Tuesday Tools

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 13, 2018 6:13 pm

finally home - :D
I received 2 cortisone shots in shoulder and will get physical therapy.
So happy I went to the er the other day because the Dr. showed me how to do physical therapy on myself and gave me anti inflammatories to help before going to the Ortho dr. No surgery which happens when people get locked with their shoulder - yay. Very happy :D

I will post in j & c about dd younger - but hopeful that this is the answer - she is happy that they are taking her seriously.

Almost deaf dog is now parking to nothing; but she is happy!

stopped at wall paper place - will do that again,
ate 2 pixies (I went there to buy d sil # 2 candy but I ate 2 down really fast :shock:) impulse control :roll:
even ate through mcdonalds and I dislike mcdonalds - i had a filet o fish :roll: geesh
stopped by vet for med refills for d dogs and to make an appointment for monday for oldest dog.
I think a slip shod dinner for tonight as it is already 5 pm

I haven't finished my routines
Morning: I need to empty dw
- dh washed the dishes in the sink
I need to clean counters and sink
put away
swish toilets

animals: need to play with them, need to brush them

paperwork: done :D until tomorrow morning

laundry routine; needs doing

Dinner routine and after dinner routine needs doing

gym/fitness: anything

dejunk 1 item: done :D

BWP: haven't done bathrooms yet. must do a slip shod version
Zone: dining room: do 15 minutes - haven't yet. I might just do one thing for 10 minutes
Project: stopped at wall paper store done :D for today
10 minute home blessing needs doing

Time to change into cloths I don't mind getting spotted
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Mar 13, 2018 6:23 pm

hello dear ones!

hi d elizabeth I am glad it mostly went well. You do so much for others! Is it bc the computer only recognizes it as rotini not macaroni (or just pasta)

hi d harmony. you and your dh also have such an interesting job! Saying no is a good thing! I agree. Great that he is looking into the process of retiring.
I think you are doing great. your work, has similar tasks and decisions but is just different from his - you are a hard worker. You and he are close to retiring and many times things tend to speed up before the actual retirement... My d dad had that!
- I wish you lots of fun on planning your vacations!!!

oops have to go.. I will write later.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Mar 13, 2018 7:42 pm

Home from a successful doctor visit with DMom. The drops are working and keeping the pressure in her eyes under control.

Why am I so tired? The thought of laying down and sleeping until tomorrow is very appealing.

All of my "must do's" are done for the day. I think I will let DH know that he is on childcare duty then go take nap.


Found this a couple hours later. I didn't hit submit.

I did have a good nap and have prepared and enjoyed a good dinner.

It is only 6:30 pm but I am so tired and sleepy that I am going to take advantage of this slow time and go to bed early. VERY early.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:17 pm

Willis is having and excellent adventure... had his first elevator ride and has discovered trains. We are
Driving the I-40 E and the tracks run parrell to it. The complex of hotels where we are staying is directly across across from the tracks. We are on the second floor and Willis is able to look out the window and can watch the trains, which are more than a mile long, run by. Cheap entertainment for a happy dog.

I gave away all my coffee makers and now have a programmable 5 cup mr coffee. I love it cause I’m the only one who drinks coffee and it make exactly the amount for my two large cups each morning. Now I don’t wAste coffee.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:18 pm

LadyM: you are tired because you haven't stopped going since Hank died. You need to take a day or two off, IMHO.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Nancy » Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:27 pm

I have been on a learning curve painting chickens on rocks, it is fun however.
Trash got out today, waiting for eggs to cool so I can peel & devil them done.
Rain 100% tomorrow my home bless will be my Anti P chore. :roll: and maybe sew some.
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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:10 pm

Just to illustrate my issues with dh's definition of "retirement."

On the weekend I bought a lovely beef tenderloin. All trimmed. All we needed to do was decide on the size of steaks we wanted, and freeze it. Today while we were out, I bought veggies to oven grill to have with it, and dh bought mushrooms so he could have mushrooms and onions on the steak along with a baked potato to eat.

