Friday - Finish or Forward?

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:44 pm

born to be organized - I haven't heard of that. I will look that up d kathryn... thank you. I still follow the basics of pam and peggy - and I forgot I want to get things done in the morning and leave 8-) - I used to do that a lot when the d kids were little and I was young lol - and full of more energy than I thought :D
great job on getting those NZ bars made and put away - wishing you a great day

my family is not as thrilled about taking thoughts from me. :shock: I needed something super super super simple for them. Very basic.

with dd younger suffering from depression (she really is working hard on it and she hired a life couch for creative people and it has been really interesting even for me) - I will tell what he talks to her about that isn't private but basic things that sometimes I myself can get lost on. I started the jar again - for me too as I got a bit frustrated with loosing days to my headaches and arm issues. It was an idea from kat that instead of looking always forward to what you have to do (which is important) but also look backwards on the little things you do accomplish - nothing nothing big - you get s2s - put it on a little piece of paper and fold it and throw it in the jar. I want dd to see she is doing more than she realizes. I want her to see she is living day by day and moment by moment. I am hoping in a month she can look back and see she has made some progress and be proud of them.

s2s with perfume :D
played with dogs :D
my meds :D
I am changing my address book to my 3 x 5 alphabet as my address book is full of scratch offs. I also added birthdays for them, wedding anniversaries, children etc.
counter cleaned :D
sink cleaned :D
tossed out of fridge :D
took composting out :D
stove top needs cleaning

call d mom
dh went to bank for me so that what was charged the last 2 days have been paid off :D
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 09, 2018 1:51 pm

Waving to ya-all.

We have heat it is warm and toasty in here now, got the sheets back on the bed and it is remade.

I have done most of my A. M. Stuff. Counters look good, swiffered the stairs to the basement and under the other bed. Yea! Laundry is current. Winds have kicked up outside. Still need laundry soap. Paid a bill, Day planning is done.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:23 pm

waving to you d nancy - well done rah rah rah
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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Harmony » Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:30 pm

Hello. Took some time to CUOP.

Sunny, DMiL had her parathyroid removed before I knew her. She had a scar across her neck (base) and liked to joke that they "cut her throat". She also had thyroid disease and I don't know if DBiL and she (they were living together) were managing her meds well and she had a thyroid "storm" and didn't know where she was and ended up in emergency room. I think that's from hyperthyroid going out of control. They did an iodine (or whatever they use) killing of her thyroid and then she was on meds forever. But the parathyroid removal didn't cause any further problems. Still, I hope your DH doesn't need an operation. I'm glad his kidney #'s are ok.

Yesterday I went to the dentist for quarterly cleaning. Also checked on the wisdom tooth where something had come off it. Turns out that was a piece of the tooth itself and it already had a big filling. So he said he could fill again but didn't know if it would last long or not. I am going to get it pulled and have an xray and referral to the oral surgeon everybody around here seems to go to. I am worried I am going to end up with that big shot in the roof of my mouth (they said its possible, even if I get gas) because it's the upper right one.

I can do shots in my gum, but that shot in the roof of the mouth is something else.

I've been reading Lilac's implant story with interest. I don't think I'll be getting any of those. Wonder if LadyM's DH is all healed from his dentist visit.

After I was done at the dentist I wanted to get my hair cut but it was lunch time so I went to a store and looked at purses before I went and did that. I'm not fond of the cut, but it feels better. I so need to find another place to get my hair cut. She keeps giving me a "senior" cut which is cheaper but makes me look like a little old lady.

I need to go out to the bank again. Just received the explanation from Gov't for the check they sent. It's just like I thought, we neglected to include 3 estimated tax payments I made last year. So I got that chunk back since it wasn't needed. I'm happy to be putting that back in the account since I moved a bunch of that to the business account. It was a big mistake I made not telling my cpa about those payments. I don't know why he didn't catch it. Now I have a long check list on the cover of my year-in-a-folder so I won't miss anything again.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:34 pm

Good morning everyone! Long time, no see. Nothing awful going on, just haven't made it in. I just posted a report and have some bugs to work on in others. Last night, I didn't get much done, but did cook up some fried rice and got a LOL processed and put away. There was a very minor amount of pickup in LR, but not much to speak of. At least, it didn't get worse. My afternoon meeting was cancelled. I contacted one friend for dinner, but she has other plans, I may try another. DD did not come last night, because she is working on finals. Woke up at 4 am with a migraine. The seldom wake me up, but occasionally I wake up with one. Meds applied and I am much better. I ate reasonably well yesterday, not sure why I got it.

