Just Do It Monday

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Just Do It Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:42 am

My quote for the day in my best self journal:
First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do. -Epictetus

My interpretation: Make a list and do it.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby Sadie » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:23 am

Good Morning dear ladies

It’s cool and cloudy here, maybe rain.

Have started laundry. Need to cook DH breakfast so he can start his day.

Dgs has a later appointment for shots.

In the meantime its cleaning cleaning

To the adventures!

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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:36 am

sounds good to me!!! thank you d twins!

I watched dd younger with this the other day. She had two things she should do (bank and pay pilates) and she wanted to stay home - she really really did not want to go out but she thought it was better just to do it and get it over with. It took an hour but that's all and she was able to come home and have that off her mind which made her feel accomplished. I have to remember that today.
Thank you for starting us off on a positive step!

hi d sadie - it's cold here and gray as well!
sweet dgs!
Happy cleaning before paediatric appointment

wishing you both the best and to everyone as well!

To the adventures!
ditto! When work is put that way it sounds exciting!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:41 am

3 layer cake today: by kat
1 layer by me 8-) :D

1. routines
2. BWP: laundry room, kitchen, samples and order material, white laundry, kitchen washcloths and towels, 10 minutes home blessing, dejunk one item
3. zone: dining room (pick one thing to do in there) - fly L is bathrooms and other room
4. play

other: wall paper moved
fill out dr. forms for tomorrow
10 minutes home blessing (spreading it out over the week)
found the circle stickers I lost (I left it on the piano - how I get used to seeing things :shock:

Diane in Denmark today: zone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miJnGNqxNGM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd6XE2J1koE she's in the kitchen had a really neat video for young parents - I love young mom's and dad's. Her thought of dealing with large emotions and trying to remember how she can teach and how to be a good parent the best she could (or at least try) - reminded me of when I was a "younger" :lol: parent and trying to do our best.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby Twins' Mom » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:41 am

I know it takes time but I can't get moving.

Ta Da: Need to remember things I did yesterday:
a.m. routine
made soup
two loads of laundry washed folded and put away
genealogy research on a DNA match

This time change has kicked my tushie too. I am so tired and getting up was so hard. We have overcast weather, windy with snow flurries today.

-breakfast and meds/vitamins
-start a load of laundry
-figure out when I am going to Knoxville this week
-refill meds/vitamins
-call to reschedule mother's appt with eye doc
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby Ramblinrose » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:48 am


I was able to get everything done yesterday that was needed to be done.

I had 5 lists going
* my personal stuff to pack
* Willis stuff
* assemble the cooler with things that don’t need to be cooled
* things to bring to my “kids”
* laundry to get our bags ready to pack.

My bag is ready and Sweetie will finish his today. We took all the luggage and other items and did a dry run packing off the car yesterday, then later this afternoon we will load the car with everything except what we will need for tommor. I have everything staged and a small master list for the morning. Sort of like a flight check that pilots do.

I have a much needed hair appointment this morning and a short Wally World stop. Sweetie says he needs different socks for his new athletic shoes. Fortunately the two stores are in the same area. Dinner will be take out.. I never cook the night before I travel. Less stress that allows me to do those last things.

This will be Willis first trip. He’s been watching me getting luggage out and packing and he know from past experiences we’re getting ready to go some where. What he doesn’t know is this time he will be included. Willis gets excited when he sees the back of the suv open and I discussed ways to address this with out Rainer. Also Willis wants to bolt out the kennel when the door is open. We have been practicing the techniques that John taught us and they are working well.

Off to start my day...house is in great order, well beneath all luggage and stuff so I am comfortable about leaving the house in the morning. However I must confess I didn’t clean my oven ;)
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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby Harriet » Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:53 am

That's a good quote, Twins'. An important part may be 'say it to yourself' ! :idea:

Happy travels, Willis!

I awakened on this icy day with optimism. I wonder why that happens, sometimes, but I am undeniably an optimist if it happens today. I sure had every right to awaken very pessimistic, but hey, let's not. ;) For one thing, the concrete truth is that I don't have to deal with certain craziness for a week. (smile)

Lilac, I wanted to thank you for what you said last evening. I saw it this a.m. and it increased the optimism I felt this morning.

Lynlee, green surroundings after rain are encouraging. Happy autumn!

blessed, right, it's no one's sermon but minister's. We don't see sermons on paper, although sometimes an audio recording for shut-ins has happened. The elders were to make sure those present yesterday heard, and then it's the ones who weren't there to whom they will give audio or hard-copy.

I'll try to get some Desk Day out of the way this morning. Don't yet know for sure, but I think I have toddlerC tomorrow for about 6 hours.

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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:10 am

I'm up and at it. Of course, it is 11 so I should be. I feel very accomplished though, since, because of the time change, it is really 10!

I stripped the bed and, thankfully, decided to wash the mattress cover. Stripped it off the bed and gathered up. We have a king sized waterbed so 7' x 7' mattress cover and somehow I touched the one square foot that was wet. With a waterbed, that is never good!

I checked all four corners, pulling back the bag and no dampness, I opened up the mattress cover, trying to find the wet spot so I could line it up on the waterbag but it had been moved around enough that I couldn't figure out the original orientation. In fact, I couldn't find the wet spot! Eventually, I realized it was on the underside so the quilted bit was dry but the batting underneath was wet.

I took it to dh and then sent him back to the bedroom to investigate. No wet spots he could find. Our best guess is that when I had the cap off to burp the bed (air comes out of the water and creates gurgling when we move in the bed so we burp it every few months) I must have left some water on the bed and it was absorbed by the batting and never able to dry.

I washed the mattress cover, dried it for 50 minutes and the batting is still wet so it is hung to dry now in the bedroom. The bed remains unmade as a result. The waterbag has been wiped down (to get body dust off it) and burped again. It will be bone dry before the mattress cover goes back on.

The only other possibility is a pinhole leak on the top but it isn't showing up when I move the water back and forth in the bag so we'll just have to check it again next week. I've had pinhole leaks in the past on the bottom but never on the top.

I've also had my breakfast, updated my bullet journal for the week, talked with dgs on the phone (he wanted to talk with Nana and dd is desperate for a visit but will have to wait until Wednesday.

I'm starting to mentally prep for Wednesday - plasterer comes so the bedroom will have to be rearranged as well as the kitchen and spare bedroom. That's all I'll let him do this time, the rest of the apartment will have to wait until the refugee furniture is removed so there's room to move my things away from the holes.

I'm ready now to start in on Corporate year-end. This is an early start on that but I need preliminary numbers for our planning session tomorrow.

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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:14 am

that's so nice that you have a recording for shut ins! how wonderful d harriet.
I know the local lutheran church has that and if I can't go I will listen there. My catholic church doesn't do that yet.
I also know the mega church by us does that as well.

Have a wonderful optimistic and special week d harriet

hi d kathryn Good morning Yay on your accomplishments~ I want your energy!

hi d rose happy travels and happy day to you and Willis
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Just Do It Monday

Postby Lilac » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:28 am

Twins, you have just come through a life changing week. Don't be too hard on yourself as you try to get back to a new normal, on top of the time change.

Harriet, you are welcome. :)

Ramblinrose, it has been interesting reading of the amazing changes to Willis' behavior, in such a short time. I am sure that your ds and new daughter are looking forward to your visit. Have a great time.

blessed, Sadie and Kathryn, are up at'em as well.

I didn't wake up until 9:30. Guess I was catching up on my sleep.

Better eat a late breakfast or an early lunch, so that I can be showered and ready for the day when the girls get here.

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