lady - no you are not slug either! you work very hard! I know I couldn't keep up with you!
hi d kathryn, hope you enjoyed walking in the lovely weather
hi d twins (hope you had fun with errands)
hello d everyone. I wish that I could scroll down more to see what everyone did today!
Hi d nancy! it was 42 degrees here - boy we are close in temps today - hope you have a great evening

I already vacuumed the kitchen and swiffer rinsed.
I will not make the banana bread and apple bread today.
Next: clean the top of the kitchen table and set the table
one dog got sick in two places - largely sick - but it is cleaned up and i had to spray the wood floors there with bleach and water thing. gross but it is done.

haven't done yet on animal duty:
clean cat litter (daily version)
brush animals

me duty:
my laundry
exercise even 15 minutes (don't do perfection)

list spending (dh took my card for butcher for him/dd older dinner and eggs for me, dd younger her exercise class)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Marching Forward

Postby Harriet » Thu Mar 01, 2018 6:54 pm

Reading here about you SLUGS. Hmmm... ...

To quote Inigo Montoya, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means”.

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Re: Marching Forward

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:28 pm

Bless DH heart - he just volunteered to take DS9 to his robotics meeting. That means I am done with all my "have to's". Now I get to do some of my "want to's"

next up -
** Clean up kitchen
** push the lawn mower to enjoy being in the sunshine, add some steps and to mulch up some of the leaves.
** Prep & weigh/measure tomorrow food
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Re: Marching Forward

Postby CathyS » Thu Mar 01, 2018 7:42 pm


Busy day here. Okay, not the whole day but my morning was busy before I could even leave to go to stitching. I filled the dishwasher and started it. I cut up the chicken and put it in the crockpot along with the other ingredients to make chicken and dumplings. The dumplings didn't go in until 4 p.m. We had Minute rice and green peas with it. Dh loved it for the most part, but thinks dumplings could taste better. I think dumplings just taste boring...

It has been very windy here today. No snow or rain here yet, but I hear that it is around us. Lots of warnings about not going anywhere if you don't have to, etc.

We have a nice fire going in the fireplace tonight.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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