Tuesday Tools

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:07 am

Going to try to post on my iPad. Find it a little difficult. Have appointment at 2:20 to pick up my computer & get a new battery for my iPhone. It dies in a little over 2 hours so it's necessary at this point. My computer? Well, they tried "diagnostics" but the fan wouldn't let them. They were going to send it out for service. Yeah, right! $35 deposit & another $150 minimum plus. I don' t think so on one that's probably 7 years old. Was going to get a new one, which I hate to do right now. But dsonil wants me to use the fairly new one his doom gave him. He doesn't really like it. Has a 19" screen so would be nice or me. If all goes well with it & dd can get it really set up for me, I might offer to buy it. Dsonil really wants a surface pro for his art work. Right now dd has a lot of stuff on it.

I've been horribly. Last night went to bed at 10 after Idol & woke at 12. Decided to try a dissolve tablet & went back to sleep. Did have a nightmare & finally woke myself I think, yeilling for help. Pretty sure it was loud but no one came. Dd/dsonil' room is on the other side of the house plus 2 doors are closed between. Decided I better plug phone in in our room so I can at least reach it if I really needed them. I've had it in the office so notifications don't wake me. At any rate I slept till 9:25 (was up at 5:30 & 6:15. Couldn't begin to get my eyes opened even then.

Guess I better get busy with some house blessings.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:35 am

I have to head out to dr. appointment
I have not finished morning routine

I did however take an hour on filling out paperwork for dr.
write checks for bills
stamped envelopes
and made a payment to visa

I have to stop by the bank as they say the number for questions has changed as I can't make a donation online for my nephew and a cancer fundraiser he is doing. Hoping I don't have problems the rest of the day with my card.
very frustrating but not the end of the world ;)
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:38 am

Dee: there's a "do not disturb" feature on Android phones so you can say turn off all sounds and vibrations except the alarm at X time and turn them on again at Y time. So my phone 'silences' itself at 9:30 p.m. and restarts sounds at 7 a.m. I can also shut off sounds temporarily for a short period of time which I do for church or concerts and it will restart making sounds when I've told it to. But this other setting is a one-time setting change that means I don't have to worry about noises through the night.

I've s2s. Thankfully I was not in the shower when the plasterer came. I was in my dressing gown though. Sigh... (It was like 10:30.) He had a work order for today so I got my notice to enter to show him it was for tomorrow. I did take him on a tour of the apartment so he'd know what to do tomorrow and explained half the items on the list will be for mid-April.

With that done, I've contacted dd and told her we can go out tomorrow if she wants. The plasterer can let himself in while dh is on his calls.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Harriet » Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:55 pm

early was just about to post this much:
It's ds33's bday, which thought was tomorrow, getting my calendar dates mixed up. Sigh. ToddlerC told me, I said no it's tomorrow - turns out she's right.

Have laundry in dryer and will fold while she's here. She's having a mac and cheese breakfast to which I'll try adding an apple. She's usually pretty good about agreeing to fruit.

Later I have a few errands piling up.

Now it's later, not having gotten that to post.

Time with toddlerC was fine but I do think after about 5 hours we run out of things to do on cold or wet days. She used my Cray ola washable markers for the first time today and did very well, drawing a perfectly acceptable "beetle" with 6 legs and a face, which will hang on her fridge at home.

I've made out a grocery list and will probably get busy and gather things for errands.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Mar 13, 2018 1:57 pm

I have uploaded a report fix. One meeting down - my brain is now full. Must transcribe my notes while I can still read them. I have homework from it. Guess I will transcribe then lunch. Would rather the reverse, but I got real illegible toward the end.

ETA: Just finished lunch. Will give you a review of my lunchtime reading for your amusement.
Our heroine has no brain. I am not reading the Sound and the Fury, this is not the author's intent. She was so traumatized by a serial killer in a previous book, she sleeps UNDER her bed. So why can't she remember to lock a door? The last sentence I read before getting back to here was her wondering why the library book drop only fills up when the library is closed, making more work in the morning. Um ... seriously? The police chief is in the hospital with a gunshot wound. She visits to take him some evidence and ends up walking out in a huff, telling him he deputized her the day before knowing he will remember very little from a morphine induced haze. And there are NO OTHER POLICE OFFICERS on the ENTIRE PLANET she could give the evidence to? It is told in the first person and her thoughts focus way too heavily on her boyfriend who can be best described as a blank character with an exceptional body. (To be fair, he could be more three-dimensional than that, but our heroine's mind won't stray from her pants).

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Nancy » Tue Mar 13, 2018 3:41 pm

I a m back from town, did store run, knitting meeting, traded some rocks.

Edited to add ~ used my fav. Tool retractable dog leash back from a walk.
Last edited by Nancy on Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:16 pm

I've not CUOP-ed yet.

The tool I need to use is my alarm clock - it went off for a long time, and I wasn't up until 9 new time, so was panicked because I was taking dd to work after dropping off her car for work. I read her the riot act about getting stuff fixed because she's going to ATL with kids this weekend.

I can't find a dumpster. Called another company and they too only are short term. The company I used last time for dsis's house doesn't have any right now.

AFter I dropped dd at work I went to electric co with my POA and ID to change electricity into my name and have it taken out of mother's account. THen to her house to do some clean out. I have bags and bags of trash already that I need to dispose of and no place to put it. Dnephew has done some garage clean out and likewise has bagged trash. What am I going to do? I asked for Facebook recommendations, maybe there's a company I haven't thought of?

