Together we are stronger Thursday

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Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:08 am

Before I came to Pam and Peggy, I used to think I was the only one who struggled with my home, being on time, being a dollar short, having mount washmore and my ADHD. I was so hard on myself. After Pam and Peggy - I think CEO did a site and then here the wonderful administers took it upon themselves to create a place where all of us can come together to make better lives for ourselves.

We are stronger together -
-we help each other if our lives - your are never alone
-we cheer each other on through our work - each thing we do is an accomplishment and we become proud of each other
-we learn ideas from each other
-we are here working with each other (in a positive way)
-we support each others spirit
-we believe in each other
-we love our everyone's uniqueness and interests; we learn so much from each others lives
-and so much more.

Alone we are strong, together we are stronger.

What will you do with your strength and belief in yourself today.

Say one nice thing about yourself (if you catch yourself in the habit of putting yourself down today - stop yourself and say something nice - you are not lazy or crazy - just do one thing and celebrate it here - nothing big - you put your dishes in the sink, you thew out a piece of garbage, you did anything). Celebrate your strength.

Seeing dd younger going through what she has; has made me so aware how we all need baby steps from time to time (day to day) to relearn skills or help ourselves and that we all need others to help us see the good in who we are. BE GOOD TO YOURSELF TODAY!
Last edited by blessedw2 on Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:38 am

Hello hello

today: hoping it is an errand day for me!
I pulled my errand cards (I have a tab and throw an errand on a 3 x 5 and file it under the Errand tab until I can go and do it)

4 layer cake
1. ROUTINES morning first
2. BWP: errands
3. ZONES - depending which you follow: here it is in the BEDROOMS, FL is in the FRONT ROOM/LIVING ROOM, FAMILY ROOM. (you decide)

I wish you a wonderful day! kat
"Do this with love: it is an honour and a pleasure to care for myself"

Dianne in denmark is decluttering today!
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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:56 am

Had some of these same thoughts yesterday looking at various posts around the village. Yesterday it might have been LadyM/Ramblin'/Lynlee in their collaboration, pondering math lessons, for instance, but every day it's something. I think one day I will probably look back and say I have been reassured through the "IRL" crisis-of-community I've been going through this past year or more, knowing people here in this village have crediblity, have wisdom, and as blessed says, are strong. Everybody hasn't gone nuts, lol. Really have to put "in real life" in quotations there.

- Just finished put-away of laundry load of the day.
- Out to mailbox with the one ins. bill that has become an odd-time-of-month mail-only one for us. (Need to have that added to banking rotation autopay.)
- Declutter of magazine-like paperclutter to the point a paper grocery bag's handles seemed iffy. :)
- And so also out to recyclable can with that.

Good breakfast including a new-to-me fruit, or at least new type - Ataulfo Mango. This one was a Champagne Ataulfo. Chatted at great length with produce guy at WF about these, which are from Mexico rather than Peru as most mangos that have been traditionally shipped here, like Kent, Tommy Atkins and Keitt. I promised him a "review", since mango is my favorite fruit. He says so far a few people have mentioned they seem sweet. I'd certainly agree with that. Very juicy. I like that you can look at them and tell when they are ripe - never had that advantage before. Could get used to yellow, although a mango is "supposed" to be green. ;)

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:02 am

Blessedw2 - Thank you for the encouraging words this morning! ((((Hugs))))

I slept 2 hours later than my normal. It was a wonderful deep restful sleep. My sleep is gradually changing as I remain aware of it. I used to be happy when I got 5 hours of sleep. Then my goal was 6 hours of sleep. I recently changed my goal to 7 hours of sleep. Now I am having CRAZY THOUGHTS of trying for 8 hours of sleep each night. For now, getting 8 hours of sleep at night is a dream (pun intended) but I have started the process of considering that it might someday become possible.

We are taking today and tomorrow off of homeschooling. We have only taken 3 days off in March so are taking the final 2 school days of March off. Our homeschool schedule goes year round and we take a week a month off. Sometimes we do an entire week at a time but we mostly prefer to take days off as needed. It feels very relaxed to do this and still get our homeschool hours accomplished.

DH has his first ever acupuncture appointment today. I encouraged him to try it and I was surprised that he agreed to do it. I am curious how/if it will help his allergies.

DS9 has his regular chiropractor appointment this afternoon. After his appointment, we will pick DGD6 up from school.
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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby blessedw2 » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:22 am

heading out!
have a great morning!
hi d harriet hi lady and hi d everyone!

morning routine
dh took out the recycling after rinsing it
dw was not put on as we didn't have a enough in the dw
made beds
ate breakfast
me and the dogs had our meds
no laundry this morning - I do have wet laundry in laundry machine and dry laundry in dryer that I just don't want to put away yet.
animals fed and watered
swiped dh's bathroom only as that is all that is needed today.
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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby DeeClutter » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:39 am

I have managed to add myself as a 'user' on this computer. At some point dd will try to make me this computer's administrator. 1 step at a time for sure, Blessed.

Dh called to let me know he made out well at the Dr's office (pulmonologist) this morning. Doesn't have to go back for a year as long as he doesn't have problems.

