Figuring out Friday

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Figuring out Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:53 am

What do you have to figure out today?

Will you be doing figuring (bookkeeping, addition drills - WTG ds9! - budgeting?)

Will you be working on your figure (raising your heart rate, building muscle, working on flexibility, watching your food plan?)

Will you be figuring out what needs to be done for a successful weekend?

How ever you figure it, it is Friday!

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:57 am

I still don't know if I have a sermon to write for Sunday. Sigh.... And Friday is commonly a Sabbath for ministers so it is possible I won't know. I really don't know what to do about this and only have an email for the minister who asked to trade with me.

I do know I have to get the taxes at least well started.

I do know I have to get the bookkeeping up to date for the refugees and report on that this afternoon.

I do know that I want to walk to that meeting so I can have an hour or more of time outside. It is not snowing and is a bit brighter than yesterday but still fully overcast at this point. But, as you pointed out, I need more light and an overcast day gives more than my SAD light so I will do that walk (and bus home.)

I have figured out what is for dinner.

I need to figure out the full meal plan for tomorrow night.

I need to clean the apartment for tomorrow night.

And I need to get s2s and have breakfast so I can start my day.

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:58 am

hello d kathyrn!
thank you for starting us! I haven't figured out Friday but this is a good post to help me start to focus!

hello d everyone!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby blessedw2 » Fri Apr 20, 2018 8:59 am

Figuring it out:

my hope:

dentist 10 am
d cousin in at noon
men coming for windows
Friday: BWP: Car, Purse, put away
zone closets (I have missed all week) no more than 15 minutes search for donations
home blessing: change sheets

if time allows: my once a week heavy kitchen - clean doors and french doors in kitchen kat friday

time to get started.
it's already almost 9:00 am
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby DeeClutter » Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:56 am

I'm trying to not only 'figure' out today, but the entire weekend. I know I'll be staying home today. Tomorrow I go to Orlando with dd for the 4th game of the playoffs between the Orlando Solar Bears and Carolina Stingrays. Solar Bears lead the series 3-0 right now. There's another game scheduled for Sunday, if needed.

Crews are out front cutting limbs over the power lines. Trusting someone will be by later today to pick up all the branch debris along the ditch.

One thing that I'm figuring out is that I need to "move it, move it, move it!" I've been so lazy for days and maybe weeks. It's time to get a 'move-on'.

Am waiting for one report from up home for the church council meeting last week. Once I have it, I'll finish my minutes and get them sent off. Then, dd and I will try to get this computer up to snuff. Guess that will take some 'figuring out'.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby Nancy » Fri Apr 20, 2018 10:30 am

I bit my toungue while blowing my nose, I need to figure out diff meal plans now.

This mornig needs attn to a m routine. Bed has been spiffed. Journal is done.

I got a water bottle and hand made journal and rubber stamp looking forward to using these items. Met with a knitting friend we both tried to fix a mistake I made but it just got worse took that out and re - knit it becsude we could not figure it out how. Lol.

OMM ~ next up
Laundry sweep & mop x
Prune rose bush / yd work. X
Last edited by Nancy on Fri Apr 20, 2018 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby CathyS » Fri Apr 20, 2018 10:56 am


When I was in bed this morning, I thought dh had left a light on when he left for work. NOPE!! It was sunshine!! We have blue skies here for the first time in over a week! Not too much wind, so I put one of the piles of burnable garbage in the fire barrel.

Went and picked up some paperwork at the bank. Dh and I have to sign some stuff and then I can take it back. I also went to another cheap grocery store today and bought some more spices and stuff to bring more stuff up to date in the pantry. Now I have to put that away. Even though we don't use a lot of ginger, replacing the ginger really made a difference. The new stuff actually has a scent.

Supper tonight is leftover rotini and meat sauce from last night.
Dishes never stop.
Laundry never stops.
Paper never stops.

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:30 am

We don't have sunshine yet but I see bits of blue skies so the overcast clouds seem to be breaking up.

