Thrilling Thursday

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:07 pm

Waving to everyone! (Seems like that's the best I can do lately!) I can read through and (sorta) cuop, but I can't hold a thought long enough to respond to anyone!

Thrilling Thing Today --
DGD arrived at 7:15, as expected, but then she wanted her tablet and she lay down on the couch with me and SLEPT TILL 10:00 A.M. :shock: That was DEFINITELY thrilling!
I showered before bed last night, so after she and I got up and ate breakfast, I put on my makeup and brushed my teeth, and we went to the post office, drug store, and doughnut shop!
She's been playing ever since and she is so quiet that we barely know she's here most of the time.
We'll have to go pick up dgs in about 30 minutes, though, and all the quiet will come to a screeching * literally * halt. She just has to do everything he does and it makes him crazy. There is lots of screaming when they are together. They do play together well sometimes, and it's obvious they love each other, but oh my goodness... sometimes he starts doing something that he wants to concentrate on and not be bothered by her, and when he's doing something like that, it is pretty wild around here.

I could really use a nap, but that won't happen either. I figure I got about 5-6 hours sleep total, but that is NOT enough.

And I have no other ta-da's for the day except getting teacher organization notes emailed -- we meet next week.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Nancy » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:23 pm

I cleared some items off the table and kennel, also two drawers in the bathroom have been emptied I am rounding up kid items.

Not heading to town today after all.

Walked with the dog.
Last load of laundry is in the dryer now next up folding. Did that founded enough for another load. Hemmed sleeves on a shirt.

Stormy looking sky this evening.
Last edited by Nancy on Thu Apr 12, 2018 10:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Elizabeth » Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:19 pm

I survived lunch and only look slightly pregnant, not seven months. I was really hoping to get off daily antibiotics, and was doing well, until I dropped to only twice per week. Now I am back up to once a day hoping to get back to more normal. I certainly feel better than yesterday! I looked at ramblinrose's sites to see if the apple cider vinegar would be useful for me. No information about my condition.

I'm glad I am not looking so awful, because a former coworker I have not seen in > 10 years dropped by my office. He is working as a contractor downstairs.

Two state offices in Deming, NM are closing early due to high winds and dangerous driving conditions.

I've been looking at eligibility tables for state and federal aid today. I am now going back to inventory.

My only essential tonight is to collect some books for a friend. Tonight is Girls' Night Out with DD16. She knows tomorrow is payday and will want the expensive Chinese place. I don't think that will agree with me. In fact, I'd rather skip eating today altogether. Can't do it or I get a migraine. I may go with a liquid dinner. Not the alcohol version, but chicken broth.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Apr 12, 2018 5:50 pm

I am finally back home. Never heard from the window guy, although I did talk to my realtor friend who recommended him. I have an appraisal on mother's house set up for next week. I had a call last night from a guy with a booth at the antique mall and he wanted to come see the stuff at mother's. He couldn't be there at 9 when the window guy was supposed to come but could come later so I waited for him. He spent a lot of time but bought $140 of miscellaneous stuff which he will pack up and get on Tuesday when the appraiser comes.

I had to stop at the grocery and drugstore coming home. And I was in a hurry to get out of the house this a.m. so I left a lot undone. I texted with dh and dd earlier and let them know that I was busy and didn't know what time I'd get away. I'm tempted to stay here and drive in the a.m. but I'll see what I can get done for now.

-Clear kitchen counters (I did empty the dishwasher this morning.)
-clear breakfast bar counter
-feed the dog
-write down info for dd who will be staying here
-clear kitchen table
-write a ck for dcleaning lady who will be here in the a.m
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:52 pm

I think I have decided that I will go to Nashville in the a.m. I texted dh and dd - he is doing dinner tonight with his group anyway and probably being taken somewhere wonderful to eat so he's fine either way. The main reason for me to go tonight was to get to the library early tomorrow.

-walk the ddog
-start a lol
-fold two lols, I think, and put sheets, comforter, blanket and mattress pad for guest room bed upstairs so dcleaning lady can make it up for me
-start coffee for a.m.
-clean out my car
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 12, 2018 6:57 pm

Fire Extinguisher training wasn't all that thrilling.

The simulator was. But the guy went through both the fire extinguisher presentation (30+ minutes) and then the fire safety presentation (40+ minutes) so we only had 10 minutes to play with the simulator. Still it was fun.

We'd seen the safety presentation last year so that part was really boring.

The officers turned up at 1:45 (for the 3 p.m. presentation, my fault, I said I'd be there at 1:30) and wanted to start early. We started with just 4 people but had up to 13. Unfortunately, many left before the fun part.

I got a spatula for fighting the fire. I learned that there's no point carrying a fire extinguisher in our car, if there's a fire in it, get the heck out and away (the traction battery is too dangerous to be near in a fire.) There were other small tidbits I learned.