Around 6 he started to work and then the phone rang with regards to a transfer he started but I had to approve since it was my name on the corporate paypal account. Then he got distracted and took a phone call with Australia (who were receiving the money) because it was the start of business Wednesday for them. At 6:30 he got off the call. He then had to finish cutting up the meat. I did a marinade for the flank steaks we bought.

All this time, I'm getting hangrier and hangrier. About 6:50, I say we can't have the steaks for dinner because it will be too late for me to eat. Given the price of the steaks, I wanted to have a nice dining experience, not stuff my face to get rid of my hunger headache. So we ended up at McDs instead. Even then, on the way out, he realized he had a conference call at 8 and there wasn't enough time to get there, eat, and make it home in time, especially since I wanted to exchange the popcorn popper while we had to drive by that store on the way home from dinner. At this point, I'm near tears so he contacted someone else on the committee who started the call and he joined in at 8:15 when we got home.

I have a new popcorn popper. The retailer will exchange as long as it is in warranty which means I still have 2 years left. We'll see if this one lasts more than a year.

Dd just called and talked for 35 minutes. She's confirmed tomorrow morning at the museum. Her meds make her really tired and she's just dragging but she wanted to talk. I feel so sorry for her and wanted to talk with her but I also have to get my kitchen rearranged for the work tomorrow and get down to the storage locker to get out all our drop cloths so I can do things like cover up the spare bed.

Our bedroom is echoing now that the blinds are down and the soft furnishings are piled up in the corner out of the way. I hope I don't snore tonight because it will sound louder than usual!

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby lucylee » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:21 pm

I have stuff for J&C but also wanted to ci with a bit of progress here on the homefront!
Today the tools have been
— washer
— dryer
— vacuum cleaner

— Went to post office
— Changed sheets
— Did 4 loads of laundry
— Vacuumed living areas
— Kept dgrands from 12:30 (dgd) and 3:00 (dgs) until ds and dh got home around 4:00, but then they all stayed for supper (take-out) and they only left about an hour or so ago (8:00?) * I’m not complaining; they were good and I enjoyed having them, but it’s been a full day!
— Straightened up toys/etc after they left
— Talked to dmom
— Talked to assisted living lady
— Talked to allergy doctor’s office

Oh — and last night I did the s/s of all three baths and cleaned dh’s shower! Ta-da!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby Harriet » Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:37 pm

Elizabeth, it's the publisher's fault, and in a smaller way, the editor who worked on the specific book. If standards are not high, that's what happens. Can't blame the writer, who may have honestly believed the writing was top-notch and just never received good feedback. I'd like to know what publisher - I've got a bridge to sell to them.

I have visited my colorist. The new N and E, changed back to cream again instead of liquid they've been using a while. I can tell that they've tried to improve the smell. Jury is out.

Ds' favorite pie is in the fridge "setting". I'll put fruit on it before bed. I don't like to do that with a refrigerator pie too early - it can settle into the lower layer.

Also ready to soak the new mung bean crop (smile) overnight and try my new idea for sprouting them tomorrow. May not work - live and learn - but it's based on some other youtubes I've now seen. These are from lands/ladies who use symbols instead of letters for their titles. Bangladesh, Nepal? Still liking all these mung-bean-growing ladies so much - charming - but no clue what they're saying. New-to-me idea is to have roots grow through a solid mesh surface and then cut at root line all at once to harvest quick.

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Re: Tuesday Tools

Postby lucylee » Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:47 pm

Oh, btw — those pictures I’ve been looking for?
Still no luck.
No evidence of ANY of the pictures taken in that group.
Obviously, ds or I put them away, somewhere for safe keeping... somewhere we wouldn’t forget... and now, if we didn’t have the one copy we’d think we dreamed the entire photo session.
The copy will do... but ds wanted the originals, and now I am EXTREMELY perplexed as to what I could have been thinking and WHERE I could have put them.
Tomorrow is another day.

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