Let the weekend begin!!!

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:30 pm

Harmony: ds can't afford a place in the city. Although his hospital is on the west side of the city, homes in that neighbourhood start at $600K and one bedroom apartment condos are about $200K. He can afford, at most, $150K. This town he's looking at is 35 minutes on the highway from work and there will be about 20 houses this season that he can afford. The town has two rivers (ds kayaks) and is about 20 minutes from the ski hill. It is a good area for ds's recreational activities (hiking/paddling/climbing) and he's looking at taking up sport shooting and the gun regulations there are less than in the city and he'll be close to gun ranges.

Bilingualism is a requirement for many jobs in the city and ds works at the only hospital in the city where it isn't a requirement. There are 3 more hospitals, none that require bilingualism, in the towns near where he's looking to buy so if he was to change hospitals, he could work at any of those.

Ds grew up in a rural village and aches to get back to non-city living. So moving to the country or a small town would be a reasonable move for him.

He asked that I call him so we talked for a while and he showed me more listings. One of the first ones he sent me this morning he wants to keep for consideration since the property is zoned mixed use commercial so he could start a side business there. That's a reasonable argument to include it although my argument of no interior pictures therefore it is a dive is also reasonable!

In the meantime, I've started the financial arrangements I have to do for this. So that's another to-do started.

I'm finally s2s (the clock struck 2 as I got out of the shower!)

Now to have some 'lunch'. Not too much since it is an early dinner tonight because of the baby.

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby Ramblinrose » Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:00 pm

Another successful day at the park with Willis. He was so calm around his new and old friends, and a pleasure for me. Two new big akia/husky showed up owned by a young woman and her mother. The dogs were very big and the women small which added to the problem since neither could hardly handle the dogs.

They had been to their assessment training but it was clear they hadn’t worked with their dogs which at this point were very exciteable. The assistant trainer had to spend most of his time working with them, but that was ok with me. This is a huge park with a farmers market, a lake filled with ducks and geese and family birthday party that filled all the remottas. There was plenty of noise and commotion with people walking dogs every which way you looked. Willis ignored them all and laid down on a dog bed provided be the trainer as all the dogs walked around him.

John the trainer is quite impressed with Willis considering this only our secon week there. He hopes to start a second class to allow dogs free run an an enclosed area and said after next week Willis would be ready. For me this is a dream come true. I want Willis to enjoy the freedom of being able to play with other dogs... something he’s never been able to do before. And I am comfortable about doing it as the two trainers will be there to supervise this type of class.
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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby Nancy » Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:08 pm

Have been playing musical dressers. H. unloaded his too small one, while I unloaded the other bigger one to go in there, we moved out the smaller one and I vacuumed under it, we put the bigger one in the new spot and the one on wheels to go upstairs got moved next. Then we took the too small dresser and put it into the creativity room now. Yea us for progress. H took out some other stuff out of his office I vacuumed it looks better!

We had a lunch break and let the hens out and I cleaned the coop collected 5 eggs h then I walked the dog. H. Helped with after lunch clean up.

Counting this for other room zone work.

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:24 pm

its so hard on young people trying to start out!

yay for progress d nancy
yay for willis d rose
hi d kathyrn enjoy ur day

its quiet today in the neighbourhood!

i decided to wear a sling as i keep moving my arm otherwise

load of laundry washing itself
emptied dw that dd younger put on yesterday
soaking a bowl
spoke w dds for quite a while
spoke to d mom earlier
i have to list one spending i forgot
waiting for dishes from upstairs
its hard to do dishes w one hand but its a funny challenge 8-) :D
sink is clean but i have to make dinner
i was shocked by my charges
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby CathyS » Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:57 pm

Hi everyone!!

We drove out to former owner's house this morning so dh could take him some tires. All of the back roads were absolutely clear of snow and awesome driving. This guy plows snow for a living. His driveway to his house and the lane to the barn and the sidewalk in front of the house were all snow and ice covered. They have lived in that house just a bit longer than we have lived here and there are numerous renovations going on inside the house and when we first went in, there was a table saw on their kitchen table. Tools every where. It's like he just puts things down and they stay there indefinitely.

Kathryn numerous houses around the Niagara region are slab on grade. Our house is. (Someone told me to look at a house to see if it had any basement windows and that would be how I could tell.) Dh was very happy about that. He said his fear was coming home to find me at the bottom of the basement stairs one day. We were talking to former owner and his new wife about various neighbours and I was told that I should be happy that the woman next door doesn't speak to us, because she used to throw dog poo at their pick up truck.

All of the roads we drove on last night were also pristine. We were all over Niagara Falls and St. Catharines.

Tonight we are having pork "chops" (AKA chunks of a pork roast" smothered in mushroom gravy with mashed potatoes and dh is having asparagus.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:01 pm

hi d cathy :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby Nancy » Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:23 pm

WTG everyone on your progress. I am back after a round outside, did 15 min. Round of clean up in the back yard I dug out a small tree too. it is looking better now. The hens are happy and curious as to what I did, were digging for worms and scuffling over bugs.

