Try Something Tuesday

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:16 am

I need to get busy and try to do something.

I have done some paperwork to keep those paper monsters at bay. I really hate all this paper. I don't mind taking care of it, because then I feel like I have some control over it all, I just hate that there is so much I have to keep all the time.

I do have most of the house all decluttered. One closet needs further attention. I've already done it once but sometimes I have to go through a space twice. I need to do the office. Periodically I go through things but now I notice that bins and boxes where I keep stuff are really full so that is a problem. I think what I'll do is look for answers about just what things irs expects a business to keep. I've tried this before but came up with no solutions.

Ok I'm off to see about this. Something to try today.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby CathyS » Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:55 pm


Overcast day here and very windy. I really tried to sleep in, and got up at 7:15. Woo hoo! I'm living the retired life of getting to sleep in every day... LOL!! I think I go to bed too early really. Last night was 9:30ish.

So far today I have made jello. I can surprise dh with it for dessert if I make it after he goes to work after lunch. Almost forgot I have a rare weekday load of laundry going.

I am trying very hard to stay at home today. I have been outside and it's just as warm inside the house as it is outside. The only difference is the wind.

Supper tonight is cabbage roll casserole. All the same ingredients with none of the rolling.
Dishes never stop.
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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:28 pm

I just sit down to enjoy lunch while getting my SHE fix. :) Okay Google, set a timer for one hour I told DS9 he had an hour for lunch and playing outside. We will then resume homeschool lessons.

My something new today is going to my very first Tai Chi class. This is the first time Tai Chi has been offered in our little town so I expect most all of the attendees will be beginners. >>>Insert rolling eyes<<<< Why does it give me confidence to know everyone else will be bad at it too? Whats wrong with me when it makes me happy to know others will be as bad as I am? That's kinda sad to admit....but true.

DBro did awesome in surgery yesterday. He is now the new owner of a very large port that goes directly into heart artery. I told him that he can ask about using it to mainline coffee - it would give him that early morning boost! After the surgery, he and DSis-in-law went out to eat and visited some friends at the stockyards. You can take the cowboy out of the country.....but I'm not surprised that DBro went to the one place in the middle of a big city that has thousands of livestock. Today he is back in the hospital too get STem Cells harvested. He has 2 more days of staying in a hotel and doing outpatient procedures.

Slice of my life - Today's Bible study with DS9
Continue watching Acts of the Apostles - Part 1 on Amazon Prime
Acts 11 & 12 -
1. How did Peter escape from jail?  (answer: an angel led him out)
2. Was Peter nervous about being scheduled to be killed the next day?  How do you know?  (answer: He wasn’t nervous even though he didn’t know that he was going to escape. The church was up praying for him, but he was asleep.)
1. Know what you want.
2. Go after it relentlessly.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:02 pm

I am so far behind today - my brain is in the Lights of the fairies" (as dd's say) land. I am happy but scattered. It is taking me forever to do simple things because I am getting sidetracked and talking on the phone.

I finally finished my morning routine (except for shoes - and rarely do I go without shoes these days but it is so nice outside)

next eat something, water plants
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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:48 pm

dejunked 15 minutes in basement - donations are at front door
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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:04 pm

WTG, Blessed!

My thing to 'try' today was to get the scanner working between my printer and laptop. (BTW, the trouble I was having with "word" shutting itself down every few minutes seems to have gone away. DD thinks it may have happened when we finally managed to get her dmil off as administrator and me on. I'm happy no matter how it happened.) I manage to somehow get the Wi-Fi disconnected on my printer earlier and spent a lot of time trying to get it back. Gave up and then wallah -it was back on and the printer is printing and I think I have it so it will scan. Need to get a lot of paper work done there. I just don't want to carry all those papers north with me. If they're saved to my computer, I won't have to.

DH has appointment with his orthopedist tomorrow morning. They had called yesterday to ask him to reschedule and he was okay with that. But then they asked how his shoulder was doing and he told them, "terrible". They decided NOT to change his appointment. I'm leaning toward maybe heading north sooner if they schedule surgery earlier. I don't want him putting it off till after I get up there the end of May. At any rate we'll see what happens tomorrow.

Of course dd will be flying up a week from Thursday (out of Sanford, FL) to settle everything with their new RV. It's supposed to be delivered a week from Friday and they need to empty the motorhome and make any small repairs to it.

I tried reading but of course dozed off. My sleep pattern is so needing a complete do-over.

