Working Wednesday

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Apr 04, 2018 10:53 am

Well.... I was going to do wet jobs. Tried to flush the toilet and there seems to be a problem. No gurgling in the pipes. I think that the ground is just so saturated that the water has no place left to go. The back yard has some ponding at the back where we tend to get ponding, so I will wait a few days to do the wet jobs. They aren't at any crisis point yet because I did some wet jobs on MOnday morning before my company showed up.

I guess I will just have to play on the computer.
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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Elizabeth » Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:11 am

Good morning! Boy, have my plans changed! Originally, I was supposed to check my traveling companion friend into her flight home right now and enjoy a leisurely dinner with her tonight. Instead, she has checked into a local hospital with a suspected heart attack. The only good thing: because my plans tonight were with her, I am free to visit if allowed. Obviously, this is my highest non-payroll priority today,

I also realized, I am on the hook for church webwork for April and have not done this week. Need to do that ASAP. I also really need to run at least one LOL

Yesterday, DD16's biopsy went well. No complications. Results will be next week. Nothing looked wrong, but it often happens that things look normal, but the pathologists report still shows celiac. Her doctor wants me screened regardless of DD's results. We share the same autoimmune disorder, so I need screening anyway, plus untreated celiac can result in gastroparesis, which we know I have. We had in incidental finding as well: DD has a form of synesthesia. This is when senses are linked, so a person might smell music or hear colors. She hears what she sees. Laughing gas makes her vision buzz and she does not like it. It is the same effect as when her senses are getting overloaded and she needs to put on her headphones and/or swing for a while. Not sure if this is a constant thing or only sometimes. This is likely related to the autism and the nurses found it fascinating.

After that, she was ravenous and we ate Chinese. She wanted to sleep the rest of the day, so I had unexpected free time. (Work city is an hour away, so not enough time to go in). I used the found time to rewire the speakers and install a fan light. My bedroom is much improved and the bedside light can return to the LR. Delivered foster cat, Briggs, to cat coordinator for his dental today. I also did some pickup in MBR and LR because foster cat, Lara, is having a visitor today. The cat coordinator is handling that, so it is ok that I am not there tonight. She had to have benadryl for her skin last night. She did not yowl because Briggs was not chasing her out of my room. In fact, she was a quiet happy cat.

I was only off one day, but have 31 work emails to contend with, some of which do need my action. There are 74 home emails I must attend to sometime as well. My lunch today is boring, but edible.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby DeeClutter » Wed Apr 04, 2018 11:16 am

Good to see you, Helia. Glad you were all able to go to the Netherlands for your dfil's funeral and all the family events.

Knew it was supposed to be very windy up your way, Cathy. Know dh said gusts today of at least 65mph. Weather has not been great in the northern half of our country.

I've been doing things 'one thing at a time' -working, working, working. I so need to get things done. Now I'm ready to take a break for a bit. BBL
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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:15 pm

hello again.

finished morning routine
also made phone calls - problem with signing in on WW
contacted the grocery delivery service because the receipt and their charge was 10.00 off
spoke to dd - United was great - they let her go in first (because of her allergies) and let her wipe the whole area she will be sitting at. No nuts will be served in her area. Very impressed.

spaced out.
received text from dd younger. I think she is checking in at the airport
spoke to not so d mom 8-)
time for lunch.
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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:00 pm

I have been to the sewing room, and to the mail box got a letter off, just before the mail came. Yea for progress!

I did 30 on the exercise bike, rain has stopped and sun is peeking out.

I was just thinking how nice and quiet it was in our neighborhood with fewer flights in and out today neighbors have roofers working.
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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Harmony » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:02 pm

Hello. How about this weather? We are cloudy but they're not calling for rain till this weekend. Our grass is so dry. I watered the new tree and the grass in the backyard yesterday.

Kathryn, I sure get the "ego" thing with men and their work. With DH it isn't so much ego, he doesn't care what people think of him; his is mostly this is how he sees himself. Without his work he doesn't see himself as anything. Comes from being raised in dysfunctional family where working is how he built his self-esteem. Sad, really.