My finish up is the Mardi Gras Barbie dress. My forward is that I must prepare for my dad's visit this month - both cleaning and planning the Sedona trip.

Here is my list of things I would like to accomplish tonight. I probably will not be able to get them all done, but if I post them, I will not lose my list, which is on a small easily lost post-it note.
  • Scan and send papers to tax person
  • Hardware store for paint brushes
  • Grocery store
  • LR cleanup
  • Sedona plan
  • Minutes/notes for animal org (must be done by Tuesday)
  • B&B - includes paying credit card and car and balancing checkbook
  • MBR work - suitcases from closet to shed would help
  • Finish doll dress - basically sewing on snaps or beads and adding a stick to the mask
  • Call mom
Saturday, I must talk to the cat coordinator about an email regarding more cats. Now that we know Stratton was not ever contagious, I have space available for more. I don't have much time available for more, but that is still far better than life on the streets.

In answer to Harriet's question from Wednesday: Mom is better and has an appointment with a gastro doctor soon. I should call her tonight and get more details.

Thanks, Harmony, for reminding me about the first item on my list.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:10 pm

I am just finishing the week and getting through it. I told dh and dd I'd make shabbat dinner for us tonight, so I need to follow through on that. Dcleaning lady has been here and done her magic. It was actually nice of her to be here after sitting shiva instead of before.

I spent time going through an old scrapbook and some photos from dmom's. A few I will scan and send to family, I don't know what I'll do with the rest. I called one estate sale company and she isn't interested unless she thinks the take from the sale will be $20K. I sent an email to another and I'll keep plugging away on that.

Once the truck that Daddy drove is moved, I'll get a dumpster in.

I need to do something other than sit here. I am going to work for 30 min and see where that gets me. I need to start some challah. A nap would be nice too.

Harmony said:
It was a big mistake I made not telling my cpa about those payments. I don't know why he didn't catch it.
Harmony, we always had a rule that the accountant had to specifically confirm the estimated tax payments with the client if they didn't write it down for us. We couldn't assume either way - some folks figure that if they didn't write it down we should assume it was't made, and others assume that because we told them to make the payments, of course they were made and don't need to be written down. So one shouldn't make an assumption either way.
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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Nancy » Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:34 pm

Got laundry soap and a couple of other things.
Dropped donations off.
Did a rock drop too.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Lilac » Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:49 pm

No time to cuop but I am happy to say that I laid on the sofa last night, closed my eyes and slept 8 hours. Woke up to no pain or bruising, just some swelling, which is no biggie.

I am waiting for dgds to get here. Their daddy took them to Rib Crib for a late lunch.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:45 pm

On our way now to the church. Twenty minutes late.

Dh and I had a 30 minute nap but we needed it. Of course this means it will take longer to get there due to rush hour traffic.

The new bars are a success. They really are satisfying. I'm not too hungry even though I just had two for lunch. Haven't done a calorie count on them yet.

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Re: Friday - Finish or Forward?

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 09, 2018 4:50 pm

how wonderful d lilac - good for you!

hi d nancy yay on your errands

hi d twins - very nice that your d cleaning lady came after - I am sure that was a huge help. A friend of mine used to do estate sales - she charged a lot but you can do a open house sale yourself but I don't know if that will be hard. our neighbour down the block took out things that they wanted and let people come in and take - some free and some for a price (make an offer type thing.) emotionally difficult no matter which way you turn (((())))
hope you can get a nap in

hi d elizabeth good day to you! cooking and laundry are both great things! praying for your dd during her finals. Praying your migraine goes away!

hi d harmony yay glad you are here to CUOP

hi d everyone

dinner prep routine :D
dinner is finished - I just have to grill the brats (already cooked) for dh and dd
all the dishes are washing themselves in the dishwasher
sink is clean again
counters swiped
plates/forks knives out on kitchen table for tonight
cleaned out purse :D BWP section

gym routine still needs to be done - more walk with gimpy shoulder 8-) I am a beautiful sight
finish laundry routine
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri Mar 09, 2018 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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