Philosophical Friday

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Philosophical Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:10 am

What will be, will be.

That's my mantra for the day.

What's yours?

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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:33 am

Not a great sleep last night on the couch. I did get some solid sleep between 12 and 4 because I heard the clock strike midnight and got up to the bathroom (which turned out to be required so I'm glad I went!) and then when it struck 4, I was surprised it was 4 bongs. I should have stopped the clock.

I still have a mild headache. In addition I was so sore, I fell out of 'bed.' When I went to get up from the couch, my legs just buckled under me. I stayed there until dh came to spot me while I stood up. After that I was fine. It was as if my legs weren't awake.

The bedroom was ready by 8 but dh wasn't. The painters arrived at 8:15 and are still trying to get working. There are 4 of them so quite the team but only a couple have English. They are still looking for our paint colour downstairs. I know there a big bucket of it so gave them the name and colour codes.

They also spotted the work to be done in the living room. I pointed out my desk and that there is no place to move it until the excess furniture is out so they'll be back in April to do the rest of the apartment. I'm still not sure how we'll do the office since there's no room to move everything along the window wall, it is the recumbent bike, the giant treadmill and a small desk. The desk will sort-of fit in the kitchen, the bike might be able to be moved to the bedroom and then we can wiggle the treadmill to the space occupied by the desk. But that's going to require manpower. I hate to stretch this one more visit, so if I can get the work done while dh is away in May, that would be best, but the office is deaf to all requests to coordinate with the tenant (for instance, sending the plasterer here a day early even though their own notice to enter showed the following day.)

The office thinks they are all done but they aren't. When I went in, I said the work couldn't be done until after the furniture was moved out but of course, they did not listen to me.

Harmony: The plasterers put down disposable drop cloths, taped to the wall to catch the chipped off plaster. Those were gathered up and put into a garbage bag before coming through the rest of the apartment. They also swept, wiped down (mostly) the baseboards (I know because I left the dust on them from behind the dresser and it was gone yesterday afternoon) and then mop the floors.

Despite all that, the dust flies everywhere and is a mess to be cleaned up. I'm treating this a deep cleaning of the room and when it is all done, I'll do a deep clean of the parts (like behind the bed) that didn't get deep cleaned because of this work. Then I'll leave it until the next time there's plaster work. It happens almost annually so that's good enough for my cleaning schedule!

When I cleaned the windows the cloths were almost black so I obviously skipped them last time (I know I've done them since moving in 4 years ago.) The kitchen ones were not bad at all, despite using the deep fryer in front of one. But I do clean that one before hanging up the Christmas decorations and lights in that window. The other was a bit dirtier because I skipped it in November but the transom was also almost clean since I had done that before putting up the snowflake window stickers.

I have more of a spark for the sermon (I've been doing reading this morning) and the music is all set and the 'new' hymn is learned. It is actually Precious Lord Take My Hand except for the last line with is the last line from Amazing Grace. The credited composer is the same as Precious Lord, so that part wasn't 'stolen', just the last line. Once we identified that, we were all set and can sing it with confidence.

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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby Twins' Mom » Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:43 am

I haven't finished CUOP but need to take off now to dmom's to meet the truck with the dumpster. What will be, will be.
I overslept, forgot to set alarm actually, and wasn't up until about 8:45. Dcleaning lady is here, doing her magic.
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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:47 am

hi best of mornings to you d kathryn.

Mine is: Follow your own internal thread/compass. Staying true to who you are. (Homework from dd younger's life coach) He said that too often, we as people, get sidetracked from who we are by veering off on things that aren't who we are; that it takes time away from what we really want to be. (I love how d Cathy said it - finding your bliss - finding what makes you happy)

dear kathryn I hope you feel better (headache) and I hope tonight you get rest tonight!

hi d twins I love your d cleaning lady for you! have a great day as well.

hello to all!
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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Mar 16, 2018 9:53 am


Mine would be to follow your bliss. When dd would call me sobbing about how much she hated her job, I told her to follow her bliss and do something she loved. Now she is working behind the cameras in the film industry.

I have a weird question for all of you in M.O.

I had a very long, very hot shower this morning because I could. Now the music is on and it's loud! I have had my yogurt and now I am having some rice pudding. Dh and I are going out for Vietnamese for supper. The dishwasher is going and there is only 1 large pot that needs to be washed.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:17 am

Painting is on hold. There is none of our paint colour. Supposedly someone is to buy some but the management claims there is some, somewhere, in the complex so all the painters are off looking for it.

This is frustrating.

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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:24 am

Good for her d Cathy!

Frustrating you have to wait d kathryn! Hope they find the paint this morning
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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:59 am

It's 10 am already!!! :o :o :o How I feel.
I have been up for awhile. I had my alarm set for 6;30 and didn't get up until 7:15 headache

pulled journal and cards for today.
I find getting things done in the morning is the best thing for me.

dw still has dirty dishes in them - just not enough to put it on.
I already flipped laundry - I am trying to be consistent in putting a load in as soon as I get up (before coffee) :D (now that's brave :D )
emails dejunked, tickets printed. I will not do my usual paper work until later today as I am so late starting.

I ordered my tickets for Having our Say Yay - on May 19th. I read this book a long time ago and loved the sisters feistiness.
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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:08 am

Good morning! I had a successful day off with DD16, even though we had to take the cat to the vet. Now I have 2x a day meds for him and he is locked in the MBR so he does not hide from them. Lunch at the expensive Chinese place (payday is today). We did about an hour of ice skating and both had trouble getting our skates properly adjusted. We both decided that we like roller skating better. Then we watched one of her favorite movies and a few Hogans and ate dinner. She wanted to leave 30 minutes early (730), because she wanted to swing. After she left, I ran some LOLs, but have not put them away. I also did some crochet for a yarn bombing in May. LOVE yarn bombings because you can get rid of stash yarn you don't have enough of or don't know what to do with. One ball decluttered already, another will be joining it soon.

Lucylee's DGD may have the same "side effect" of watching shots as the two kids next door when I was a teenager. Their mother was a nurse and I traded babysitting for allergy shots. Many times they saw an older kid get a shot calmly and politely. When they got theirs, they copied the only role model they knew.

Someone mentioned Crohns as a possibility for my Mom. I will ask Dad about that. Also celiac. DD16 got screened for that because she has an auto-immune thyroid problem. She flunked the screening quite badly and will be tested soon. She inherited the thyroid from me and my mother. If Mom's memory goes the way of her father's, she will eventually think DD is me. His problems started when he was 71, Mom is 80.

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Re: Philosophical Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:25 am

quick hi d elizabeth! have a good day
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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