Friday - Finish or Forward?

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Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:02 am

It's Friday!

Do you have things to finish up so the week will feel like a success?

Or, do you have things to do to move forward into the weekend?

Either way, have a wonderful day!

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 09, 2018 8:08 am

I have both.

I need to finish up all sorts of paperwork and writing tasks but I also have deadlines of things I have to do to as I move forward into the weekend. The sermon and prayers for example, plus frosting the carrot cake. Ds said it smelled wonderful when he came into the apartment last night. Considering he doesn't like carrot cake, that was a surprise to me.

Oh, and dh and I have to practice all the music for Sunday (3 services.)

I'm up after a too short night. Pretty sure I'm getting sick, the only question is if I'll make it through the weekend before it hits full on. I've been fighting this for 6 weeks now so when it does hit, I suspect it will be brutal. My ears are clogged, my throat is scratchy and I'm exhausted (although I only had 7 hours in bed last night and plow worked for ages under our bedroom window.)

Still it snows. Another 2" expected today. It is barely accumulating since the temperature is at or above freezing, but it is slippery and visibility is poor. At least the view isn't distracting me today.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Harriet » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:45 am

The "today's top three" in my planner helps me, by filling it out in the evening as a mini brain dump. Today I looked at the shorthand there and remembered what I might not have otherwise.

Yesterday I made the church deposit just to keep up making sure I'm doing something every day on that. Btw, have told many at church that I'll be giving up Angel Tree and that March is the month to say it rather than Sept. I have caused a few gasps by starting a sentence with "I'll be giving up... .." , rather than saying the words, "Angel Tree" first. I think they fear I'm about to say I'm giving up treasurer. It's occurred to me that this is a good way to lead into conversation about the end of this year (or January) being the exact mid-point of the agreement made, of time I would keep this position ("3 to 5 years"). I have reminded some before, but maybe it's wise to remind each chance I get.

Dd19 is home for spring break after a brief mountain trip to see the aquarium at Gatlinburg (? not sure about location) and other sights. She was hosted by the young man's family. He has an uncle there whose house is large enough that he can welcome them.

She had a pair of jeans meet with an untimely end on the trip, and started realizing she was getting low on jeans and needed transport to store. So we went to Ko hl's yesterday evening and happily, she found a couple good choices. We wisely avoided everything else in the store, which would have been "wants". Instead we came back by grocery for needs, where we did get some shopping done, although we got home realizing two things we forgot, and one of them was paper towels we're running out of, so pretty important. Sigh. Always something on the errand horizon.

But actually today, with weekend looming as well, I'm probably going by the tax preparer's place and also pharmacy 2.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:57 am

Sermon is finished.

I'm amused that I have a sermon writing position but whatever... it works for me. I disconnect my laptop from my desk setup with the extra monitor and settle into the couch, reclined, with tea on one side of me and a Bible and research material on the other.

I still have the prayers to write but those can wait until tomorrow.

Now I'll have breakfast and s2s. I'll recharge my computer while I'm doing those things and then maybe settle back in and write the newsletter I need to send out.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:12 am

Going to try posting via my iPad. Though it's easier than my phone, I find too many things missing. Wanted to take my computer in for repair yesterday. But I got lost leaving the airport after dropping dh off for his flight north. By the time I got back to Lakeland I had a serious need for our restroom. So never got there. Will take it in shortly.

Then realized about 4:30am that I never included dh's metolazone with his other Medes. He takes it Thursdays & Mondays. Called him this morning & we just decided he'd take an extra lasix Monday if he needs to do so.

I'm missing my computer for my lists. Trying to figure next couple of weeks on paper & trying to figure out how best to do that. I'll get it.

Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Mar 09, 2018 10:57 am


I accomplished all 8 of my errands yesterday. Phew... left at ten and got home at 3:30. I am on schedue for my trip. Willis’ traveling list is done and I will start packing it in a specific bag that will make it easy to grab and go. All my stuff that I don’t need day to day is staged including my meds.

Today’s todos:
*. Make reservations. I need to calculate time changes as well as daylight savings
*. Wash all of Willis’ blankets, including the ones we use in the car. Don’t want doggie hairs on my nice clean car
*. Get all luggage and soft coolers out and if needed cleaned
*. Freeze liquid ice packs for cooler
*. Gather my clothes to pack
*. Print my packing list
*. Make new list for what goes in our travel bag for three days on the road stuff
*. Gather cds for trip
*. Same to make sure my audio books are down loaded on my phone
*. Wash Willis... he stinks like a dog :D

Gonna grab my second cup of coffee and wait for Perry to show up. I woke with a slight headache this morning, but I think I killed it.

Waving to y’all enjoy your day and take time to breath ...
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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:02 am

Bs was perfect this morning yea! I slept well house us 65* it is mild out 50*. Sheets are in the wash I made the other bed. Need to make a call in a while. Glad I called to have the do the pilot light this morning. Happy Fri. Everyone. Waited on the dog bath.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:26 pm

What a great idea of a brain dump at night d harriet. I hope you don't mind I am stealing that from you 8-) :D
I have been so behind and my mind is full - I forgot to list it and forget it until later and it then weighs on my mind.
great idea!

wonderful d nancy on your bs!

yay on your errands d rose!

hope your dh has a wonderful trip! hope your computer gets fixed right away d dee - glad you have an i pad to help you

hi d kathryn yay on sermon being finished. thank you for starting us in such a positive way. thank you!

d harriet - that made me laugh :
I have caused a few gasps by starting a sentence with "I'll be giving up..
. .."

good for you. hope your dd 19 has a wonderful time on her spring break.

waving to all.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:31 pm

I noticed my card file is very confusing to my family, especially when I couldn't do things and the house built up dog hair (it's almost like an extra dog joined us). as well as other things that make the house run smoother. (not smoothly but smoother :lol: )

so this morning I made a simple control journal
with my 4 layer cake (from Kat)
1. routines (have on one page)
2. BWP - one individual page per week - simple simple simple just what basic I do - i.e. today is car/purse day and plan for weekend
3. zones - not in there at all
4. play - not in there at all but my thing

I hope that helps them if I can't do things

I already listed spending
watched fly lady kat and dianne and denmark
I still have to do routines
laundry washed
dishwasher in the process of drying the dishes they washed this morning
my emails have been gone through :D

time to start my routines.
I am not s2s because I was desperate this morning to do the journal bc I felt so out of control and I need help.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 09, 2018 12:51 pm

Blessed: my family has never used my card file. When I'm indisposed, I've used it to give orders but that's it. So it tells them what to do but only through me, they can't follow it themselves! Dd has now read the book so at least she has a basic understanding of what my system was based on. Of course, it has evolved and is now I hybrid of Bound to Be Organized, Flylady and my own tweaks.

Dh has got off his conference calls and is now off for lunch. In between he took a call from our finance guy who is learning about cryptocurrencies and blockchain through dh's presentation this week. He also had a few trades to discuss with me.

The NZ bars I made yesterday are now cut and stored in the fridge in a slightly smaller container. They keep months so they need to be in an even smaller container so I'll take some with me tonight so those who want a healthier sweet after their dinner. I also cut up the rice krispy squares. Still have to make the frosting for the cake. I've started that by pulling out the cream cheese and butter to soften.

I'm s2barefeet.

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