Yesterday he came home with big gash on his right hand ring finger. All wrapped up. Still bleeding. Fell on slippery floor with his hand underneath him. I had to help with his shower and wash and rebandage his finger. He was all done in, said he'd worked too hard.

Helia, sorry to hear about DFiL. Glad you could go to be with all the family at this time. Nice to see you here.

Also nice to see Donna here too.

I've been decluttering, a little bit here and there. Bin for donations is getting fuller and fuller. 1 LOL done and hung up. Got all the blood out of clothes worn by DH yesterday when he got hurt. Took a lot of scrubbing and soaking.

Neighbor is having their pool redone, huge clouds of dust all over. I'll bet my neighbor is livid as she lives directly across from this pool.

I am going to go work out in the garage now. Car is still not back. Friend has determined the dash with the gauges needs to come out and be replaced from that part. The temp. gauge and while we have it apart we will fix the odometer. It hasn't worked for 9 years. I am going crazy not having a vehicle. There is a pickup truck here but I don't want to be running errands in it.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:06 pm

Wrote the difficult summary email about the move. It was difficult just because I wanted it to be accurate so double checked myself repeatedly.

I need to make lunch and flip the laundry. And text dh a grocery list.

Yuck, three top priority items at once.

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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby CathyS » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:31 pm

It's windy. It's rainy. It's sunny. It's really windy and what is that?? It's snowing in the Niagara region!!

Sad news for one of our neighbours. They have a pump truck parked on their driveway for their septic system. Been there, done that. Keeping a close watch on various water levels inside and out here.
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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:57 pm

Lunch break here. I'm enjoying the time to sit down with my feet up and not be "on".

Helia - it is great to see you posting and to catch up a bit on your doings. I'm sorry for the loss of your DFIL. I hope Maia is okay and not sick.

Donna - it is great to see you posting too!!

My morning has progressed smoothly although we are running 2 hours behind schedule. DS9 woke up with an upset stomach so I sent him back to bed for a bit. He decided laying in bed with only a book was not the way he wanted to spend his day, so his upset stomach quickly improved. I strongly suspect he ate too much Easter candy during the night and the sugar was the culprit in making him feel bad. We discussed how his choices have consequences.

DS9 attitude is improving as he looks at 2 more days of no screen time. As he learns how to fill his time it is becoming easier. Our floors have been filled with race cars and board games. The dogs are getting at least twice the amount of time playing, petting and training.

I was able to talk with the public school principal this morning (finally!). DS9 is now officially withdrawn from public school. I had tears streaming down my face as we talked. She is such an encourager and strong supporter of helping DS9 and other kids learn anyway possible. She told how our little school teachers are receiving hateful input from others because of their decision to keep having school. I don't think others realize part of this decision was the teachers are taking turns going to the capitol to participate in the walk-out. They are just not all doing it on the same day and shutting the school down. I still think this whole thing STINKS that the teachers are put in this horrible situation. I will not be supportive of our current district representatives when it comes time for reelection.
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Re: Working Wednesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed Apr 04, 2018 2:27 pm

So glad to see Helia also! So sorry to hear about dfil, I'm glad you were all able to travel to the funeral. Yes, my brother passed away on March 5, almost a month.

I finished that group of jobs. Going to wipe up kitchen counters and head out to the funeral in a minute.

I think I've become "that" neighbor. A neighbor three houses up from us has had people there doing construction. This week they added two small windows to the facade of the home, and they are ugly - too crowded for the area and they just looked tacked on. One of the construction people had said they were finishing out an upstairs room - and I realized this a.m. that they aren't displaying a building permit so the work is probably not being inspected either. So I reported to the city and emailed HOA board to find out if it was approved.

I started a lol earlier - sheets from dd's room - and it just finished in the dryer. I'll wash the blanket next and have dcleaning lady make the bed up on Friday. I bought a new comforter for it - hers was a little pungent and also has a tear in it.


Didn't get this posted before I took off for the funeral. After funeral I went to grocery, then dropped off Habitat and Goodwill things, and took shred to UPS store and had the car washed. Then I stopped off at an "antique mall" and browsed, and talked to the gal working there about whether any of their vendors would be interested in the stuff at mother's house. So I need to take some photos and email them to her.
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