Together Tuesday

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Together Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:46 am

Harmony posted yesterday that her very dear friend is moving away and that she will be missed.

We're all together here in our little village as friends and neighbors, confidants, and encouragers.

We're also together, as in "we have our act together." We are planning for today and the week, and going forward. We are on task, but knowing when we need a break or need to let our bodies rest up.

Whatever meaning you are taking for "together Tuesday," we want a report. Let us know your triumphs, frustrations, when you're not together, and when you are. Together, we are so good for each other!
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:58 am

I am facing a busy morning. After that, I can relax, and might even take an afternoon nap.

Right now:
-make the bed
-take meds

Dcousin is coming in this morning to see dmom. Yesterday when I saw her, I realized Hospice had put her in a wheelchair and added stronger pain meds and hadn't at least let me know, so I had a long phone call while en route to Knoxville. :shock: Not that either of those decisions was unwanted, but I had been busy at her house and didn't know.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:54 am

We're all together here in our little village as friends and neighbors, confidants, and encouragers.

We're also together, as in "we have our act together." We are planning for today and the week, and going forward. We are on task, but knowing when we need a break or need to let our bodies rest up
absolutely inspired by this! Thank you d twins and Good morning to you.

((your sweet mom and pain meds)) hope they make her feel better.
it's nice that your d cousin is coming in - I hope they have a lovely visit!

Wishing you a great day d twins!!!

A great day to all!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:00 am

I did not have energy at all yesterday - I faced 3 loads of dishes in the dishwasher
1. from the night before dinner that I didn't clean as I went
2. yesterday dd younger made multiple meals and cleaned up as she went as best as she could but still had a load of dishes
3. last nights dinner and kitchen and animal dishes
but I was proud of myself that last night even though I was exhausted I forced myself to put on the last load and then empty it. I still have one pot in the sink so I didn't have a clean sink.

I honestly don't know what happened to me that I was so physically unable to finish my BWP, gym or ten minute home blessing.

Today it is a sunny cold day but the snow has melted even if there is frost on the ground.
I have energy again.
I overslept again and I missed ww (I woke at 8) but I will continue my journey :D

I have lunch with d sil #4 and dd younger
throwing in an anti-procrastination errand
Last edited by blessedw2 on Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:02 am

I have a question: How many of you do this - I never have and I wonder if it works - I tend to forget time

FL Kat recommends a 3 x a day simple clutter check and put away
I have that on my mind and I always forget.

Do you do that in your day or are you like my d sil's that look back when they leave a room to see if they put their stuff away?
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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:12 am

Blessed: I seldom do even one clutter check, at least not a formal one and I think PickUp-and-PutAway was part of the SHE system I missed. When the kids were little you could eat off the floor under my fridge but you couldn't get past the front door without stepping over and around things. It was only when I reread the book a decade later that I discovered I had missed that page the first time I read it!

What I do:

In the morning, I make the bed, put away the clothes lying all over (into hamper, rehung, put on the clothes horse) and I try tidy the sea chest and my dresser top (put away the previous day's jewelry, put my hair brushes where they belong, put away hair clips.) If I'm not dressed when I do that, I lay out my clothes for the day. This is my 'ease-into-movement' routine since I can't jump in the shower first thing, my balance isn't good enough until my muscles wake up.

Also in the morning, in the 3 minutes while my tea is steeping, I put away the clean dishes (or, put the dishes that were left in a sink of hot sudsy water so they will be easy to wash up after breakfast.) Unloading the full dishwasher takes just over 3 minutes.

Aside from that, I have no automatic tidying routines. Which really shows in parts of the apartment, including the front hall area and dining table.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:18 am

I'm up. Bed has clean sheets on it and last week's sheets are in the dryer now. I ended up fizzling out last night and not finishing up my have-to chores.

I also s2s first thing and have finished my breakfast.

Bedroom is ready to be vacuum and dusted but I'm waiting on a phone call meeting so haven't started that task.

Kitchen is tidy, breakfast dishes washed up, weekly chores are done as well. I also cleaned my bathroom properly for the first time in ages. Except the floor. I intend to get on hands and knees for that this week (a five minute task since the room is so small.)

