Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

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Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 02, 2018 6:54 am

Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednesday
This is my my my beautiful day
When you said said said said that you loved me
Oh my my my its a beautiful day

(With apologies to songwriters: David William Balfe / Peter Greene for changing their lyrics.)

Good morning, SHEville!!!!

It is a beautiful Wednesday here which makes it easy to envision a productive and satisfying day!

But weather aside, as the song says, what makes a day beautiful is knowing you are loved. And, my dear SHE sisters, you are loved! I love the community we have here and what each of you bring to it.

Have a wonderful day!

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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 02, 2018 7:04 am

I'm up insanely early because dh has an 8 a.m. dentist appointment and our dentist (and doctor and church) are still located out in the villages so it is about a 30 minute drive away in the middle of the day. It is not the middle of the day.

This is his repeat appointment. Two weeks ago he went in for some followup work on his dental implant and the freezing wouldn't take. So they'll try again today. He was there yesterday for his regular checkup.

The weather here is warm so I went out on the living room balcony and set up the rocking chairs and coffee table. The ground in the planter has defrosted so I was able to get the fake autumn leaf display out of it. That's been on full display all winter! I'm thinking next fall I'll buy a winter display as well and put that in another planter, hide it where it can't be seen from the window and then swap them once we've had snow but before it is too icy to go out on the balcony.

I'm the last of my neighbours to get my balcony set up for spring/summer. Just the bones, it is far too early to set out live plants but I have started to repot some of my indoor plants to move outside (and then kill because I won't bring them in due to fear of bugs in the soil.) I also need to move my indoor plants farther away from the windows. My windows don't filter light at all (too old for that technology) so they are at risk of being killed by the sun. That requires a slight rearrangement of the living room since I don't want to put furniture where the plants are (because it will be ruined by the sun as well) so the plants will crowd the room a bit.

Many goals for the day but my first one was to pop in here and say Good Morning! Not sure how much I'll be posting.

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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby Twins' Mom » Wed May 02, 2018 7:41 am

I am up insanely early because of F amily Promise "hosting" last night. Their sleeping cot got my back into a spasm on the left side - very unusual and I am in pain. I can limp around but the sitting or getting up or trying to lean over goes all through me. When I got up in the night and this morning, I couldn't put weight on my left leg. :shock:

I'm drinking my breakfast smoothie and just took ibuprofen.

DD and I were up at 5 this a.m. One of the families has a car and they were up and left at 5:30 - this family has a very motivated mom and two teens. I can't imagine what it must be like as a teen to be in this program and going to high school. The other family - a dad and two little ones got themselves up but the dad pretty much sat there this a.m. and let dd feed the two little ones. I had to tell them when the bus had arrived - he didn't get up to check even tho he knew it was time. I was shocked by the amount of sweets there. It's probably no more than other times, but my consciousness has been raised by my WOE and by LadyM.

I'd like to go back to bed and I think I will. Slept poorly, obviously, and maybe the ibuprofen will have time to work on all those pain receptors. Need do so stretches also but not sure I can get on the floor and get up.
Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better [wo]man. Ben Franklin

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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 02, 2018 8:01 am

I'm joining in on being up early. I woke up before 5am and knew I was done sleeping. I've been working on my 12 tools and those done for the day.

I also spent some time looking at things to do today and making a plan that is about as structured as jello. When we pull out of the hotel parking lot this morning we will head toward -
* Manitou Cliff Dwellings
* Cave of the Winds
* Garden of the Gods
and either finish the day there or continue on to Denver.

Today is DBro Day #6 of 6 back-to-back chemo treatments. He told me yesterday that I was not counting right. They consider the first 6 days of Stem Cell Transplant procedure to be negative days. The first 6 days is 24/7 of chemo treatment. So to follow their guidelines DBro is on Negative Day 6. They switch the day count from negative to positive on the day he receives his Stem Cell Transplant (Thursday).
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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 02, 2018 8:49 am

Twins: I know what you mean about being shocked by amounts of sweets. Dd and I disagree on when to feed dgs (she has it on a schedule posted on the fridge, I believe he should eat when he's hungry) but we both agree on what to give him. That's how I fed my kids, they could eat at any time but only what is healthy. Extras (a freezie pop or a cookie for instance) were controlled by me and rare, not the norm, although there was a lot of bread in those days (that was back when the food pyramid said 6 - 10 servings a day.)

