Thinking Cap Thursday

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:05 pm

I suspect my thinking cap is just a smidgen away from going up in flames. I am mentally exhausted.

Today had 3 appointments for DS9 and the two doctor appointments for DS9 have me a bit overwhelmed by their recommendations. I need time to process and research their recommendations before I am comfortable implementing them.
** The pediatrician recommended giving DS9 the Tourette meds 100% of the time instead of just when his tics are at their worse. This recommendation is different from the pediatric neurologist who recommending only giving the meds when the tics were doing physical harm to DS9. Everyone agrees that it is 100% fact that the meds will not cure Tourette but they are just used to reduce the severity of the tics. Anyway, today the pediatrician saw DS9 with his tics at probably the worst they have ever been. The pediatrician doubled DS9 prescription for Tourette which I wasn't comfortable with but he was firm that it wasn't overdosing DS9. He said it would be okay to triple or quadruple the dosage. Ugh. I really REALLY like and respect this pediatrician but he is also the one who prescribed the ADHD meds to DS9 that kicked off the Tourette 3 year ago. I don't blame him but I admit to being way more cautious than he is. I am reluctant to give DS9 any meds ....period. I did take DS9 new prescription to the pharmacy to get it filled but they didn't have those meds on hand so it won't be ready until tomorrow. Although I haven't decided to give it to DS9, I do want to have the prescription meds on hand so I have the option to give it to DS9 or not.
** Had a conversation with chiropractor today about trying CBD oil on DS9. I am undecided and need to do further research.
** I also met with the Speech Pathologist and signed paperwork closing out DS9 IEP.
** I did some research and found a new doctor that I want to take DS9 to. I want to try CBIT (Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics) and went looking for a qualified doctor to guide us through this process. I am pleased with who I found and will be making an appointment ASAP.

In between all these doctors appointments I bought a vehicle. I called the car salesman told him I was ready to buy the vehicle but was in a time crunch. I ask him how long it would take. He told me that we could have it done in under an hour. I told him that I was calling him from the car parking lot and was starting the timer NOW. I was impressed with their effort. 54 minutes later we pulled out of the car lot with all their paperwork signed and done. Of course since I hurried through the car purchase process I didn't get trained on how to use all the features. I am clueless about 50% of the car do-dads. I did take time to get hooked up to onstar (free trial), got my phone & vehicle connected via Bluetooth, transferred my contacts to the vehicle and configured the phone app that controls the vehicle. The other features & do-dads will have to be figured out later…..or sooner depending on how important they are On the way home the vehicle car seat kept vibrating on one side of the seat and then at different times it would vibrate on the other side. At first I thought the vibration was my phone but then I realized my phone wasn't' in my pocket so I was becoming concerned that I had bought a lemon of a vehicle. DUh! Then I realized an icon was flashing on the vehicle dashboard each time the seat was vibrating. I did a quick search when I got home and found out the vibration and icon flashing was because I was crossing lane markings without using my signal indicators. I love technology but I am clueless about most of the do-dads and have a bunch of learning to do.

I also did a Sam's list buying trip. It was a long list of food items ($300+) but they easily fit into the vehicle.

I am going to kick my feet up and relax the rest of the day. I don't have the brain cells left to tackle anything else today.
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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 26, 2018 7:30 pm

Get ds to read the manual to you during drives, Lady M.

At dinner. Need to get moving to the concert hall. It is pops tonight, Best of Broadway.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby LadyMaverick » Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:01 pm

Okay. I apologize up front but when i get tired I get talkative. All this totally SKIPPABLE. I just want to get these thoughts written down so they will quit bouncing around in my tired brain.

** DBro starts isolation tomorrow. It starts with six back-to-back days of chemo. They told him that he will be deathly sick from it. Scary sick. One week from today he will not have ANY immunity and will have to be in a sterile environment in order to stay alive. He can't even touch water that comes out of a faucet. A lady stopped me at church last night and told me stories of her husband going through Stem Cell Transplant and how he would have died from infection if she hadn't caught a problem. They were at a world renown place in Houston that probably has more experience in doing SCT than any other place. If they messed up then it can happen anywhere. I really didn't need to hear horror stories about this process. I most definitely will not be telling DBro about it.