Managed to get all the trash out to the bin and that out to the road. Was trying to decide what to do about trash for when we leave. Garbage pick up is on Wednesday. Finally figured out what we can do -dd sure doesn't want to leave any true garbage all summer. We'll be very careful those last few days about true garbage. What I used to do at home was put some things in a baggie in the freezer until trash day came around. We'll do the same with anything like that and it should be very little. Anything else can just sit in the trash bin until she comes back down. It's going to be very hard for her to leave there this year as she'll be coming back to an empty house for nearly 3 months.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:13 pm

I ended up going shopping with dfriend M and having lunch out. I had a coupon from a place that sells the bras I like, and I desperately needed new ones. We also went to J Jill and did retail therapy. I don't consider it a waste of my time because I like to do things with her and we don't get together as much as we used to.

I've had a headache since this I got up this morning. I'm going to lie down and try for some quiet time. I texted dd that her package is here from Amazon but if she comes after it not to wake me.

I'm struggling with setting goals for my next Best Self Journal. Significant progress on the portfolio is one, and getting with an exercise program and eating better are a second area. I'd like to include decluttering too - dd's room is still a mess, our garage just gets worse, but I'm not sure I can set appropriate goals and maintain focus in three areas. I might be better off doing two well....
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:27 pm

Hi everyone. It's official, i have been referred to the surgeon. Can't say it's unexpected, but was hoping to be wrong. Last night, I tried making a new rice dish. It came out good, but the bottom burned. I think the recipe had a misprint on time of cooking. Simmering rice for 55 minutes seems about 30 too long. I kept having to add chicken stock. It's saltier than I would like, probably due to the extra stock. The new thing I will try today is GF french bread for DD16.

Last night, my main accomplishment was fixing an embarrassing error in my auto loan that I have only myself to blame for. My payment amount is of the form abb where a < b. I mistyped the electronic payment as aab and was short. I called the company to let them know it was an inadvertent error rather than a deliberate underpayment.

Tonight is with DD, probably doing homework. Then, I hope to finish the book I am reading. I bought it back in middle school, but did not remember anything about it. I am constantly amazed by the quality of the books I decided to keep, even as a child. It is SF and the alien world and future earth are astonishingly well rendered.

Thank you Lynnlee and blessedw2 for the GF links. The one from Simply Gluten Free is actually the one I was planning to try. She had me at "easy" and "no kneading".

CathyS: When I have an ant invasion, I put out diatomaceous earth. It's a fine powder on our scale, but to the ants, it is a collection of sharp knives. The best part is that pets can even eat the stuff without harm. If they have intestinal worms, it can even help them. My cat, Laia, would lay down in the stuff to rid herself of fleas.

LadyMaverick: Remember Sam does not have the same perspective that you do. For him it was not a failure to find a home, but a weekend adventure with fun people. The feline perspective on this sort of thing (after the initial nervousness) is "Look at my new territory!" Even if they never return, it was an acquisition.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:31 pm

I did my search for records storage. No good news there. I am stuck keeping this stuff. I hate when I read something and come across the word forever. Or indefinitely. I have a lot in that category.

Anyway, did find 1 bankers box I could declutter. Lots of shredding and a big tall kitchen bag to the trash can. I put a few catalogs in the bag too and my goodness it was heavy heavy heavy. I almost wasn't able to get it out to the trash. Now I'm trying to decide if I want to take another category of papers off the shelf and put in this box and tuck out of the way where it was? Or break the box down, fold up and put away. Decisions, decisions.

LadyM, glad to hear your DB is doing ok. Awww, caffeine straight to the heart. :o I'd need an ambulance! I have been doing 1/2 caf. for months and months now and only 3/4 of a mug when I pour one. Didn't realize how unused to caffeine I'd become. When I went to breakfast with my friends we had a pitcher of coffee in front of us. By the time I left and came home I was actually shaking from the caffeine! Not going to do that again. Course I know you were only kidding!

Blessed, great job with the donations. Ever feel like everything is multiplying?

Elizabeth, sorry to read you have to go to surgeon. I hope this time it's successful.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 3:34 pm

thank you d dee! I needed that today! thank goodness your printer is back to normal! Glad they are seeing your dh tomorrow instead of cancelling his appointment. yay on getting the garbage outside!

how fun to have time with your d friend d twins! I hope your headache goes away! You may be having a hard time with the best self journal because your world is already full and busy. Be kind to yourself!

d elizabeth I am sorry you still have to have surgery. Glad you were able to fix the error. Waving at you. have fun with your dd!

d harmony praying the records storage works. yahoo to you on your work. I understand about the decisions! diane said stuff/clutter is a pile of indecisions and in my house that is true :D lol yes it does feel like the clutter has babies who have babies who have babies 8-) :D
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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