Solemn Saturday

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Solemn Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:00 am

In the religious calendar, this is a low day, a time in limbo to reflect on what it is like without Christ in the world. A time for vigil in some traditions.

In the 'reality' calendar, this is a busy day. Some stores will be closed tomorrow, many families have a gathering or are traveling to take advantage of the 4 day break from school (and some government jobs), and then there are those of us preparing for celebratory church services tomorrow (or many of my friends recovering from multiple services during the past week.)

For me, it is busy.

What will the day be like for you?

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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:11 am

My todo list:

* Sort through the clothes by size and suitability and take the unsuitable down to the car to be dropped off somewhere.

* While the car is out, it needs a car wash. I will task dh with the errands plus any other errand I think of.

* I need to get all the kitchen items out on display on my dining table.

* The refugee women will be coming today to view both the clothes and kitchen items.

* They will require drives home (but that's a separate errand.)

* Get the remaining clothing off the bed today so I can use it tonight.

* File over the phone the payroll form. Since I haven't decided if I'm taking some salary at this point, I need to think on that as well before calling in with the final numbers.

* Pub for dinner

* shower and wash my hair to save time in the morning when I have to leave at 8 a.m.

* pack up everything I need in the morning, including hymn books and snacks for the day.

* practice the music for tomorrow at least 2x with dh (that's at least an hour.)

Plus watching what I eat all day (time with refugees guarantees I'll have to eat more than a taste of what is offered and I will not be under my calorie allotment for the day), getting in my steps (I'm guaranteed 5K with the work around the apartment and walk to the pub but need another 5K which is at least 45 minutes of walking fast.)

Today is overwhelming.

On the plus side, it is only just past 8 in the morning. On the minus side, I slept extremely poorly last night so am exhausted despite the tea and chocolate.

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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:20 am

Hi d Kathryn good morning! Thank you for starting us! What a busy day d Kathryn. Praying that it goes with ease!

today is a "Must" day. (not anti procrastination because I don't have a choice to hold off on doing things but I must get it done even if I don't feel like it).
I must make all the bacon for the family tomorrow (today) 6 packages
I must make the different muffins for tomorrow (don't go crazy - only make the 2 types)
cut the onions for tomorrows potato casserole

weather: Dark day here today : drizzly as well as cold. Thank Goodness I worked outside yesterday.

wishing you all a wonderful day!
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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Mar 31, 2018 8:54 am

Blessed, do you do the bacon in the oven? It takes much longer but is also must more hands off so I often do that when having to cook up a lot for a family breakfast, while doing family things (such as Christmas morning, put the bacon in the oven and then go to open stockings, check it, then do some gifts.)

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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:02 am

I would love to hear how that is done? If I could put it in the oven and that would save me so much time! What temp do you cook it for? do you turn the bacon? thank you d kathryn!

time to get to my desk first.

I had mentioned I have been tagging things I leave out because I am extremely unaware of physical clutter. Dh had put my white laundry on the dining room table 2 days ago and it is still there - I put a 2 day sticker on it. I have a box that I had upstairs for girls to go through and is now in dining room... my tag is now at 5 weeks :shock: - So I am hoping to get rid of this stuff.

Routines needed
emptied emails :D

listening to kats old video: self discipline and your inner child - because my inner child has been a huge stinker. I need the inspiration to not listen to that little stinker.

pulled journal. no cards necessary today. only routines and musts and wall paper removal
no zone, no BWP,

looked at round robin - it's official I can start all over again on Monday. Yay I did each area 10 minutes
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:33 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby Lynlee » Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:12 am

Most places are closed here on Good Friday. Some / now it is many/ centers have shops open despite the public holiday on Monday.
Thursday evening service. I was introduced to that concept in the Lutheran church. This service is different. inc foot washing of some.
Friday - Stations of the cross in the morning. Passion of Christ in the afternoon. That is all the story of that week, plus adoration of the cross. Really quite somber. I got there part way into the afternoon service after I was mixed up with the start time. I did have a surprising faith based discussion with the bus driver on the way there though, which I count as one of those God directed things. Just the driver and I on the bus, and he starts asking me about the happenings of Easter, on the different days. His childhood church memories.
There used be a vigil with folk in the chapple on roster... I'm not sure if that happened this year.
Bought fish and salad , ate the fish and 1/2 salad, walked home.
Saturday night vigil service. There is an outdoor fire cerenomy, creation story, and readings the lighting of the new pascal candle, candles lit for a procession back into the church. Tonight the wind played havock with the candles. Adults were baptised and confirmed as part of the service. lots of readings. Visiting minister from Uniting church was part of the proceedings. A long service. 2 hrs?
Tomorrow the service is at 8am. 45 min prior is the bus, or a 30 min walk, inc up a fair hill. That may be the go, if its not fowl weather.

My day
took a bus to the beach] lunch. sit and meditate. walk to wet my feet in the 24C water, look at the rock pools.
The promised rain didn't happen while I was there, nor during the outdoor parts of tonights proceedings.
Looked in k mart on the way home. I'm not in a hurry to return.
Bus home/ walked home from a further bus stop.
reheated meal made Thurday - added rice, and water so it became somewhat soupy.
bus to church. prayers for protection at bus stop away from houses. Rising Full moon was immense.
A special service, with lots of folk to talk with.
A lift home.
The promised 'weather' has arrived, courtesy of the next ex cyclones doings.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:19 am

Hello d lynn!!!

the catholic church does the same thing as yours.
outdoor fire ceremony - so neat! Wow that is a long service!
yay on the tai chi - good for you!
enjoy your visiting at church!

I am trying to figure out what your time zone and date: right now it is 8:18 am in midwest in the states: what time is it there?
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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:54 am

Birds woke me up at 5:15 today. I did my last journal entry in this one tomorrow I start a new journal. H said something about digging out bush regrowth in the front yard today. I had my breakfast time to feed hens next.

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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby Harriet » Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:14 am

Hello, dear friends.

I'm thinking I'll have a quiet day, possibly.

Ds and family took the 5th wheel toward the blue ridge for a mini-vacation. And since they are entertaining tomorrow at home, including us, they'll probably get right on that plan as soon as they are back. They will have the house in perfection state already. They still can't think of anything for us to bring. (lol. can this really be MY ds' household?)

party worry - surprising for me - skipable
Ds38 is still considering next weekend's visit. Until she decides, I don't want to send anything bday related. Hmmm... ... her quandary is that toddlerC's bday party is the coming Sat., and ds/ddil don't know she can travel here. If she asks to "crash" their party with 6 people, that's no little thing. Plus that big exciting party then minimizes any bday celebration we could scrape together here for one of her boys (there are cousin bdays at same time April and same time July, sigh), which would be only family, of course - her boys' friends aren't here. Just awkward, I understand. But some attendees for toddlerC will be kinfolk I wish dd38's children could know better, too. Those children are growing up knowing only ds' children. Sigh.

It's dd19 under whom I perhaps should light the proverbial fire. ;) I imagine she is sleeping in without a thought about the fact she needs to arrange a ride home if she expects to be around for Easter.

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Re: Solemn Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Mar 31, 2018 10:33 am

d harriet - I pray the party worry diminishes and it all works out!
hope your ds and family are enjoying their day.

by the way can you light a fire under me as well.

hi d nancy! up with the robins! yay on finishing your journal and congratulations on starting a new journal.

okay: I have been up since six and did nothing.
it is 9:30 am. I have to get s2s
it is pouring rain and snowing but the dog younger wants to go out for a walk

I am so lazy - I still haven't gotten dressed or done anything. closing the computer
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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