** DD called for advice. I haven't shared any of this with anyone other than DH but DSIL is in big serious possibly criminal situation. A big deal happened yesterday which made it apparent how serious this is. DD is considering divorce in order to separate herself from DSIL situation. Drama overload. I advised against divorce if it is only being done for that reason. Drama overload.

** DGS21 asked me to help him find a forever home for Sam. I have made multiple FB posts about Sam in several different groups. It is taking more time than I expected to stay up with the questions about Sam.

** Before leaving home this morning I went to update DS9 Tourette documentation. I ....could....not .....find!! ARGH! I always find stuff almost immediately so I became frustrated with losing that document. Hours later it dawned on me what I was doing wrong. If I hadn't been in such a hurry I wouldn't have made such a blunder. The document was right where it was suppose to be.

** The *#*#&@^ cardinal is still attacking our vehicles. This has been going on for months!! It has attacked the mirrors so much that it has scratched up 4 of our rear view mirrors. I really would like to not have scratch up mirrors on the new-to-me vehicle. But everything I have tried has failed. Everything in me is resistent to killing the cardinal....but I am out of ideas and sooooo tired of it attacking the vehicles day after day. The sides of the vehicles stay covered in bird poop. Within 24 hours of washing the vehicle it will once again have bird poop on mirrors and below.

** DS9 and I made a pact. I asked him how long he thought he could go without eating sugar. He said if I bought him the new Farming Simulator game that he could give it up for 6 months. I thought that was too big of a challenge so we agreed to doing it for 3 months. He is going to go sugar free until July 25th.

** The new puzzles arrived today. We have been using a puzzle of the 50 states to learn how to spell them correctly and what the state capital are for each state. DS9 only has 3 more to complete this effort. Next we are going to learn the order of the 45 Presidents and how to properly spell their names. And the names and locations of all the countries. By using puzzles it reinforces what he has already learned. When he spells something right he earns the puzzle piece for it. Each school day he assembles the puzzle using the pieces he has earned then he takes a spelling test to earn more pieces. I probably am not describing the process very well but it is very motivational for DS9. The visual, touching, hearing, doing combination of learning is a win-win with him.

** Today I started thinking about babies being born with jaundice and they use light to help them. Wonder if my yellow skin could be helped by being in the sunlight? I have not been exposed to much sunlight during the winter months. hum....

Okay. I'm going to hush. I'm going to try and shut my brain down. Tomorrow is another day.
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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Lynlee » Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:12 pm

lazy morning - bed time had been late.
bath and wash hair in a hurry
sun and air dry hair on way to bus stop.
plait it outside pdoc's office. No elastic band, no problem.
missed the bus home, but caught one to town.
walk and look around.
Met a yoga person. hugs and prayers. She is having prep for tests to be done.
looked for a gift for dm.
looked at books. read snippets
Saw a copy of The Gernsey Literatry and Vegetable Pie Society. Lol - saw that it did begin with letters as Harmony said, and not the scenes featured in the movie. The store has a 'best 100 books' section and it was there. There are too many I want to read. Perhaps I'll go back for it.
Walked home.

boxed Tmeds
pulled some seed heads.
dressed/ made bed
bfst is cooked
Another sunny autumn day here.
Just begin.
Living this day, today
Take a reality check; Remember to breathe; Do what I am able to do.
Look for the good in all.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:53 pm

Dee: You'd think so but it told me to dial the top-up number (a 3 digit number) and there was no link from the email. I've received texts from this before. The only response to that number was unsubscribe so I did. Since you can't unsubscribe from account activity (the 3 digit number), this is internal spam.

LadyM: I can imagine what you are doing with ds9 and I think it is brilliant. I love the idea of him trying day after day to reassemble with the extra pieces. Now, of course, that might be what I imagined and not what he's doing... but it works for me and I'll file it away for dgs.

We're back from the concert. It was excellent. Good solid Broadway soloists but two were better than the others (one was sort-of just doing enough to get by.) The finale was not a familiar tune (it was the finale from Candide) so fell flat with us and our neighbour (who we bumped into on her way when we got on our elevator.) But Impossible Dream was the closing selection to the first half and the hair on my arm was standing on end the performance was so electric. In the second half Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious was fun and was immediately followed by, as the conductor (Jack Everly) said, "something completely different." That was Jesus Christ Superstar's Take This Cup. I felt chills and tears welled up it was such an amazing performance.

