Slice of Life Sunday

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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby CathyS » Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:32 pm


Kathryn think of what they tell you on an airplane. Put your own mask on first.

Dh and I had a nice long visit from my dd and her male friend yesterday. They got here at 2:30 and left after 8. They were actually here at least 30 minutes before we expected them. We discussed the garage sale that must happen this summer. We even set a date. June 23. So now I need to go to the dollar store and get some large pieces of fluorescent coloured paper to make the signs. Plus we will also need stickers with the prices on them. Plus I should start saving loose change and $5 bills.

Supper tonight is leftovers from last night.
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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby DeeClutter » Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:34 pm

Got home and a woman dsonil knows from craft shows was here working in the garage. DD 'says' she doesn't have a key to the house. However one day she was here when we got home and this gal said, "I didn't feel comfortable going into the garage when no one was home." Well, to get to the garage one has to come through the house to go to the garage, which would mean one would need a key to get in, right? Guess I'm not all that trusting.

Last night I had locked our bedroom door when I went to bed -usually do when I'm going to be home alone. Got up around one and came out for some Tylenol, making sure the door was unlocked (so I didn't inadvertently close it -I don't know where the key is). However, when I went back in I can no longer turn the lock. Have no idea what happened there.

This morning as I left for church my tire light came on and it showed the back passenger tire down to 29# again. Went to friends house after church and he put air in it (dh put air in it about 3 weeks ago). But it's still saying it needs air. Don't think he put enough in really. Will take it to the tire store if it continues to lose air. Hate to think about buying new tires but has to happen sometime.
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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby Harmony » Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:47 pm

I am still achy. My knees were sore and during the night I was trying to find some creme to rub on them, apparently I am out. I was also up and down all night. Reflux was really bad and I was over-tired (sometimes I don't sleep well when I'm like that) and I was coughing all night. My head is "full" I'm sure it's from all the dust and dirt in the garage. No mold, thank goodness. It's a good tight house, no leaks.

So I did some more out there and I could go down and put it in declutter, but I've already written a novel down there and it appears I am the only one decluttering right now.

I did put down 2 big round china sinks that are 100% good but we'll probably never use anywhere. We've had then a few years and DH has tried to use them somewhere, but no go. So they'll go to the resell building material place. I'm going out for brunch tomorrow morning and I'll drop them off on the way home, also the bin to the thrift.

Gathered up house rubbish for pickup tomorrow. Need to clean up the kitchen next. I didn't go to church, just too tired to bother with it. Maybe a nap this afternoon.

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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Apr 08, 2018 12:55 pm

Cathy: my own mask, in this case, is my home as I return it to order. Aside from bookkeeping, and some shopping this week, I should be done the apartment set-up. Not just for now but for all time. Z was even using his own tools (which he brought from Saudi Arabia) last night when we left him. He's ready to take over making the apartment his home, except when he needs a car to transport larger items home.

I need to meet with my minister this week ASAP about funding. A ton of cash donations have come in this past week.

Then my taxes and corporate year end and preaching.

For today, my service is printed off and in my preaching bag.

I'm changing now and flying out the door. (I just noted the time - oops, we are to leave in 5 minutes!)

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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby Sunny » Sun Apr 08, 2018 1:14 pm

I was going to say good morning, but I just looked at the clock so I will say "Good Afternoon"!

Ds#3 and family are back in their own home again. They left here Saturday morning around 7:15 am, only 1:15 hour later than ds wanted. I got a text at 6 pm saying they were halfway through South Carolina which is normally a seven hour drive. He said rain and some accidents slowed them down. Normally they would have been home in VA about 11 pm and I tried to stay awake for another text from him, but I fell asleep about 10:30 pm. I slept until 9 am this morning. His text came in at 1 am saying they were finally home. I'm glad they are home safe.

Wednesday they spent the day with ddil-A's ddad. Thursday we spent the day at Busch Gardens. The weather was nice, not too hot and a cool breeze in the shade. Dh used an electric cart to get around, but I got a lot of exercise walking! I don't go on the coasters any speed is the carousel, the tram and the monorail. :) Then on Friday dfam went to the beach in the morning. From there they drove to Tarpon Springs and we went up to meet them there. The boys wanted to get their girlfriends souveniers from there, so after we ate lunch at our favorite restaurant we went shopping in a few of the stores. We came home about 5 pm and ds helped get our turkey on to roast. We had a simple thanksgiving dinner of roast turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and stuffing a 10 pm.

