Sort Your Suits Saturday

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Apr 07, 2018 6:22 pm

Dog brought in her bone, had to get her box out for her to have room she had out grown it anyway.

I have swept the rest upstairs that needed it.
Sheets ate back on the bed yea. Dgds rugyby team is ahead. Cannot tell who won is was on line streaming.

Pizza is in the oven bs Is is good yea. Saved half of it for another day yea us for doing that.
Last edited by Nancy on Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:13 pm

All done and settled in at the pub for dinner. I'm sore and exhausted.

CM and CF came in and examined the bed and then went and bought everything needed to assemble it so the boys room is mostly together.

I found where the missing mattress is now have to decide what to do about it. For now my air mattress is on it.

All beds made, all bedrooms with window coverings.

My apartment echoes without all the extras. Dh asked where our other furniture is. I'll dig it out tomorrow. It was well tucked away.

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:26 pm


dinner was made - nothing great - but within points
dishes are washing themselves.
cleaned the cutting board
put away left over food
put dd's art in frames (holiday pictures they made in art class) Christmas, easter, thanksgiving and 4th of july - put them away where they belong
hung up d french grandmothers handwritten recipe in frame.
finished painting door and replaced door handle - job done.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby blessedw2 » Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:31 pm

hi d kathryn I can imagine that you are sore and tired after a hard day's work

d nancy yay on your work and getting your sheets back on your bed. have fun on at your dgs rugby game

d dee yay on your finished list.

hello to all!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby Harmony » Sat Apr 07, 2018 8:25 pm

So I dragged myself back here to post. I'm so tired. Woke up tired, got more weary during the day and now I'm just done. More aches and pains than I've had in a long while.

No I'm not operating with a full deck. I sit and do nothing or just the minimums for a while. Then I get really antsy about everything and go at it full force. Think I've done more in the past few weeks than I've done in 6 months.

Had to run a bunch of stuff out for DH at job, he'd run into a problem and needed his chain saw. Got on the interstate going the wrong direction to come home so had to come through 2 towns and a lot of traffic. That interchange off the highway always looks funny to me. It's hard to really tell if I'd be going the wrong way on the street if I enter the place I should have entered. I think the signs are lacking.

So while I was in town I stopped at supermarket and got a whole bunch of things we've been needing. Got behind on all that while I didn't have wheels.

Finished the corner and the rolley cabinet. Man that was a big job.

Gave DH a haircut. Bandaged his finger. It's really a big gash.

Need to get a shower before I drop over.

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby Lynlee » Sat Apr 07, 2018 9:10 pm

Home from church.
Bought carrots on the way home, I'd forgotten yesterday until I saw the one lonely little carrot when I put away yesterday's shopping.
changed into cooler clothes. Its 29c 84f inside at 11am.
New winter sheets are washing.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:05 pm

I'm heading off to bed now. I think I've got enough done for the day. Still have a thank you card to write and deliver tomorrow.

I told Z I would come tomorrow, late in the day, if he needed me but otherwise, I'd see him on Monday.

I've sent out thank you emails, a thank you announcement for the minister of the other churches to make tomorrow from the pulpit, and emailed Z his monthly money so he'll have money in his bank account to spend tomorrow.

I have more cash here for him from the other church. I'll try and remember to get that to him next week.

The clock just struck 10. It is really labouring these days and quite often the last 'bong' will be a full second or more late. But we couldn't change the battery because we couldn't get to the clock due to the extra stuff here. So that will be an advantage of having the items out of here, my clock will work properly once more.

Good night all!

Harmony, I'm sore too so will be taking a heating pad to bed with me.

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby Nancy » Sat Apr 07, 2018 10:37 pm

I am glad h enjoyed the netflicks movie I had suggested. Watched it the other day so I did up dinner while he watched and saw the last half with him.

Did a little on the evening routine it does look bettert not perfect but improved is good.

Thanks for your positive comments today!

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Re: Sort Your Suits Saturday

Postby lucylee » Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:30 am

Hello everyone! We’re home, everything unpacked and put away, dgs is bathed, and I’m even washing his clothes for ddil before I return them (and him) tomorrow! We’re a little damp and tired, but dgs said he as glad he went — his side won, LOL. Remember, this was a spring intra-squad game. It rained and rained and rained and rained. And then it rained some more. And it was cold and windy. But dgs was covered from had to toes (and then some!) in a poncho, and I had on Frogg Togg rain pants and a good hooded windbreaker, so we managed pretty well, really. Dh had a poncho also — but his didn’t drag the ground like dgs’s!
Actually, it pretty much cleared off for the last half and we were able to at our funnel cake without it getting soggy. :)

Now he’s copying MLB emblems from a magnet board of ds’s. He just showed me the Dodgers and said. “I knew it had a D there, even though i chewed off the D when I was in m chewing days.”
Ha. He nearly chewed off the sleeve of his poncho today before I caught him.
We have a real problem with him putting stuff in his mouth that does not belong.

Anyway — slice of life here. Can’t really cuop — dh is on computer — but I wanted to check in and say hello! :)
Tomorrow is another day.

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