Monday Moments

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Elizabeth » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:08 am

Good morning! Mostly successful weekend though I did get sidetracked on the computer some. Not the jigsaws, but backing up photos. I don't feel too bad about it because it helped clear the two tier table in the LR and was useful work. I have one completely clean and sparkly bathroom and the other has a sparkly bath and toilet. Tonight, it will get finished and checked off my list, along with whatever else I decide to do. Countdown to houseguests is on! I think the cleaning fumes led to today's migraine. Or maybe I didn't eat enough. Or both. I'm ahead on one of my daily items today. I made a lunch yesterday, forgetting I have lunch with coworkers today. Sunday was cold and windy. Thank goodness the picnic in the park send-off was moved to indoors. Still sad the honoree is leaving though. I have decluttered to more tag-end yarn balls by turning them into yarn bombing* swatches.

It's nice that the zone is MBR. Mine needs some serious work. Unlike the rest of the world, my weeks start on Monday. I never could do a Sunday transition because that is when I catch up on the last of the items for the week. And it never felt like the beginning anyway, even when I was little.

*Yarn bombing = decorating outdoor spaces by wrapping things with knitted or crocheted swatches. No explosives needed. Won't get me on the terrorist watch list.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Harriet » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:13 am

It's the First Day of the Rest of Your ... ... Second Round! :D That is, if you happen to enjoy following (however loosely ;) ) the adventures of those persuing the 4 rounds of cleaning through the household, per year, that the Focus Cleaning forum helps accomplish. Come chat about cleaning in general; the current thread is at top. Discussion about all cleaning plans, all quandaries. Insights and advice to talk you down from the chandelier, or encourage you as you dare to look behind the heavy appliances. See you there, today through June 3 !

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Nancy » Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:22 am

I am ci I am ok slept well. Am routine underway. No time for vids on that, I have my own routines written down.

We are getting go bags and bug out bags prepped, dsis thought that was a great idea to get some of those items for Easter baskets, like flash lite or head lamps. I thought if it for a 4-h projects or demo. I have some book bags here I am using for various theme bags kids one, car bag etc. Camping season is coming. :mrgreen:

I am so glad I did some cooking yesterday. Got the pasta salad made, did up deviled eggs and I have left over soup for my lunch. Hens are getting one of the rolls I made also.

Harriet & K in C have sons that could have great ideas for go bags. My cousin is an emt also.

I swept, trash got dumped upstairs this weekend, kit is good bc I did p m routine! Yea!

Praying for Austin area.

I have done one round on the current zone work entrances, swept those and some in the carport, dishes are going, laundry rounded up, bed is made. Sinks are clean swishing done. Yea! On track my body has adjusted after the time change.
Last edited by Nancy on Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby Harmony » Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:03 pm

One more on-my-mind thing done. I came across a file this weekend that hadn't been updated since 2016. Today I looked for it and it wasn't on my computer. I guess it was never saved when I got some computer work done that year. So I started from scratch and made new one. Back and forth to the instructions a few times, but I got it done. All printed out and saved. I can't say this stuff is easy yet, but I am plugging along, getting it done.

Dee, sorry about all your recent problems with computer and now phone. It's hard to deal with everything at once.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:41 pm

Good morning D. Elizabeth! Mostly successful weekend - Yay!

Good morning d Harriet! Can you believe it's the second round?! I will see you in the Zones!!!

Good morning d Nancy
yay on sleeping well! well. Happy routine-ing!
I have done one round on the current entrances zone work swept those and some in the carport, dishes are going, laundry rounded up, bed is made. Yay

hi d dee. sorry about your computer

hello d harmony.. Happy day to you too.

hi d twins hope he has a good trip.... also so happy you can have tai chi on wednesday evening
hope you sleep well tonight. Have you tried melatonin if you really can't sleep. dd youngers dr. recommended it for her.

hi d dee. missing you too!!!

wishing you all coming in and out in S.H.E. world a splendid day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby CathyS » Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:41 pm


Taking a few moments at home between Monday morning knitting group and Monday afternoon knitting group.

Supper tonight is BBQed steaks and foil package of potatoes and onions. Dh had leftover soup for lunch.

Laundry is all clean and put away. Dishes were all done before bed last night except for huge soup pot. Dh burned the soup a bit, but it still tasted okay.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:45 pm

added more work to my paper pile... geesh - it will take 1-/2 hours. I can see it already. (it must be done)
found out the drs. d neighbours recommended for dd younger no longer take new patients. ;)
I will talk to dd younger.
d dog older had an exciting morning ... she loves the vet! Only dog I ever had that loves the vet. Another $244 later including meds :shock:
dd younger took the younger dog for a walk in the woods, she woke early - that's huge since she changed meds!

time to change and get back to reality.
okey dokey I am having the oh my gosh which way should I go feeling.
did swipe and swish bathrooms - this time it took 10 minutes. I didn't do anything Saturday and Sunday for swish and swipe.

okay: I don't wanna (the little brat in me doesn't want to get started)
think dinner
lost my timer but I do have my phone

hi d cathy... waving to you and your clean laundry. You do great! glad soup still tastes good.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby lucylee » Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:18 pm

S2s —- getting ready to iron — waiting to be somewhat weather alert —
They say the weather channel guy has landed in north AL and storm chasers are being seen in our area. I’m not really nervous at the moment, but of course there is always s possibility one could touch down right here at my house. So I’ll try to pay attention while I’m climbing Ironing Mountain.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Monday Moments

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:12 pm

had trouble with the little brat/stinker inside of me. Watched a show - home repair and my mind de-fogged itself. thank goodness. I was unfocused and just needed a break from thinking. I was thinking nothing but felt scattered ;) that happens sometimes to me.

Next: 15 minutes in zone area.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monday Moments

Postby blessedw2 » Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:12 pm

hi d lucy!!!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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