Following your... Sunday

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Following your... Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:51 am

Whatever you call it ....
your internal thread

.... it all ends to being true to who you really are. (true to you: you all around - true to that inner voice, true to what really makes you happy (BLISS loved that one thank you d Cathy) who makes you really who you truly believe you want to be.

Are you following through your day who you want to be? Recently dd younger's homework was to really look at what is her passion and to try to find where she is right now on her path to what is her. He told her that her goals will change through out her life but we all tend to have a thread that is internal we need to stay true to and not veer too far away from to be happy. With dd having ADHD along with other physical and now mental struggles it is so easy to get lost on someone else's path; how about you?

D Cathy's advice to her dd is exactly what he was talking to. Follow your Bliss! Are you doing that for you at least once a day? Staying true to who you really are somewhere in your heart, day, week, month, year and through your life time? How can you do that for yourself? How can you recognize that you may be going off the road - tangent that isn't what or who you truly want to be or are?

Today is Sunday - it's a new week - Like I tell dd's, I too want you to follow who you truly are and from now on I will also tell them to follow their Bliss - their joy - and who they are.

It is so easy to get off your path because life is just like that - but each day, pull yourself back to center - back to who you really are and stay true to that.

The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self
. Mr. Rogers

it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:22 am

I can't believe I have been up for an hour and 15 minutes. Yesterday I was so happy to see my d sister-in-laws; such a joy it was! I had to leave early because I got a forehead headache that was quite the doozy. My d sister in law #2 let dd younger stay with them and then drove her home.

Yesterday was supposed to be family fun day but I did have fun seeing them and dd younger d aunts are wonderful positive people and it is so so good for her to be with them. Dd older and younger went shopping together and then out to dinner (I was sleeping bc headache) and they came back chipper and chatty - so fun to see! I am feeling so much better today. (and I am so happy both dd's had a great day)

Not one routine done yesterday - and I am okay with that 8-) :D I need one day off from that.
dog blanket is washing
animals watered and fed.
BWP done :D

OUR NEW ZONE: AREN'T YOU EXCITED!!! REMEMBER YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALL - 15 MINUTES AT A TIME WORKS GREAT! Don't do what I have done - that all or nothing, perfect cleaning - 15 minutes works great - think of it if you did 15 minutes a day for 4 days that equals 1 hour's worth of cleaning. nothing perfect - no perfect cleaning supplies - no perfect tools (they are actually excuses not to do the work). Use your timer - put everything away after 15 minutes. (do 10 minutes if your heart/soul can't handle it - it's okay!)

FL ZONE: master bedroom if you are doing FL

Check out our d Harriet's Cleaning focus: We are now on our second round: PORCH AND ENTRY - you have got this! I really believe in you-I always have
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:16 am

it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:40 am

morning routine done :D
flipped laundry :D
put away laundry :D (I still have one basket to go)
helped dd with her room together - she is beginning to see she needs to be minimal as she has tendencies to keep things (added with her ADHD causes her stress). it didn't take long. She woke up early - she is trying! :D
did another flip flop of laundry :D
I have to change sheets on our bed as I washed the other set. :D
ordered (almost) a baby gift - I have to check out but everything is waiting in its cart. I am waiting for the young couples address from her d mom.
took the things to bring downstairs from dd youngers room (she gave me) and the items are all put away :D
turns out towel mountain was growing so one load, of two, are washing themselves ;)

grateful time done :D I am usually grateful every day but today I wanted to make sure I started my day this way.

dd older and I will be going to get a pedicure (I am not a girly girl but once dd older talked me into it, I found it worked really well for myself).
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:54 am

Went to view the luxury penthouse apartment and found myself at a 3 storey walk up. Uhmmm, not luxury.

Was racing to a church meeting that was cancelled. Thankfully CF got a text to me in time so am at lunch now.

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Mar 18, 2018 11:59 am


As expected and somewhat dreaded, we followed dh's bliss this morning and went fishing. I had numerous layers on, which he thought was funny. There was still ice on the river! We got a few nibbles, but nothing stayed on the hook.

Came home and had brunch and dh also made a large pot of soup. I have no idea what kind of soup, but it has white navy beans, red lentils, smoked turkey leg and potatoes and whole peppercorns and 2 whole bay leaves.
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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:00 pm

I have a stressful couple of days coming up, dr appt for dmom tomorrow, and some time on Tuesday hospice assessment for dmom at assisted living. Dh is going out of town in the morning, until wednesday evening.

Yesterday after dh went to Torah study and then walked at gym, we went to dmom's and did several hours of work there. Dh's work was less physical - he went through comic books and pulled some out to bring home. I worked on the downstairs laundry room where my dbro actually had a hot plate and microwave and cooked some for himself. Threw out a ton of food there - dmom had stored food downstairs as an alternate pantry and there were things that expired ten years ago. :shock: Ds came and helped, and took a lot of bagged stuff out to dumpster for me. Dh emptied the "frozenover" chest freezer of food and he and ds dragged it out and took the top off and left it upside down to thaw. Great progress but my back and hips aching big time.

Last night friends brought barbeque dinner over - they were out of town when dbro died. Enjoyable evening and we built a fire outside to enjoy the nice evening. A really nice time, even though I didn't feel much like doing anything after working at dmom's house.

Dh has gone to the office today because he'll be away for three days. He said he might go to a movie this afternoon with ds - one that I'm not interested in.
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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:03 pm

Nope no zone work on Sun. For me. I am up trying to be quiet till h is up in a few min. No rain here this morning ye! The si is trying to break through the clouds. Bs had a crash too was low in the nite had to get up deal with that & shower change pj's then went back to bed and slept in. We might bbq today or make a stew.

Full moon was this week.
Made deviled eggs.
Need to put clothes in the dryer.
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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Mar 18, 2018 12:17 pm

I had to stay home from church today because DS9 is still sick. I checked his forehead around 5am when I got up and he felt normal. I thought he would be well enough to attend church so I got ready for church. However, when I woke DS9 up it was apparent that he shouldn't go anywhere.

I was supposed to do the sound system at church service today but it isn't going to happen. DH had to attend church because he does the money. Hank used to do the money when DH missed, but now there isn't a backup replacement (yet). Hopefully having lack of trained volunteers today will prompt someone to step up. Our church needs another person trained to be backup to running the sound system and two additional elders.

I am going to try to relax today. Even though DS9 is sick and needy, he is a fairly easy child to take care of.
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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:22 pm

D Twins, I will be praying for you while you "have a stressful couple of days coming up" and praying for your d mom
Wishing your dh a nice business trip.
Well done on your progress, it is a tough job!Hope your back and hips feel better soon!
Glad you had a lovely time last night - sounds like fun and you had a much deserved relaxing evening.

d kathryn I am glad you got a text saying the meeting was cancelled!

d Cathy - you are a trooper!
soup sounds great.

d Nancy sorry your bs went so low! I hope today it is much better... I am cheering the sunshine, by you, to come out.

L lady - hope your sick boy starts to feel better right away!
Hope they find a back up at your church - and hopefully they can split the job up so more volunteers get trained.
Sending you a relaxing day d Lady.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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