Saturday after the dfamily left dh and I went up to the Dunedin Highland Games Festival. We sat on the bleachers for a while then ddil-Y said we could sit at the vip tent out of the sun. She and ds#2 are members of the Scottish Arts Foundation and do a lot of volunteer work for the highland games. (It's nice to know people in high places!) Anyway, after such a busy week dh and I were both exhausted and spent the evening resting.

My house is showing the effects of having five extra people here for a week. There will be several extra loads of laundry plus the normal weekly cleaning to catch up on. I need to put the roll away bed away and also the extra pillows and the extra cot that was used. I also need to reorganize the food in the fridge. Wow, those two boys eat a lot! We haven't had that much food in our fridge for a long time! :lol: It is lunchtime, so I'll start with that, then see how much I can get done this afternoon.
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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 08, 2018 2:26 pm

balanced my checking account :D
figured out what I spent on my charge card :shock: I need the other half of the upholstery bill and the landscape cleanup from the other day :arrow: so I need to keep that in my mind when I go shopping.
my card file is cleaned up for the week :D
my calendar and my journal and file are checked :D
eating lunch within points I planned

I have not finished morning routine - I need to s2s
did one phone call I had put off - so now we have reservations for Tuesday

I need to go through freezer and see what is there before working on dinners for this week.
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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 08, 2018 2:45 pm

hi d sunny
Did this morning go by fast or what - It still feels like morning to me
so happy your ds#3 and his dear family got home safe and sound
highland games sound like so much fun! So cool that your d dil and ds#2 are in the arts foundation.
What a nice visit you had! Happy for you.

hi d kathryn
Well done on your living room and dining rooms
Enjoy your service

hi d nancy
One step at a time we can do this
I like this!
Tell your slump to leave you alone!
so happy the tree missed their camper, cars and most of all people!

hi d harriet
(((I understand))) it's hard to see them leave. I used to want to use a tape recorder on so I could hear the family noise so that my sadness wasn't so quite.
Even with the rain, your gathering was a success. Pictures with little ones - wonderful

hi d Cathy
I like your advice regarding put the mask on yourself first
glad you had such a nice visit!

hi d dee
hope that lock thing gets worked out and you find the key.
hope that the tires don't need replacing

hi d harmony
sorry your knees are still sore and your reflux is hitting you!
well even if you were the only one in decluttering I applaud you loudly!!! well done.
Well done on making decluttering decisions! Yay
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun Apr 08, 2018 2:46 pm

I also drew out curtains that I thought would look nice in dd youngers room. I showed her an idea and she will look into ideas herself
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun Apr 08, 2018 3:51 pm

Doing better now walked w ddog and then wirked on a walking stick. The fresh air was great glad I did the walk before the winds started in again today. Glad we saved half of what I made for diner to have for today. Journaling is done.

Dgds team won they are playing now no live stream this time. They won again and are going to nationals.
Last edited by Nancy on Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Slice of Life Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun Apr 08, 2018 4:21 pm

Service is done. Senior friend isn't well enough for a visit so we skipped dropping off new drinking glasses for her (she requested I pick that and cutlery up for her. I forgot the cutlery at home - there was some leftover from the donations.) We skipped visiting dsil and dgs. Dd is at a John Cleese performance. Dsil had asked me to babysit but I couldn't so he just bought one ticket for dd so she wouldn't miss out.

We're home and I'm enjoying the breathing space in here. And when I walk from the kitchen into the dining room, I can see onto the balcony. The dining table looks smaller now, even though we switched to a larger leaf today. Before it was a big thing in an overcrowded room. Now the space around it makes it look smaller. Coming into the living room I can see onto that balcony. That's not quite as pleasing because there's some autumn decorations and a dead plant out there but now I can go out and move them out of sight because the snow has melted.

I'm having tea at the moment and then will have a short nap. I've requested pizza for dinner tonight because I missed it last week (dh automatically made chicken and I didn't stop him because I was so tired.) I wanted something special for Easter and all I could think of was pizza. I want something special tonight to celebrate getting through the move successfully.

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