Wet Wednesday

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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:24 pm

I just can't go to tai chi tonight. I am just too tired too dispirited right now.
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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Mar 14, 2018 6:39 pm

(you are exhausted from everything and last night d twins - it's good to give your body the rest))
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Mar 14, 2018 7:30 pm

Today takes the cake.

I really did my best, staying upbeat all day until I got home. Now I'm worn out. Tomorrow and the next day, possibly through to Monday will be a challenge.

1. Things got late enough that dd asked I come pick her up since she thought we'd get there faster than if she bused. We were a bit later and just 3 - 4 minutes too late. The car in front of me and I were the first to be refused access to the parking lot because it was full.

2. All onstreet parking there is for 2 hours. We ended up over half a mile away in a lot.

3. Nice walk back. The used stroller I picked up on Sunday (and had in the car since dd had not brought a stroller) worked fine, even in the snow.

4. Get there and discover we don't have free passes to that museum. I never looked at them, W had said they were for the museum with the dinosaurs. Nope they were for the National Art Gallery. That's almost 1.5 miles away (on the other side of the car, though.) Entrance is $32 for dd and I, the butterfly display was sold out so I decided to pass. We could use the indoor picnic area so we took dgs to the bathroom and then had our snack.

5. Decide to walk to the store with baby things. Dd needed suction cup bowls. That was a pleasant walk despite the snow (included a large clump that fell off a tree onto dgs but he giggled.

6. We had a great time at the store. It is old fashioned so you can't really peruse, you have to ask for items but they had everything. Sometimes they took us to the items, sometimes they brought the items to us. Dgs love exploring it. They gave him a stuffed animal at the end of the visit.

7. We were going to go for lunch but by then it was 1:45 and dgs was going to fall asleep. So we went back to the car ($15 for parking) and drove back to dd's. He fell asleep in the car.

8. She phoned ahead and asked her dh (who was home sick) to defrost our lunch. But he just got it out of the freezer and put it in warm water instead of the microwave so even after getting back to her place, lunch would be another 20 minutes.

9. Dgs woke up in his bedroom and was devastated, sobbing "more Nana" repeatedly. He was really pleased to find me downstairs and cuddled in tight with me. Slowing down my being able to eat!!!

10. I visited until almost 4 and then came home in the rush hour traffic.

11. In the meantime, I had phoned home to dh and he warned me about what was waiting for me. While most of the plastering had gone well, there was a tiny ripple the super marked to be repaired. They repaired it. Two hours later there is a 4' x 18" series of bubbles over my dresser. We are going to have to empty it and move it away from the wall for them. They will be back tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I had to pull the window open (it pulls inwards) before the plaster set because they had plastered it shut again. I want an opening window in my bedroom, more than a smooth wall. None of other of these units have this issue, at some point, it appears a wall was made an extra 1/2" thick, and built in front of the window. Sigh...

Dinner (the one I missed having last night) was excellent. It was worth paying the extra money for steak from Costco, the beef was excellent and we really didn't need to use our knives to cut it, it was so tender. We only had 3 oz each, cooked, but it was enough. Just perfect.

The kitchen is tidied up.

I need to shower now because they'll be back early in the morning and I won't be dressed otherwise. I will have to leave everything covered (or cover things up again) because it is a major plastering job tomorrow.

The bedroom smells. I hope I can sleep in it. Otherwise, I'll be on the couch.

I'm ready to start seriously looking for a new home. This building is literally falling apart.

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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Mar 14, 2018 7:48 pm

LadyM: I got a really weird email from someone in the building once. It was so out of character I ignored it and was wary. This person had a lady friend who was/is off her rocker. I now assume that woman had sent the reply from his iPad while he was cooking or generally not looking. She used to do all sorts of weird things and would be your best friend and then worst enemy so that makes sense. In the meantime, the person who supposedly sent the email has never said or acted in any way congruent with the email message that had been sent to me.

I'm still cautious but I really don't think he had anything to do with it.

I sure hope this Vdfriend's response isn't to something similar. You didn't say how explicit the text was or if it could be read any other way (certainly I have girlfriends but no s&x is involved.) If it doesn't seem to make sense, then possibly that reaction is the correct one and it was either a misdirected text (MF and a guy I hate have the same name and with autofill I have to be careful when emailing either of them) or mischief by someone else.

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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Mar 14, 2018 7:57 pm

K in C Glad the steak was good.

