Tuesday Tools

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Tuesday Tools

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:59 am

Are you fully using your "tools"?

Each of us will have a different set of tools that help us whether it be a planner, a dishwasher, a cleaning person, a garden rake, etc.

However, our tools can't help us if we don't utilize them. I have discovered this (again) the past few days.

Waving to RR as she starts her trip. Thinking of Willis freshly trained and fully equipped with all the tools he needs to do well.
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:37 am

Using my schedule tool today. I'm not attempting to schedule every hour but just the basics.

7:45 - Bible
8:00 - Math
9:00 - Grammar, spelling, Vocabulary
10:00- Reading
11:00 - pick up DMom and travel to her eye appt then take her shopping
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby CathyS » Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:14 am

Hi everyone!!

Today I will be using the slow cooker to make chicken cacciatore.

I have been going through my cross stitch stuff today. There was a project entitled "Morning Glories" and I opened the envelope to discover a piece of material and a chart. No instructions or list of colours needed to go with the chart. Darn! That looked like such a wonderful possibility and there was nothing to make that become a reality. I guess I could look through all the magazines to see if I could find this particular chart.

Bed is made. Music is on.

It snowed over night. Right now the sun is shining, so I'm not going to worry about clearing off my car. I wanted to stay home today.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:43 am

D harriet have a wonderful day with your sweet toddler!

hi D Lady thank you for starting us! I too, forget about the tools I have (the physical and the mental/personal tools). Great beginning to our day!
you have busy day... wishing you the best!

hi d Cathy!! Sounds delicious! I hope you find the colour chart! Hope you have a wonderful day as well!

Wishing you all a great day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:50 am

Good morning.
Yesterday my 15 minutes and 10 minute blessing worked very well - I didn't feel overwhelmed and I had time for my family and myself.

I also started using my sticky dots to gain control over the clutter - not as a punishment for my family but as a visual reminder, (esp for me) of how long something has been sitting there. I have a tendency to Not See the clutter sitting there as it becomes part of the background. I also struggle with understanding time; which means I don't see time disappearing. Months and years goes by without notice, for me.
dd younger thought I was trying to get her to do stuff - not at all - it is a visible reminder of the stuff left out and it is mostly from ME :shock: :D

4 layer cake

1. routines
2. BWP - bathrooms (dh already cleaned some of his bathroom! - who would ever think that would feel like a birthday present :D )
3. zones/project: dining room (one thing) 15 minutes no more
4. play

dr. appointment myself - dd separate dr. (I need to fill out the forms)

I couldn't get to my whites yesterday as dd younger did her laundry (that's huge when someone has depression- so happy)
today towels
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:22 am

Today it is my brain and software are what I'm using as tools. I'm working my way through reconciling the bank accounts for the business (which means entering the invoices and receipts and bills paid, so by the time I'm done only expenses remain as the major to-do for year-end.) I usually don't get to this until the end of April but having a planning meeting now is making a huge difference in what work I get done, when. On the other hand, our income taxes which are due 10 days before the corporate year-end work haven't been started aside from installing the tax prep software onto my computer and sorting receipts into folders.

I'm 2/11ths done so time to go take a shower and then have my breakfast. Each month is like pulling teeth (I have had to ask dh questions about each statement) and he's on a call right now. Hopefully it will get faster as the year progresses.

An illegal drug lab blew up a block away from MF's church. I wrote to tease him. He said that's why he keeps the doors locked while he's at the church in the daytime and put up security cameras! His board fought him on that but he knew the neighbourhood was no longer just a low-income neighbourhood. I figured that out when I went for a walk around the block before church one day and my spidey sense was freaking out.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby BookSaver » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:38 am

Good morning, villagers ~
Coworker is back on schedule, which means I will have some time this week to catch up on home stuff.
I must go to the grocery store today as we are out of butter and eggs, and low on several other basics.

This morning my k coffee maker would not brew. I was able to fix it thanks to hints from youtube. However, comments and reviews lead me to believe that at 3 years old, my machine has lasted a year longer than most people can keep them running. We have really hard water so I've cleaned it with vinegar on a fairly regular schedule. Apparently that won't be enough for long term, as the single-cup machines just don't last anywhere near as long as a plain ol' mr coffee.

I know the coffee is more expensive with the k machines, but I appreciate the convenience. Push a button, walk away while the machine works, and no danger of the thing boiling dry. I'm not locked into making a whole pot of anything, so I can switch from coffee to tea to any other beverage (or any meal recipe) that needs hot water.

However, when the thing finally quits working for real, I'm not sure I will replace it. A French press and a tea kettle on the gas stove would be almost as convenient, and wouldn't be nearly as expensive nor take up as much counter space.

Dryer is buzzing -- bbl.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Harmony » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:54 am

I am running my dishwasher. It goes so much faster when I use that thing. I don't always use all my household "tools".

What I did yesterday:

6. leftovers for dinner

Yep. That's the kind of day I had.
I had a nagging headache from a cold or allergies trying to start up and I took something and sat around the whole day. Fortunately, whatever was making my sinuses act up went away in the evening and my headache was gone too.

Feeling better today. It's a beautiful sunshiney day.

Desk chores done. Nice conversation with DH. He's talking retirement again. I wish he'd make up his mind.

Booksaver, I'm surprised that those coffeemakers last such a short time, given how much they cost. I saved our old mr. c. coffeemaker when DD gave me the new one this Christmas. It was going strong after about 8 years or more.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Nancy » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:57 am

Kit. Tools in use. Pasta is cooked.
Irish energy music is on.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:00 am

Good morning everyone! DD16's phone has been found! It was on vibrate in her jacket pocket. She had turned off the ringer for the library. I got to the hardware store for paint brushes then to another store where I FOUND a suitable wallet. I am sad that my FlyLady wallet no longer works for me (falling apart after many years), but I had to face reality. Then it took FOREVER to find something even remotely useful. I ate out because I could feel a migraine starting to form. Successful mission in that the migraine was averted, but a very gross meal. When you ask for crispy bacon, shouldn't that mean not nearly raw? Other problems as well, but that was the final straw. I went home unhappy because of that and I had a lot of work to do on the church website, only to find the other webmistress had done it all :D. It is her month to do it, but she has been having horrible tech problems, so I've had to take up the slack a few times. Not this time though :D. So I decluttered the desk drawers and updated Quicken instead. I never have to buy envelopes again! I have three more items to do in the LR before Dad gets here: desktop, two tier side table, coffee table. If time, I can do the inside of the vanity, but that is not critical.

Briggs is still spending a lot of time on top of the kitchen cabinet, but does come down.

My favorite tool is $$$, because it can be converted to all other needs. I wish I had enough of it to get the maid service tool, but I am still stuck with those slackers at Elizabeth's Own.

It's a two meeting day at payroll. I have Thursday off with DD.

CathyS: You don't need color charts, design your own! And make them wild.

Um ..., Harmony, for a day with an illness, the fact that you managed to get yourself fed is a successful day.

blessedw2's DH sounds like my xBFF. She "invested" in expensive designer handles for every cabinet and drawer in her house while ignoring the roof leak. A few months later, it failed catastrophically, flooding her LR. For more than a year, she had been asking me to "show her how" to fix the roof. I had TOLD her how, but she expected me to come over and do it. She has one friend in another state who faithfully uses his vacation several times a year to come down and do repairs and improvements on her house, I guess she expects it of everyone. However, if the roof was that bad, it may have been beyond the skills of Elizabeth's Own Roof Repair, even though that company had success at my house. Unfortunately, come spring, it will have to go to work again. No crisis, just preventative stuff.

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