I tidied up my mess from yesterday, putting away the things I had taken with me while I was out for the day.

I've dealt with email.

Dh is teaching 'in' Finland this morning (he's actually in the office and teaching over the internet.) That's the reason why the kitchen hasn't had its floor vacuumed and washed. In fact, I feel bad about the washer and dryer running but both the laundry room and kitchen doors are closed (kitchen and laundry room are next to the office.)

I have a hair appointment this afternoon. I'm debating walking home from that (3.25 miles) in order to get all my steps in and some good fresh air. That will take about 1.5 hours given how slowly I walk.

Meals are planned for the day. Lunch is eggs and bacon and dinner is burgers and popcorn. Nothing exciting but I'm actually looking forward to both. I was almost within my calories for the day yesterday, missing it by under 100 and that was despite eating out and a few too many snacks. So I'm obviously making good choices these days, if three salty snacks added up to only 100 excess calories.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:33 am

Good morning! I will not be going down to one cat (a situation not seen since 1988). The other woman's father's cat is coming with DD16 tonight. The timing is not good at all, because Briggs and Lara are still being separated. We don't know her FeLV/FIV status, and until we are sure she is negative, no mixing! She will reside in the guest bathroom for a short time. Once Briggs no longer requires soft food, she can move into the sewing room.

I had dinner with Traveling Companion Friend, xBFF, her boyfriend, and her daughter. xBFF was appalled that DD had to have an intestinal biopsy. I didn't realize she didn't know. Results still not in. After that, I ran a LOL, but did not put away, and finished a yarn bomb item.

I don't really have a specified declutter routine. Need one though. PUPA happens without a schedule, except for dishwasher, which is on my nightly checklist. Living alone, I don't have to wash them every day, but I do load the DW. Handwashing dishes that can go in the DW will NEVER happen in my house! And I will never rinse them before putting them in either. Every once in a while, something fails to clean, then I soak it. Definitely not often enough that I would want to add more work to the usual procedure.

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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby Ramblinrose » Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:42 am


After many years of charging out of bed, I now start my mornings slower now that I am retired or have a family. When I was in full swing P&P mode all foot print were put up, laundry was going, coffee as made and my front walk was swept all before 6:30am, before my son got up.

I had all my routines done, except for Thur house blessing, by 9:00. Other exception was when I needed to mow my 3 acres which took a good four hours. I put my son in half day day care to get it done.

Once I started teaching my routines changed. When I taught in Mobile I had to be at school by 7, but usually was there by 6:45. Here in AZ I had to be in by 8, but most times was ther by 7:30, so I still gg up at 4:30 so I could have some quiet time before my crazy day started.

Now I get most of my routines done by 9. However I go much slower. I do many of my routines during commercials and while watching Perry. Most important two new routines I’ve started is picking up my foot prints BEFORE I go to bed. I have a hotspot on my side counter in my kitchen which I’ve been cleaning off at bed time as well.

I like word tidying up that Kathryn uses so I try to put that in action before bedtime. I’ve also started making my bed, getting dressed and many days dusting during my 7-9 morning news and Perry time. I’m very protective of this me time and it’s amazing how much I can get done during the commercials.
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Re: Together Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:03 am

I'm definitely on a 'slow start' this morning, RR. Woke up about 11pm and that was all she wrote. My foot was bothering me and finally put a new cream on -M I S T A K E! Then my foot was burning through the night. Finally used ice about 6am. That helped immensely. Was supposed to go to a women's group, tour and lunch (from church) today. But, I was so weary I decided not to go, besides the fact we may have severe (ish) weather coming in. It's thundering out now and dBailey has crept in next to me in the office.

I'm doing a 3-minute job program today. Watched K elly & R yan as I wanted to see what Patrick Reed (Masters winner) had to say.

Dh should be about to leave our investor counselor -had an appointment at 9:45. Will be interesting on what she has to say. We had about $24,000 to invest and I guess right now is a good time to buy. So we'll see what we shall see.

DD texted me that she's tutoring after school so won't be home till after 6. She leaves the house by 5:30 every morning. So it's a long day. We have things to use up in the freezer so will choose something from there to fix for dinner.

Going to go rest and then try a few more minutes.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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