Following your... Sunday

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 1:24 pm

I didn't work on zones, routines yesterday
maybe 15 minutes on project
and the rest on learning, paperwork, and things paperwork wise that I have been putting off.

ordered groceries ;) :shock: I am leaving soon for pedicure with dd older
ordered baby present to be sent directly to a young couples home. :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Mar 18, 2018 3:21 pm

Done my service and on our way to DD's. It is her birthday but the celebration is tomorrow. Dh hasn't seen dgs for over a week so asked to visit.

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 18, 2018 4:42 pm

I did a rock drop stopped by the store on the way home got noodles and beef soup bone, pasta salad is done, soup or lunch was great. Dog is happy with her bone.

Time to get laundry on the dryer.

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:23 pm

In the "no good deed goes unpunished" I was doing tax returns for our kids, and the online software want ds to pay $67 for his return - he needs to file a state return this year, which in this state is very simple. And dh goes ballistic about why it costs so much. I haven't finalized or paid for the return, if ds wants he can take it elsewhere and get it done cheaper. But I thought I was helping.

In a snit I suggested he prepare our return with whatever software he wants.
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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:26 pm

happy birthday to your sweet dd d kathryn!

d nancy glad you were able to drop off your painted rock and get dinner together. sounds like you have a happy dog!

I know I should do my checkin account but will do that tomorrow
dd older and I had a nice time today

Sorry that it will cost $67 - so frustrating d twins. you were helping! you are a good mom!

so tired
dinner made - everyone ate
now to empty the dishwasher.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:18 pm

We had a nice visit with dgs and his parents.

They have his high chair in the front window so he can watch the world go by while eating. We waved to him from the car when we arrived and again as we stepped up to the door. His parents were out of sight of their driveway so didn't see us coming.

Apparently dgs pointed out the window and said Nana. But they ignored this because he does that a dozen times a day!

After he was fed and cleaned up he wanted a cuddle with me. Then since he didn't want to go to his grandfather, I gave him dh to prop him up and then make him walk to me. He can manage no more than 2 steps and always falls backwards.

We did that for a short while then he asked for me to pick him up and steered me to the living room. Along the way, he stopped at the shelves, pulled off dh's hat, and handed it to him. Dh put it on and then dgs said "All done!" Talk about "Here's your hat, what's your hurry?!"

Eventually he played a game for a while with dh, but staying by my side while he played. He would say Nana and then turn to dh and say Buppa, and that was really why dh was there. He knows we go together so even when dh isn't there, he talks about Buppa in context. Now he can point us out on the picture shelf so that's exciting too. I should make him up a book soon of his favourite things. Ds was a slow reader so I used to write him books, illustrated with photos of his things.

We've just finished supper and it is my turn to clean up so I'll do that in a few minutes.

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:31 pm

Exercise is done did stat bike and a walked long walk w ddog. She was happy with her bone and I was able to do stat bike undesturbed yea!
Dinner in a bit.

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun Mar 18, 2018 8:14 pm

Just a quick ci:

I haven't followed anything today, except my LIST/Sunday card . Follow your LIST doesn't have the ring to it that follow your BLISS does, does it?

But -- I had a nice surprise when dmom showed up to get her meds for the week, so I didn't have to fit in time to go to her house -- 20-30-min round trip, no matter how little time I spend actually AT her house.
After that, I went on to do the errands -- had to go to grocery store, drug store (CVS :evil: ) and Wmart. And believe it or not, we will go back to Wmart after the basketball game dh is watching. Watching miserably, I might add -- we are losing sooo bad. (DH wants to go back to Wmart b/c there are certain things he likes to pick out for himself each week. I got all the other stuff during the first trip, so now we'll just be in and out on our late trip.)
DH and I put away groceries, I cooked supper and s/s kitchen... (dishes still in the drainer.)
Sent email to dh's cousin, answering message he sent earlier.
Refilled my own meds for the week.
Took the garbage to the road.

Church was... different. Easter/Lent cantata and it was... different. I don't know how to explain it. Just a lot more "high-brow" than we are used to, with ALL guest soloists, which perturbs ddil to no end. Why did we even hire this man, she wants to know, if he is going to run off half our choir members, refuse to let any of those remaining do solos, and fill our choir with guests from his hometown 40 miles away??? A legitimate question, I'd say. Just another frustration with our church at the moment.
Seems like a lot of us are facing discouragement in this area, aren't we?
This too shall pass.

((((Twins)))) for discouragement w/tax stuff, dh stuff, dmom stuff. You are so right; no good deed goes unpunished.

((((LadyM & ds9))))

Dmom here said she was going to "have to have that surgery. Soon." (This is what, the 19384701th time we have heard this?) She said she would try to make an appt and go talk to the people at the assisted living center this week.

Tomorrow is -- drum roll? death march? -- IRONING day for me... so I'll see y'all when I crawl out from under THAT mountain.
I am just hoping the power doesn't go off. They are predicting terrible weather tomorrow -- schools already dismissing at noon all around. (Ddil is hoping she gets the night off from class, too!)
Tuesday is busy with retired teacher lunch and nursing home singing that night.
After that, the week looks pretty clear for me, except for occasional Nana-duty and Wednesday night Bible Study.
Saying all that to say, I got the vacuuming done this past week; MAYBE I can get back on track this week. I know that's about the 19384701th time y'all have heard THAT, too, but you know, hope springs eternal.

The three layer cake idea, blessed -- what is that again --

Waving to ALL!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:06 pm

Had a lot of emails to catch up on this evening. Looked into joining Audible to get a free book offer since the library's copies are all in use. It is a short book, 6 hours, but I really don't want to join Audible. One more thing to remember right now (I'd just be cancelling.)

Still need to clean up the kitchen.

<edited to add>

I need to get this done so signed up for Audible. That took 30 minutes to get it onto my devices but now it is in place.

LadyM: I believe you use Audible. Do you have a recommendation for my second book? My first one is called Triggers: Creating Behavior that lasts, becoming the person you want to be.

It is the listener homework for Cortex (one of the podcasts I listen to.)

I have the allowance to continue the subscription but I'm not sure I have the time and interest to listen to books since I'm listening to so many podcasts.

I tidied the kitchen and cleaned all the paint off the donated step stool. Now I'll update my food diary for the day and head to bed.

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Re: Following your... Sunday

Postby Lynlee » Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:17 pm

sat with someone I know - seen in the half light of advertisements. She dropped me home later.
ph call with dm.
db is in need of surgery - scheduled for next month.

put a reminder for Tuesday bin day on my phone.
lunch happened
help is coming so I need to get busy beforehand.
Hoping for a nap later.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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