Try Something Tuesday

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Elizabeth » Tue Apr 24, 2018 6:51 pm

I finally figured out my latest discrepancy. Parameter difference between the old query and the new. I expect it will be ok now, but ran out of time to check. Will finish tomorrow. My head is starting to hurt. I had migraines the past two days, do NOT want another. This may be a sign of out of whack thyroid again. I forgot to call the doctor about the celiac testing, because I called the surgeon's office instead. Bleah. I hope the bread is good. DD really needs something positive to happen right now.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue Apr 24, 2018 8:56 pm

H paid a bill after work, then decluttered papers from his office then grilled for dinner. I was watering the back when he called after work I left my phone inside. I got out the sprinklers and hose nozzles.

Time to rinse the dishes and do a after dinner routine.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby LadyMaverick » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:03 pm

Tai Chi class was fun because there were several DFriends in attendance. The Tai Chi movements were challenging to me and hours later I feel mildly achy muscles. The lady who taught the class pulled me aside before it started and asked if I would teach a nutritional class about eating healthy. You coulda knocked me over with a feather. ME?!?? Teach a nutritional class?! I thanked her for her confidence in me but told her I am not ready for that. Just because I gave up sugar and flour does not mean I should be teaching others about proper eating!! I am a newbie on implementing good eating habits and feel like I have lot to learn still. YIKES! As she was talking, all I could think of was.... I am the person who was uncontrollably binge eating a short 100 days ago!! No. No. No. At ths point in my recovery, I would feel like a fraud teaching others. My expertise is how to eat uncontrollably. Now that subject I can speak on with confidence and an abundance of experience. **Groan**

We have 4 doctor appointments in the next 3 days. DH has follow up on his surgery and gets his stitches out tomorrow. DS9 has 2 appointments for his Tourettes. I have appt for follow up on yellow skin and the preliminary diagnosis of Stage 3 Chronic kidney disease.

I deep cleaned a cabinet in the kitchen that contains baskets of medicine and medical equipment. I threw away all the expired meds (they filled a WalMart plastic bag). It seems wasteful to not use it, but I'm thankful that we didn't need it.
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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Lynlee » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:18 pm

Elizabeth - remember to keep having gluten products until you get the tests done. Prayers for successful surgery in the mean time.

Wrote out some helpful pages from old addition of a publication that keeps changing the wording.
attacked unwanted vegetation along a fence line.
bins to curb.
washing up / dishes in non-American speak.
Multiple phone calls re electricity providers :? .
Much worry, confusion, frustration over that.
There are possibly more calls t0 them in my future.
DB came thru surgery ok, though it was more than he had been told to expect.


its happening.
Anzac Day. a teary day for me.
One of 3 days in the year that all major stores must close.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:23 pm

LadyM: I don't know what your class will be like but I had issues with my tai chi class going too slowly and not teaching me the big picture so I could then focus in on details later. It was months after the class was finally over (I never enjoyed it) that I learned in that culture you perfect one movement before moving on to the next.

You practice one stroke with the ink brush over and over before you are allowed to add strokes to make a character. You learn addition over and over until you are perfect before moving onto the next mathematical operation. And you learn tai chi the same way, going over the movement over and over until you are perfect and then moving on to the next movement.

Had I known that, I would have come to class with a different attitude. I was using my 'good enough' attitude as opposed to my 'perfection' attitude (which I try very hard to keep in check.) As a result, I hated Tai Chi.

I also fell down in an intersection crossing the street after the first class because we repeated the same movement over and over and that side of my body was so weak, when I stepped off the curb on the way home, my leg just buckled under me. Since I had chosen Tai Chi for balance and flexibility, I hated the course even more.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:30 pm

Another day has slipped away from me. sigh...

I will go wash up the dishes (only a few since I just heated up a frozen dinner and dh had pizza.) I will barely get my steps in for the day but I will.

Then I'll head to bed early once more. Dh is on a conference call, or at least he was.

Yesterday was crazy for conference calls. He started the day off dialing into a conference in Geneva, had some time discussing things with a co-worker in Peru, had a couple of other calls to assorted places and then ended the day dialing into and giving a presentation at a conference in Korea.

Today he had the meeting in person here (for the Australian project) and then switched into international standards mode and had a call with someone in Montreal. I have no idea where he's dialing into now, it isn't noted on the calendar.

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby DeeClutter » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:39 pm

Dh called tonight. Said his appointment with his orthopedist for tomorrow has been cancelled after all. Dr. has emergency surgery in the morning. Made a new appointment, but not until May 14th. Know he's anxious to see the Dr. and get something moving on his really bad shoulder. He could have seen a PA sooner but really needs to see the Dr. himself. Oh well. It is what it is.

For some reason when I shut my iPhone off tonight and tried to turn it back on all I get is the apple sign going on, screen goes gray, then black, then the apple back on -for the last hour. I'm trying to charge it right now. Not sure what's going to happen with it now. Think it's toast.

DD did look at my ipad that I no longer can get the App Store icon on. She tried (now she's my computer guru). For some reason that even she can't figure out is that it now has this county and particularly her present school as the 'owner'. They've never been the owner. Hoping her IT guy can figure it out at some point.
Begun is half done -SO! JUST BEGIN!!

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Re: Try Something Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:20 pm

d dee i am so sorry they cancelled!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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