New Beginning Sunday

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New Beginning Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:32 am

It is the beginning of a new month.

It is the beginning of a new week for traditional Christians (and Roman Pagans who named today after their Sun God and early Christians said, "We can work with that, let's make it Sunday as the mini-celebration of the Light of the Son coming into the world.") and declared each Sunday a mini-Easter.

It is also the beginning of a new week for North Americans since our calendar reflects the views of our Christian founders, not the ISO standard for a calendar.

It is also Easter for us Christians. A strong sign to us that that Jesus-fellow wasn't deluded but actually a sign of a new covenant with God. A new beginning with God.

There are other special things about today:

It is April Fools
It is my company's anniversary (21 years old!)
and I have some friends born on this day.

So with so many new beginnings rolling into one day, I decided we should make this a new beginning day.

It is hard to think of new beginnings when I look around at my living and dining rooms which are piled high with stuff and boxes and bags. I'm in the middle of something HUGE right now, not the beginning (thank heavens!) nor the end.

But is a new beginning. As the saying goes, yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, today is a gift, that's why we call it the present.

So what will you do with your present, your gift, your new beginning, today?

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Apr 01, 2018 7:38 am

I'm up. I'm running late. Still have to s2s, have breakfast and grab some healthy snacks for the day.

Dh had a terrible night. Mine was a bit better than the night before but still too short. The apartment is too dry but the window has to be open to try and cool it down because it is also too hot. But it is too windy to have the windows open on the side where the wind is coming in, so all I did was loose the humidity despite having the humidifier on all night.

The wind is scary strong. Glad I'm not outside at a sunrise service!

OK, poof! I'll probably check in from my phone through the day. It may be a new beginning but I'm going to hang on tight to you all this day/week as I struggle with my commitments.

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:02 am

I am sitting down with a cup of coffee and taking a break. I have things 95% ready. I still need to wash the final pot (soaking now), sweep & mop the living room floor (after I put my dog outside), and get myself ready. I have been up and doing for the past 3 hours so my estimation of taking 2 more hours was wrong. It is typical for me to underestimate how long things will take.

Yesterday DS9 and I had a conversation about his Easter clothes. I was prepared to take him clothes shopping but first I had him take a look at some nice clothes he had never worn (still had tags on them). He tried on some clothes and declared this was his Easter clothes. This morning he changed his mind. We discussed his options and he ended up making different choices. He is happy. I am happy. End of that story.

We didn't get his hair trimmed though because of the tics. I'm not going to worry about it. He is happy with having longer hair than normal. He is happy. I am happy. End of that story.

DH and DS9 have left for church so they can arrive 1.5 hours early. DH will be using this extra time to prepare the communion cups and wafers. This is our first communion without Hank. He always took the lead on getting everything ready and was a bit of a stickler to make sure everything was just right. The waves of grief keep appearing each time we do something for the first time without Hank. We haven't found our new normal yet.
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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby Harriet » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:04 am

Good morning, dear friends.

((LadyM and all Hank's posse)) May you keep learning from his memory.

I am able to be sitting here with curlers in my hair finishing coffee because dd19 is at rehearsal.

A main emphasis for her today is to say, "we need another woman song leader". Aside from being obvious, it will carry extra weight because she's found out her new work schedule will includes times that make it impossible to be away from college many weekends. That's one of the reasons we decided Easter song leading could be "her" responsibility. I'm sure our bass and tenor will be there.

Our alto sent dd a sweet small present of music dvd and a greeting card of encouragement and she enjoyed opening that yesterday. I hope it is not a "goodbye" present, exactly.

Dd went in a new, bright top of mine. lol. Now anytime I wear it to church people will think I'm wearing dd's clothes. Oh well!

The flowing, vivid top I ordered to wear today did not arrive because FedEx ground is closed all weekend (who knew the place even shipped with them, or needed to warn customers. :( ). So I'll get it tomorrow - that's helpful. HRH was the decision guy between other ideas for me, and went with the lightest colors in simplest style, so I may be so washed-out I'm invisible against walls! He says, "wear pearls". :| (so I put down the chunky necklace, lol) I think I will wear his pearls choice, if only to be able to say he chose it all, should someone charitably search for me and and be able to see me.

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:39 am

Happy Easter!!!
and of all things today Happy April Fools Day!