Mostly, I asked electrical wiring fire questions due to our wiring and have been referred to another agency. I've already sent them questions but from their website, it appears our apartment is not up to code (too many outlets on one circuit, and no GFIC outlets near one bathroom sink and the kitchen sink, not mention all outlets in the kitchen are on one circuit and are not split like they would have to be today.) Given the lights dimming when I use my hair dryer, the kitchen circuit blowing every 6 months or so, and the crackling sound some of the switches make, I'd like some assurance that our wiring is safe. The building was built in the days of aluminum wiring so I'd like to know that is properly installed and still safe.

We had dinner when we got home. I had bought cauliflower for dh to have on a veggie tray but I don't have dip for it and still have half left so I roasted that with garlic and then melted cheese on it for me. Dh only eats it with dip so I ate all of it myself and it was very good. Although, along with my cabbage salad for lunch, I'm finding gas is an issue tonight!

I'm done now. I still need 6250 steps. Not likely to get all those but I can shoot for 5K. I also have to update my food tracking since I had not originally planned on the cauliflower today.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Twins' Mom » Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:01 pm

I am done. I decided not to start a load of laundry. I can't believe it is only 8 p.m. because I am T.i.r.e.d.

I'm trying to figure out whether I should try to call the window guy again....

I still need to pack a few things - I'll only be away one night. Need clothes to go out to dinner tomorrow night, and clothes for library on Saturday.
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:08 pm

~~~~~Waving Hi to all~~~~~

My day has progressed fairly smoothly. I followed my schedule about 80% of the time so am feeling fairly productive.
6:30 FoF Accountability group & 12 tools
7:30 FoF Call & Breakfast
7:45 Bible
8:00 Math
9:00 English
10:00 Reading
11:00 S to Dr W
Noon - lunch
1:00 PE
2:00 Life Skills
2:45 - Me to Dr W & massage
3:30 pick up M from school
6:00 Dinner served

DH surgery yesterday had a problem but it ended up okay. They did the surgery and had DH stitched up before the results came back that it was not cancer free yet so they had to do a second surgery in the same spot but increasing the depth and width of the area being removed. His face is swollen today and it appears he is going to have a hum-dinger of a bruised face & black eye. He will return in 2 weeks to get the stitches out and for follow up. Unfortunately, that is when I had scheduled our trip to Denver so it means we can't go that week. I have tentatively rescheduled the trip for the first week of May.

Designated Survivor is on Hulu. I love that show and find myself wanting to binge watch it.

Not particularly thrilling but.... an 83 degree temperature increase in our weather in just 5 days. From 17 to 101 degrees. Snow and ice and using the A/C in the same week. Welcome to my little corner of this world.
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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 12, 2018 8:48 pm

Oh, sorry dh had to deal with all that, LadyM!

Hope you do well on it, Ramblin'. I surely like all the recommendations of foods as grown, whole foods. The part on carbonation stated by Kelly R (preface?) was simple and straightforward - need to get that through my head. I was wondering why omit fruits, since they would be without sulfur, and be alkaline during digestion. I'm thinking fruits might not be appropriate for the esophagus or sphincter until the system is calmed down.

The book reminds me of the book Dropping Acid by Dr. Jamie Koufman, which I still have around here somewhere - Harmony and I discussed that one years back. But Koufman's work is the study of the acidity of various foods and their effects on upper respiratory as well as upper GI, which is fascinating ( and scary). Her work convinced me that I simply couldn't keep having yogurt, no matter if I did go over to the yogurts she showed were less acid than others, which some people can tolerate (she said test them on yourself, and my proof was ... um.. nope) . The "comfort" of the cool, smooth food (very real) was quickly replaced by pain because of yogurt's intense dairy acids. It took a long time for me to come to grips with the dairy aisle (lol) , with puddings and yogurts calling my name the longest.

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Re: Thrilling Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:11 pm

Didn't get my steps in.

Did have a lovely chat with my childhood best friend. We've connected our kids since her son turned into an architectural draftsman and mine wants to custom build a house. Oh, and she's dead. I thought that was only a plot device in sitcoms but her accountant couldn't file her taxes. Turns out she was recorded as dead last August (having died in Dec. 2009) and so the system won't accept her tax return. They said they'd get it fixed in a day but it has been a week. My friend is owed a refund so she in anxious to be resurrected. I told her not to mail in the return because it will be put in the dead letter file!

I've printed off my draft of the sermon and will get back to work on that.

<Edited to add>

That was a waste of paper. As soon as I started to edit it I switched back to the computer so didn't need a paper copy, I did the edits online and have a close-to-final draft. I just timed it and it comes in exactly at the 10 minutes allotted. On the other hand, it has a difficult transition so I will look at it again in the morning to see if there's an easy fix for that.

Off to bed now. I finished up ds's laundry, mostly because I need to use the machines myself tomorrow. I haven't folded it yet, I'll do that in the morning.

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