Wednesday Keep it Going

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Re: Wednesday Keep it Going

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed Apr 18, 2018 5:26 pm

DS9 insisted that he could attend the church potluck without eating any sugar. He earnestly assured me that he could do it because hee has attended church on Sunday mornings and didn't eat any of the donuts for the past 2 weeks.. So we are giving it a try. I have brought a bottle of his favorite Bia drink for him to have after his meal Instead of the desserts. We will see how it goes.

I have 10 lbs of meat to turn into chili. That is the cooking tasks that will take the longest so I'll start with it first
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Wednesday Keep it Going

Postby Nancy » Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:15 pm

I am cooking dinner. Got the front yd mowed. H is home now. I did my hair. Cooked up eggs for lunches.

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Re: Wednesday Keep it Going

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:06 pm

Another non productive day. My computer started acting up again. I think I need a new one but this one is still under warranty so that seems a bit soon.

Dh has a friend over and I'm not able to manage to concentrate since I can listen to the conversation. Will try and unload the car and see if that works.

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Re: Wednesday Keep it Going

Postby Harriet » Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:32 pm

Things are better in my house because dd19 called. She is so happy that it does rub off. She adores her new job, is thrilled that her employer is the univ system. It is not lost on her (although it was, on me) that now she gets paychecks that - except for the student-sized $ - look like her big sister's. She says she keeps seeing ways this job will add to her resume for the future, and that she's been told the job is hers as long as she's a student there, without having to job-hunt again for 2.5 years. Half her time is spent creatively, doing installations of artwork, giving tours, hosting celebrity artists, and working the fun calendared events like an upcoming scavenger hunt. For the other half when the univ slows down in the evenings or weekends, she "minds" a very quiet desk, finding time to spend on homework. She says she's made a new friend at work as well.

And last but not least, can she come home this weekend, Mom? :) Well, it's not as if I'm not doing anything. :shock: (see J and C) But I think I can pick her up during some lull in my schedule. She says, in a knowing, sing-song voice... "I'll go to church with youuuuu." :| Why yes, yes, she can come home.

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Re: Wednesday Keep it Going

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:53 pm

Harriet, your dd's happiness is infectious even through cyberspace. I'm happy she's so happy. And happy for you that she'll be coming home for the weekend.

I got the car unloaded. I need to find a place to put the mirror. A can of Zevia sprung a leak in the pantry so I had some cleaning up to do before putting away the cases of club soda I'd bought.

I finished the hands-on cleaning of the coffee maker I got today. It was pretty grungy looking and seems to be stained. My coffee maker is black which seems to be a better colour for them. This one is all stained in the basket and area surrounding that. The carafe came clean with a bit of soda. Soda and then vinegar didn't help with the other stains though. What can be cleaned is in the dishwasher and I'll then run through plain water several times to get out any lingering vinegar from the water reservoir.

I also cleaned out the fridge. I had some crushed pineapple in there in a ziplock container and it must have fermented and spilled juice. Thankfully my shelves contain spills so I only had a half-shelf to clean and wiped off the tins that are kept on the shelf so nothing was damaged.

Still, it was another mess to be cleaned up.

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Re: Wednesday Keep it Going

Postby lucylee » Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:01 pm

Well, I couldn't even keep it going yesterday long enough to post!
Still alive here but we're dragging! :lol:
I do NOT know how LadyM does it with TWO little ones underfoot most of the time! :shock: This is me -- bowing before you in awe, LadyM.
And not only do you "keep it going" most of the time, you also accomplish ten times what I do when I'm left all alone with NO little ones around.
Shaking my head.

Anyway -- that's whey no ta-da's and no progress reports from me.
Yesterday, after my teacher meeting, I was just tired from not enough sleep, so after the bug lady came over, I tried to take a nap, but couldn't sleep then and ended up just eating waaay, waaay too much junk.
After the nursing home singing, we went out with ds & family, and I "only" ate cheese sticks and salad.
Too tired to exercise.
Not much to say that was good about that day. I mean, I enjoyed everything, but it was not a gold-star award winning day.

Today. Oh my... dgd arrived at 7:30, napped from about 12:00-2:00 pm, we played outside from around 3:00-4:00, and then church at 6:30.
After church they came back here and dgs & ds ate supper while waiting for ddil to get home from school.
They are gone now and this house is finally quiet and calm, but I still have to wash supper dishes.
No awards for today, either... :roll:
I did manage to complete transfer of pics from phone to computer (although I have not labeled them all correctly so the dates will print on the backs of the photos) AND I called doctor to renew 2 rx's for dmom.

Harriet, that is so wonderful for dd to be so happy with her new job! Congratulations to her!

Waving to EVERYONE!!!!
Tomorrow is another day.

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