My package from A river just arrived with my new cane. DD and I went to the Christmas T ree S hop in Altamonte Springs earlier this week. It wasn't until I was getting out of the car back here that I realized I had left my cane in the cart. There was a spot to leave it right in front of the car and thus hadn't used it to walk back to the car. Wasn't about to drive all the way to A Springs to get it. Much cheaper to buy a new one. I have felt naked without it.

Need to figure out how to disable the onboard mouse -keep hitting it with my heel of my thumb and of course the page moves.

DD has gone to take her dmil in to do her taxes. The mil had been taken to the hospital with angina and choking on Monday night. Of course now dsonil is second guessing his decision to go to work in NY. She came home last night when given the choice. DD's niece is staying with her while visiting her Mom who's in the hospital following chemo. The niece is feeling guilty that her dgm had to go to the hospital but it's going to happen. She really wants to be left alone and that may be what has to happen at times. The niece was 'bawled out' by Hospice because she had called 911 instead of them. But given the choice she knew 911 would be much quicker.

Have to go get something for dessert for Maundy Thursday dinner at church. The meal is being provided but everyone is to bring a dessert. Sounds like a heavily ladened sweet table to me. I have to resist.!! :?

Barely slept last night so am dragging big time today. DD has a hockey game in Orlando tonight but I'm staying home. Will go with her on Saturday night.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:48 am


Go to Control Panel
Select Mouse
There are tabs in the next window, one of them will be for the touch pad.

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:52 am

I was dressed by 8:30. Since I was in bed until 8, that is very good. Bed was made too!

Email is sucking up a lot of time. Plus refugees are taking up brain cycles. I ordered a folding table, a baker's rack and 4 folding chairs today for them. All can be returned. I managed to get a service idea for June 10 down on paper where I'll find it again.

A load of laundry has been completed. I put fresh batteries in a toy and tested it. I repairs a necklace that has spent two weeks on the kitchen counter.

So random babysteps are being made.

Speaking of babies, dgs woke up with bumps on him. Dd has no idea what's up but all her plans for the day were abandoned and she has an appointment this evening with the doctor. I'll avoid him unless she needs me. I had planned to go over to walk him today, not for her but for me since I so enjoy getting my steps in that way.

It is lunch time and I really don't have a thing to show for it. I know what my priority is but even with my watch on 15's I'm not making progress on it. I really, really, hate paperwork.

I think I'll empty the car next so everything that needs sorting will be up here. I need the car empty for tomorrow, although things aren't going well there - apparently the other church has a full car load for me now. But I have a full car load to of kitchen things to come from my church. I really don't want to make a second trip. Plus, I'm really running out of room there. It is making me anxious as things are piled up everywhere.

It isn't that I keep an immaculate home, but the only mess is usually paperwork which can be stashed. That's why this is making me so on edge.

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:27 pm

Good morning! I am back at payroll after the Sedona vacation. I used to fantasize about moving there, assuming I was ever wealthy enough to afford it. I have changed my mind and it is no longer even on my places to visit! The scenery and terrain was still beautiful, but there are not enough places to park. This means you cannot go hiking! If all we wanted to do was shop, that would work, but aside from DD16's bookstore excursion, we didn't want to shop. While the crowds were worse due to spring break, the trail parking problem is year round. We did finally find a trail we could use - the Airport Loop trail. The name makes it sound not so great, but it was spectacular. We left Tuesday instead of Wednesday and had to drive in snow. We went to Meow Wolf in Work City instead on Wednesday. It opened an hour early for spring break. Parking there was atrocious, so we parked a mile away at my work site. Bit of a walk, but not for people who were planning long hikes.

Of course, just as I left, another cat crisis was brewing. Not among my fosters, but crisis intake situations. A trio, a pair, and a single cat needed dealing with ASAP! A major and long time donor called me worried because I was leaving town, but I was able to tell her the cat coordinator had keys to my house and had been given permission to park cats in my sewing room. (She only knew about the pair). By the time I got back, two of the trio had been placed and the geezer pair had been taken in by the owner's great aunt. That leaves only two, which is a reasonable number for me to foster. I have no idea when they will arrive.

Dad has my car and is taking DD to a museum exhibit. Today and tomorrow, there are church events that we may or may not attend. We need to get together with my traveling companion friend who is also in town. Despite having guests, it is essential I take care of bills and budget tonight. I should also run a LOL.

I came back to 196 work emails, which I have already read and dealt with. There are 108 home emails, but the most stressful are OBE now that the cat situation is stabilized.

In answer to lucylee's question, it was my mother that was recently hospitalized and my dad that is visiting. I still don't know what exactly went wrong, but neither do her doctors. I do know it is being dealt with and Dad is not worried. Dad is not one to ignore problems either, he tackles them straight on. That's why he was at mom's appointments.

ETA: Just brought the home email total down to 100. I will take occasional 5 minute breaks and deal with 10 at a time. Probably at least half are junk.

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Re: Together we are stronger Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:33 pm

I know I am stronger with all of y’all! I can’t begin to tell all the times y’all have helped through some crisis!

Today, I guess I’m rewarding myself for all that work last night. I did NOT s2s first thing — ds brought dgrands over before I had time. I am d2s,
Tomorrow is another day.

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