May today be a wonderful spiritual day to you all - lifting your spirit for the whole year!

good morning to you d harriet! by the way your dd19 handled her babysitting duties beautifully with such calmness and kindness! nicely done!
It must be such a joy to hear her sing! Enjoy your Easter Sunday!

good morning d lady - wonderful being 95 % done. that's awesome! wishing you a lovely Easter!

good morning d kathryn - Happy Easter to you too! So sorry your dh had an awful night sleep! Are you on the top floor - our first apartment was like that as the heat rose - I hope there is something the apt. owner can do to help. Stay safe in the wind. (I don't want you blown away!)
Have a good day.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
I left the dishes last night - large pans from the bacon so that's my goal first thing.
I still have to make the potatoes but I want them warm when we drive to d sis in law #1
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 9:44 am

I don't go to church on Easter any more because it is crazy - there may be a time where I will go back to church on that day but for now this is important for me. I say my prayers of gratitude and i may watch mass on tv or the computer.

first things first: pull morning routine
I need it today more than ever as I left those dirty dishes.
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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Apr 01, 2018 10:32 am


We don't celebrate, but we do exchange cards and a token gift of $15 or less. I got a pile of chocolate on my desk chair. Dh got $15 in his card because I couldn't find anything non food that he needed. He hates chocolate and hasn't had any munchie type of junk food since last November.

A friend is coming over for lunch. We are having hot dogs and sausages on the BBQ.

We were hopeful that the rats were gone because of our attempt at using the exhaust. Nope! They were back last night just as it was getting dark. Too dark to shoot at them.

Is it wrong to have a Cadbury crème egg in my yogurt?

I did bite off the tail and the ears of the rabbit dh got me. If I had gotten two, I could have bitten the tail off of one and the ears off of the other so they could have said "My butt hurts" and "What?" to each other like an advertisement I keep seeing on FB.

We are having leftover pasta from Friday for tonight.

I think I have made a major mistake. I have invited some of the knitting ladies over here for tomorrow.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:02 am

how sweet - literally as well- chocolate!
Enjoy your time with your d friend

lol not at all! the Cadbury company would be thrilled
re: your chocolate bunny :lol:

As I am Catholic (put not strict - I also go to lutheran church/etc) I am watching the pope on the computer for Easter Mass. It adds a nice start to my easter. i think of my grandparents who grew up with Latin in the mass. What is so interesting is they also say the readings in Greek.
of course there is Italian. The blessings are read in multiple languages - today chinese, english and others.

I cleaned all the dishes (well the dw is doing some of the greasy pans - nope I did them bc I just wanted them done and put away)
but I washed the rest and put them away,
I cleaned my cutting board, stove, counters and equipment used with my bleach water sprayer and clean rag.
sink is clean
tossed things that needed tossing from kitchen
vacuumed surface and swiffer rinsed surface - it was dirty from last night.
I am defrosting the potatoes for today's casserole - I figure I am putting it in the oven at 11:00 so it is hot when we go at noon (we will get there at 1:00) rarely does it take me less than 50 minutes usually an hour.
Last edited by blessedw2 on Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:44 am

put papers in right spot but not handling today.
I just put the oven on and will make the potato casserole
I asked dh to wash his breakfast dishes and he is right now :D
spoken or texted everyone for easter
d mom is in a very good mood since having the whole day with dd younger on her own.

Next from morning routine and animal routine
after putting potatoes in oven:
animal exercise It is cold...brrrr outside It feels colder than 28 though. It did get warmer since this morning. also animal p**p in yard
me exercise
s2s nicely
clean a basket well and then put towels in them for the casseroles to stay as warm as possible
meds me and animals
put away laundry that has been out for 3 days :shock: ;)
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: New Beginning Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Apr 01, 2018 11:48 am

I am up have done my journaling. Need to get ready for the day's activities. I got a pink shirt last fall to wear today glad I remembered it. I have not warn it yet.

Easter greetings and happy April fools day!

Brunch and store run updates later on.
Blessedw2 I am with you on the church idea I
Have taken to watching it on Mon. A M when it is quiet and helps me to focus & pray w-out the distractions.

Dil had a bday I forgot this week ack.
Bs was great to day. My shoulder is better this morning yea! Front yd. Looks better after the pruning got done just after dinner last nite yippie!

I have to apoligize for misspelling. I have quadruple checed that in this post.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Apr 01, 2018 2:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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