My senior friend said that dgs should be given things like cake with lots of icing (I was talking about the Peruvian Ground Cherries we enjoyed at our big dinner the other night.) Uhmmm, no. I didn't say "You are morbidly obese and as a result are not able to have the surgery you desperately need and live in pain and limited mobility" but I thought it. That's an example of someone who still doesn't know better, despite the results with her own health. I used to cringe when I took her shopping and 1/2 or more of the money was spent on candies and junk food for her 'stash' of snacks. She complains about her ddil limiting what she can eat now (she can no longer get out to shop so her ddil is bringing in healthier meals now) but I don't envy the poor ddil trying to keep her dmil around longer for her own children to know their grandmother.

Dh just texted me. The freezing isn't working today either. And since I'm not there, I'm not sure if they'll give him gas. I can take an Uber out (it will be about $50) if they will give him the gas so this is done today.

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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 02, 2018 9:06 am

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiWI1z7wFSQ kat wednesday

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcHOe15csZg diane in denmark wednesday

I am tired so I will just say a very good morning or evening to you!
had a headache all last night - we are supposed to have rain tonight - big storms - usually equals a headache.
I have a hair appointment today for getting my hairs shortened (dh says that :D ) not just one hair cut but all of them and he usually gives me a smile after he says it because he knows it's corny :D

Heading out at 10
have a wonderful day. :D

Lots to do
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 02, 2018 10:05 am

Refugee financial report is finished. The treasurer and I worked hard on it over 48 hours and it is off by $0.28 when you try to reconcile because of a transcription error made my the previous treasurer. I've just upped the bank fees on the report to make it balance. There were two five cent errors but they balanced each other out! The other group helping us will be able to reconcile every penny against my ongoing expenses spreadsheets for the families and the report from the Charity website. The only thing they have to trust us about are the bank fees (!) and how much money the church received on the offering plate.

I've sent the final copy out to the minister and the treasurer to make sure it offers the information the group was looking for.

What happens to it now is up to the minister since he's the one negotiating with them.

The group had the gall to say that we weren't meeting our financial reporting responsibilities. They knew all the money raised by the charity website and United Way. They had our 2017 financial report showing how much the congregation donated in 2016 and 2017. They had all the expenses (both in aggregate and down to each individual payout.) In other words, aside from bank fees and if the congregation had donated in 2018, they had all the information needed to pull together the report but demanded we do it for them. Yet, they have not reported to us how much they made with their fundraising. Nor that they were running money through our charitable number for their own purposes.

Dh is home and on his conference call. He's really discouraged that he's gone twice to have the dental work and twice the freezing has failed. Now he'll have to have sedation dentistry.

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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Wed May 02, 2018 10:19 am

Phoned dentist to remind them to get an estimate from the insurance company.

Forgot to say I saw a picture of ds today with his God-daughter. He is a natural with babies. And children. He became God-father because of his interactions with the baby's older siblings, 7 year-old triplets. He takes them to the park and to indoor gyms (along with Not The Girlfriend) and does lots of energetic stuff with them. Not sure how he met the mother but one his high school friends (a scary biker-dude who isn't really a scary-biker dude but he even spooked dd when he showed up at our Boxing Day party one year) moved back here, met the mom through ds and now they live together and have a daughter.

I'm having a mid-morning snack break then will pay some bills.

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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby LadyMaverick » Wed May 02, 2018 10:25 am

I'm glad we don't have a schedule to keep. We are sitting at car dealership because car battery gage is not showing charging. We briefly consider ignoring it but decided the hotel being next door to dealership was too easy to pass up getting it checked. The service department is awesome and immediately moved us ahead of the cars they have in progress. We are the only customers in their waiting room so there is no one here ro complain. :)
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Re: Hi, Hi, Hi, Beautiful Wednsday

Postby blessedw2 » Wed May 02, 2018 10:35 am

so sweet about your ds with d god daughter dkathryn !
the a small police motor cycle group is a group you would never know were police. They are gentle giants and came to my my d mom's friends funeral. Lovely men!

hi d twins! hope your back feels better! wow you were up early. hope you get some rest today!

Hi d lady have a lovely day!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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