So we both enjoyed the night very much. I need to look up and see if Everly is doing the Pops series next year. I love Shelley but Everly is a lot of fun as a conductor. That's what a Pops conductor is supposed to be.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:09 pm

Just realized my 'free tickets' bonus hadn't come in so I looked and found it in spam. We managed to get the play we wanted (there were only 3 things to choose from now, the email came 6 days ago) but lousy seats. So I've printed off those tickets. Dd has booked me to babysit on May 4 but I'll be doing that downtown. She needs a hair appointment and booked in right after her father's appointment (he leaves on May 6 for Miami and is putting a green stripe in his hair again.)

There's a smell of solvent or paint in my apartment. We had the windows shut in the morning because it got too cold in here and now, even with everything open, I won't be going to bed because I'm feeling sick from it.

I'm not awake enough to work. The taxes are almost done, just the horrible form left to do. I was pleased I got so much done between coming home and leaving again.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby lucylee » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:37 pm

(((LadyM))) -- certainly understandable why you have a lot on your mind. I suspect the world-renowned cancer center was the same one my ddad was at... but try not to let that worry you. (And remember, ddad never got to the point of being eligible for the transplant).
If we think of all the possibilities to every situation, we'd be afraid to make a single move every morning.
:shock: Did LUCY say THAT??? :shock: Wow. But it's true, isn't it? So just hold on to your faith that God's got this, your dbro is going to come through this and things will be so much better. I know I told y'all, I do know a lady, a few years younger than me, who had the SCT years ago here in Big City hospital in our state -- Big City but NOTHING like the scale of world-renowned cancer center -- and she is doing just fine today. Still working every day, plans a major Girls Get-Away every six months or so -- just doing great.

Certainly plenty to think about re: ds9... and dd... (((BIG HUGS))) and prayers.

Oh, btw -- WTG on the new vehicle!!! You certainly did well getting in and out in less than an hour. It took us practically a full DAY. DH was climbing the walls!!! We weren't there all day, but the man called me on the phone and started the paperwork before noon, and we were still actually there in the dealership for at least a couple hours. :roll:

Dgd has fallen asleep * waaaay too early for my plans for the morning! * and dgs and dh are sitting in the den discussing all sorts of stuff. I heard dh telling him he was glad our old governor wasn't governor anymore, and now they are talking about Burma and why it is no longer called Myanmar? Or the other way around? We've also discussed the Lamb's Book of Life and whether or not dgs's name is written there... and the Civil War... and 9-11.
DGS has been going through the atlas and quizzing us about the largest city in each country.

Why the green stripe in dh's hair, Kathryn?
Sorry about the paint smell. Isn't there something that is supposed to help with that? I can't remember but seems like I read something somewhere -- that you were supposed to do when you painted to keep the smell from bothering you.

Waving to Lynlee!!! Sounds like a busy day for you!

Hope you all have a restful night and a great day Friday!
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Harriet » Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:47 pm

LadyM, tie plastic bags like groceries use (but opaque if you can find them), encasing the side-view mirrors of the new car. See if this doesn't help. I have had it help even with the thin flimsy ones, which are actually easier to tie using the "handles" and easily remove when you decide to drive. The bird will never see a clear reflection of himself beside the new vehicle, and won't associate that car with the war he's waging. Eventually, he'll stop checking at that car, the season will change and he won't feel so threatened/warlike. don't know what to tell you about the ones he's already fighting. Even with covers, he may still keep checking out of habit, and poop as he flies away. ((hugs)) for many reasons.

Goodnight everyone. Wish I could spend more time here.

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Re: Thinking Cap Thursday

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri Apr 27, 2018 12:04 am

Well my evening is done, dinner and kitchen done and my sink is shining. Coffee ready for the morning and footprints have been picked up.

Oops, just found a cup I missed :D

Drags Harriet you beat me to it.. I was going to tell LadyM the same thing. Now tell me what to do with this front door is very resessed. My walkway that leads up to it has walls on either side ... sort of like this l_l with the bottom line being the door.

Yellow finches have decided my door mat is a great place to gather and they are leaving their poop all over my side walk...anyone have any ideas to keep them away without making Willis guard the door? It’s quite discusting and I am embarrassed to have people come to my front door. This has never happened before.

Hi ho, hi ho its off to bed I go... I will try to solve the worlds problem in the morning after my coffee :D
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