H called I realized I had not vacuumed so did that. H is home now. Emptied the vacuum. Fed the hens and put the up in their run. Got 2 blue eggs one green and a brown one today. I will start the dishes later and have more laundry to do.

I have cleaned all the sinks, did the bathrooms also. Yea me for progress.
Last edited by Nancy on Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:24 pm

Nancy: I haven't vacuumed either. Or left my desk here. I'm ready for bed, I'm so tired. I don't know how LadyM keeps up with little ones at our age. I can do it for hours and even hours and hours, but daily, that isn't possible.

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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby Harriet » Wed Mar 14, 2018 9:38 pm

((Twins')). This way, you will be fresh and rested for the visit tomorrow, which has meant a lot to you. All best wishes.

Meant to say that for PI day I added Romanesco cauliflower to a big homemade stir-fry today. It has a mathematical pattern and actually is a fractal. Cool.

I guess the new creme hair color was fine. Not going to brag too much. It looks as if it was colored a week ago - not as saturated? Is that the term to use? And for some reason the conditioner, which is in a different-look tube, too, doesn't seem to stop the flyaways the way the old one did. Don't know if that's the new color product's effect or if they changed the conditioner, too. All in all, not enough difference to make me change brands. I have no one to ask - daughters unavailable - so I asked HRH. (smile) Answer: "looks like my wife to me".

Tomorrow I will be on Desk duty through the morning.

I didn't tell ya'll but had a scare yesterday when the city water company said the church's full elephant-sized bill was due today. Gasp. They were supposed to have put billing on 'hold" and put us in for a "courtesy adjustment" reduction of the bill when i first called them (because of that burst valve) but they hadn't done it yet. :roll: They also said, gee, they didn't have the work statement from the repairman yet (yes, they do - they are incompetent - but I will send another copy myself). Since I have it on whispered authority that every adjustment is 50 percent, and they asked for a good-faith payment now but it will be another month (with another bill) until results, I sent them one-quarter-elephant. I had to rush out to P.O. to get it done by 5 yesterday. HRH asked if I was taking work-related mileage off on my taxes, since my paychecks are so big. ha ha :|

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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:14 pm

(Twins) hard times.

We've had people call us about water bills that were astronomical. We added a bathroom to a house once and couple years later this bill arrived. Toilet had run and run and run. They knocked off some of the bill for them, though they didn't have to do this. Toilets do have parts that wear out. Or simply need adjusted. Harriet, you may have to remind someone about their promise to reduce the bill. Get names and dates.

Made errand trip downtown. Stopped at library, stocked up for the next month. I don't keep books long, once I read them I put them in the outside bin on my way back and forth to things. I feel rich looking at my stack of 7 books on the corner of the piano.

Elizabeth, sounds like a dumb book you're reading. I was really pleased to see another Lauraine Snelling book on the shelf. She writes wonderful historical novels, Norwegians who settle in Dakotas, dairy farmers. Lots of those books. This one is 1909 but some were set in way older years. Big clans, friends, large families working together and prospering. She wrote some modern time books, but I didn't like them nearly as much as these. I'm also reading through Sandra Dallas books and Tracie Peterson who has written 100+ books. I don't like hers quite as much. I like Snelling the best of these.

While DH was out at youth group I did a big cleanup of kitchen and hung up laundry sitting in the washer. Told DH I had gotten a different cleaning crew in because the old ones were lazy. He said oh he didn't mind the mess at all. To his credit, he never complains about anything I don't do in the house. He says he knows I'll get to it sometime.

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Re: Wet Wednesday

Postby Lilac » Thu Mar 15, 2018 12:02 am

(((Twins))) I am so proud of your dd. When you need her, you have been able to count on her.

Kathryn, I loved your dgs wanting more nana. So glad that you were still there to cuddle with him.

I went for a late lunch with dd2, the 2 little girls and dgd21 and babyK met us there. Afterwards we went to the expensive drive thru carwash, the drive thru oil change place, bank and hit S onic for happy hour 1/2 price drinks. Dd2 gets the boys back in the morning, so after she picks them up, her and the 4 kids will head to Colorado for a short spring break trip. Since her ex is letting her get them 1 day early, they have to go back next week a day early. It would be too darn bad if they got extra time with their mom and sisters.

I picked up R ib C rib for dhs supper. I wasn't hungry enough to get any for me. Then dd1 and I walked.

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