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:01 pm

hi d nancy

hello all.

we had a nice dinner
dishes took longer than normal :shock:
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:19 am

Dinner is over, dishes are loaded. I got the laundry current that is until l showered & changed after dinner lol!

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Re: Let the weekend begin!!!

Postby lucylee » Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:28 am

Blessed said --
Nice thing about our program is that I can get back to routines and move forward. Looking back won't help in getting it done but will help me with perspective this week.

(((Blessed))) You KNEW that would make me feel better, didn't you?

YES... there is no need to look back! I just need to jump in tonight/tomorrow, and get back on the horse that threw me. I've never ridden horses --except for a Shetland pony that would not allow a saddle on his back and had to be led around the yard on a rope, but I think the analogy works. The past two weeks have definitely thrown me for a loop, but I CANNOT just give up and stop my life because all around me is chaos -- or inertia, as the case may be. I've been so down on myself the past few days, realizing what a waste the last couple weeks have been. I tend to let situations with dmom start getting me depressed... and dh frets about things with ds that are TOTALLY out of our control (and ds's control) and then I tend to let that cause me anxiety and depression... and I start losing sleep b/c I'm needed for morning Nana-duty, and then I tend to over-eat and nap and neglect doing the things that would truly make me feel so much better.
So much of what you said applies to my life. (Are you sure you haven't been peeking in my windows?)

I wasted a lot of time this week doing nothing.
My weeklies went out the window ... no home blessing done, no bathroom routines, no gym (exercise, walking, in my case) routine.
I think I need to do like our d lady with a time focus during the day
not exercising: means less energy
"2 minutes are better than nothing!" who can't do two minutes
other things:
don't let the perfectionist stop you. Just do two minutes

Dee's line is also soooo true and soooo important to remember:
Begun is half done.

TWO MINUTES!!! SURELY I can manage two minutes of ANYTHING -- ANYTIME.
I am now inspired for a good week, even though it will be busy.

Tomorrow -- church, Nana duty, regular Sunday chores & Wmart, plus funeral for a dfriend (YES, if you are thinking we are going to a lot of funerals lately, we certainly are. This will be the 5th one for me since just a couple weeks ago, and dh's third, only b/c he was out of town while I attended two in one day!) We will pick up dgrands for church, keep them through lunch, probably go get ddil something for lunch, go to funeral, then check with ddil afterwards to see if she needs supper, and likely take dgs with us to Wmart before taking him back home.
* DDIL's parents will be leaving in the morning and she will be stuck at home. She can manage dgrands pretty well on her own, but can't lift dgd into the truck & carseat for several more days, and ds won't be home until late tomorrow night.

Monday -- we are keeping our fingers crossed that the long-awaited SUV will finally arrive! I thought I was getting the run-around from our salesman Friday, so dh had me call the GM "contact us" line. I didn't have our invoice # with me, so the lady said she would call me back when I was home on Monday. Lo and behold, as soon as she hung up, the salesman called back and said the SUV is in our state now, and should be on their lot Monday morning.
That will make Monday pretty busy, b/c we will have to get the current SUV to its new owner, go to the insurance office, and go to the tag office.
ALSO Monday, I need to call and make an allergy appt for myself b/c I neglected/forgot about that all week last week, and I cannot take my shot tomorrow. It will need to be on Tuesday or Wednesday, though, b/c

Thursday -- Nana duty starting around noon, until possibly 9:00-10:00... and
Friday -- Nana duty starting around 7:30 a.m., until possibly 5:00-6:00.

Also this week, I want to call and just get information re: dmom's prospects of private pay for rehab and/or assisted living -- IF & WHEN she finally decides to do the foot surgery. She was talking today, that if she does NOT have it, she will never be able to walk and get any exercise to speak of.

With my weekly routine cards, I have started pulling them all on Mondays and just trying to work through them ASAP.
How's that working out for you, blessed might ask.
Well, not very well, so far, LOL... but it is just impossible for me to commit to a particular day to do a particular task, the way dmom & dgrands pop into my scheduling... so... I've got to do better, but at this point, I cannot have a really faithful weekly plan. Sunday is groceries. That's about as far as I can count on.

:D :D :D
Speaking of the WEEKEND -- it was great.
DH and I had a really nice time; our team won the ballgame and thereby won a (shared) SEC Championship and a first seed in the SEC tournament next weekend. (It is in St. Louis, we will be watching on TV.)
We are sharing the championship with TN, by the way, so -- congrats to Twins and fans there.

Some thoughts as I was reading through...
(((Kathryn & ds))) -- I do not envy your ds the process of buying a home, nor you the process of helping/guiding him through this. Hope he finds something he loves and can afford!

Glad Willis is making such great progress, Rose!

(((HUGS))) for sore arm, blessed.
Also for your (((dsil & family))) in the loss of their dog.

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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