As Annie sings:

The sun'll come out tomorrow
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow, come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow
You're always a day away...

(That's been the theme here since Tuesday. If you think about it, it is a depressing song because tomorrow is ALWAYS a day away. You never get to the tomorrow so you never get to the sunshine.)

I'm dressed, bedroom tidied, my sock drawer has been gone through and socks that are about to become holey socks have been pulled. Tomorrow there's a textile recycle so I'm putting my worn clothes in a bag and taking them over for that. My absolutely favourite winter coat will be going out. I keep meaning to replace it but can't bear to part with it but this year it was so worn I barely wore it. I checked with the Coat Factory and it will be several hundred to replace but I've had this one for 29 years and it came from my sister's when she died so it probably at least 35 years old. If the next one last 35 years, it will last me out.

I've had my breakfast and my snack. I'm still eating everything in sight, a function of the depression. A few more things went wrong this morning so I'm still nowhere near my happy place.

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby Elizabeth » Fri Apr 20, 2018 11:48 am

Good morning everyone! My past two days have NOT gone as planned. The simple procedure for the cyst turned into an utter nightmare. Because this was a recurrence, the doctor did a different procedure and put in a drain. When the numbing wore off, I wanted some of my post-surgical pain pills. (There are none left). I could not function at all the next morning. They removed the drain at 10 am, and I spent the rest of the day on the sofa, binge watching Hogans Heroes and crocheting yarn bomb items. If this cyst returns, this doctor does not want to see me again, and gave me contact info for his favorite pelvic surgeon. By evening, I felt better and did a small amount of sewing room cleanup. I looked into the MBR closet, but was immediately disheartened and closed it again. I did manage to call the vet to get a copy of Lara's prescription to give her adopter. I still need to call my doctor about DD16's celiac.

Obviously, with such awful pain, I did not pick up the cat Wednesday evening. She is at the cat coordinator's house. The coordinator is dealing with many appointments related to her husband's cancer right now. As long as the cat is safe, moving her is not a priority, and I have no idea when she will arrive.

DD was supposed to be at my house yesterday evening, but finals are tomorrow. She decided to stay where she was because the x has better internet service. Just as well, since I was not feeling my best.

Tonight, I am going to a women's event at church. Part of me does not want to go. I'm still not at my best, and am having stomach troubles as well. Dinner is provided from 530 to 600, but my commute means I don't get there until 6. Last women's event, I was chided for expressing Methodist beliefs at a Methodist women's event held in a Methodist church. I have learned that our pastor is being transferred and I have mixed feelings about that. His personal beliefs are Methodist, with some Southern Baptist influence. But he wants us to be Unitarian universalsists so we can be more "inclusive". But doesn't that make inclusion into an idol? His wife IS pretty much UU. However, they maintain a respectful disagreement with me, which is a rare and good quality. And I like them personally.

I was glad to read that Harmony is rid of the albatross rug.

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Re: Figuring out Friday

Postby Harmony » Fri Apr 20, 2018 12:23 pm

Thank you, Elizabeth. I hope you have no further problems from your procedure. It's a relief to be done with that rug! I'm still waiting for DH to question me..... Church sounds odd to me. UU are...well...different. They just want to believe in everything. Why bother?

I continue to figure out my house. Today I decluttered 3 drawers and 1 space. Lots tossed including flashlight which wouldn't charge. Kudos to DH for putting that in the rubbish bin. I'd found the chargers and tried charging two. One worked, the other didn't.

I have just a few more places that I can do anything about. Some of what annoys me is necessary.

Need an errand trip out today. Need toner for the copier/fax. Couldn't receive fax today. Need some groceries. Might stop at library. I wonder if they're still painting out there? I should go to bank also.

We picked up car last evening. I don't know what the bill is yet. It's such a relief to have wheels. Was part of my sadness feeling trapped, even though I had truck to drive.

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