I need to head back out to pick up dd next. :roll:
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Mar 13, 2018 4:47 pm

Harriet: if you have a ds33, I must have a dd33 in a few days. Had not mixed up the day but you can knock me over with a feather that it is 33.

Meeting went well. I used my bagel shop card to get half off my lunch. Plus it was the last spot to fill on the card (you get 50% off for every 8 lunches you have but it takes forever to fill up a card.) Turns out that's good for a dozen bagels so those are waiting to go into my freezer now.

On the way home I spotted a lovely rain poncho at the travel store. We fought about it for a half block and turned back and bought it. He wanted me to have it. I don't need it because I have one but I will admit this one is pretty and the other one is ugly but it works. This one matches all 3 of my Tilley hats so no matter what I'm wearing, I'll look good in the rain.

At the meeting we made the plans for the rest of this year and upcoming year and then I had dh list every project he's a part of or that is on the horizon. There are ten of them. Plus his regular ISO standards work.

Doesn't sound semi-retired to me.

He is arguing he's taking a month off in June but, once on a cruise, when he said how lucky I was that he could take a month off work to travel, I pointed out 'regular' people take 4 months off every year. He didn't believe me until I worked it out for him:

104 Saturday and Sundays
10 - 15 days of holidays (2 - 3 weeks.)
10 days of statutory holidays.

That equals 124 - 129 days per year depending on how long your holidays are (10 days is the legal minimum here.)

Which equals four 31-day months.

Dh will take at most 30 days with no work each year, most years it is closer to 20. He's so used to working a minimum of 2 hours a day, he counts those days as off. And he intends to put in that much time on work each day while in Africa. So really, he isn't taking June off either. He did take 2 days off so far this year, Jan 2 and Jan 25. Those were days we were in airplanes so he couldn't work. He also took the 3 days of the tour in the Outback off as well. Mostly because there was no internet. On the other hand, the second last day of our holiday he chose to spend the day having meetings in Sydney.

Harmony understands what it is like to be married to someone who will not give up working all the time. I feel like I'm interrupting when I try to get him to do things like spend time with dgs. Most retired grandfathers would be coming to the museum with us this week. The only reason he went last month to the museum with us was it was the children's birthday gift to him. The trip this week is just because. Which doesn't rate higher than spending the day working.

It makes him happy but I don't like what it does to me. When I truly spend a day or even a half day as a slug, I feel incredibly guilty because he never does that. He's just go-go-go.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Harmony » Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:20 pm

Oh boy, Kathryn, do I understand your post. This morning, DH put a permit "on hold" till our customer comes back from their 6 months up north. I ran to get him and had the usual conversation: can he then get this done before the date when he said he'd retire? And we talked about that. We also talked about the lady who just called, selling her house and wants another one built just like the old one.

I think I could manage to do this if he did one project at a time. That would leave a lot of down time in between subcontractors and inspections... and not so much chaos all around juggling everything. But then we'd have a huge loss because of the overhead. There is not a happy medium for us. It's work full time all the time or not at all and get rid of all the overhead.

I told him he just needs to learn how to say NO. For this last lady, the answer is NO because he would need a whole crew again because of the type house she wants. And he doesn't have a crew any more. And just like I feared, he is talking about how he can help his family all get settled...more work....

On the positive side, he was asking how to put his license into inactive, what he'd still be required to do. I would not ask him to give that up because it is too hard to get. However, taxes and insurance are still problematic as long as he keeps it. There does not seem to be any solutions for us.

I know this is why I sometimes don't do anything when he goes out the door to work. I need the time off without feeling guilty I'm not working as hard as he is. Then I get up and do things when he comes back in.

We are still talking about traveling. I know that is the only path to retirement around here, keep him away and busy with something else he wants to do. At least until he gets used to not working.

Who was it that just said her brain was full? That's the way I feel right now. I sent the wrong legal form to someone and had to look up the correct one. I ended up all over the Internet hunting a free form, read all the florida statutes regarding the form and finally took the information and printed my own in word. Let's see if this one works for us.

The rest of the afternoon wasted with DH trying to send pictures to an inspector. 3 of them were trying to take these pictures and send them to me so I could forward. I thought this stuff was supposed to make things easier?

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Mar 13, 2018 6:11 pm

It was me who said her brain was full. My second meeting only lasted an hour, which is good because otherwise, I would be rushing to get home in time. It was scheduled to end 5 minutes after I have to shut down my computer and get my things together to leave. Mostly went well. At least my priority list matches the customer and they like what I have done with the proxy lists. However, in addition to time traveling food products, we now have transmutation!

Here is how food transmutation works: Warehouse sends distribution of 400 boxes to Site 1, each with a package of rotini. 25 boxes come back unused, but they have not yet marked them unused in the system. Thus the rotini has not been returned to available inventory. They want to send those 25 boxes to Site 2, but the inventory management says they do not have enough rotini to do that. So they tell the system they are sending macaroni and ship the boxes. Eventually, they mark the rotini as returned, but really it was given out at Site 2. Inventory management system now shows 25 too many rotini and 25 too few macaroni. They call us to transmute the macaroni back into rotini.

I am going to try a new explanation that MAY make them understand available inventory: I send a check to the mortgage company. The check is not cashed yet. That does not mean I can buy shoes with the money. IT is going bonkers trying to explain all this.

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