Friday - "Finish the process"

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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 04, 2018 3:08 pm

quick hi. I needed the sleep but there is still a bit of a headache in the back ground. Missing a beautiful day out there so I need to get going. wishing you the best. i will come back and read how your day is going. :D
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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby Harriet » Fri May 04, 2018 3:24 pm

Dee, I'm thrilled for Mr. DeeClutter! hospital in the rear view mirror!

Sadie, I hope your birthday was terrif!

Elizabeth, that would have probably been fine if it had been the cats she's known for so long.

LadyM, also thinking of your rear view mirror and happy if miles are going by swiftly, although bittersweet, since you've had so much fun.

Grandma is me. I've known I wanted this name since I was rather young, copying my paternal grandmother. For her, the accent always fell (long and loud!) on the second syllable as we filed into the screened porch calling out for her. And there was very little "d" in the word, but a lot of "m". :lol: Just a wonderful memory. We needed her with a pleading need that came out in the way we called for her, lol. Other grandmother for dd38's children is Granny and other grandmother for ds' children is Mimi. We have some discrepancy on what HRH is called - Grandpa or Pepaw. That could be a problem someday - don't know.

I hit 2 of our better-produce-selection grocery stores this a.m. early. Have a lot of experimenting I could do, so creativity is vying with thriftiness today, lol. Do I experiment all day or wait sensibly until tomorrow just before the event and assume I'll know what I'm doing?

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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 04, 2018 3:41 pm

I am loving what all of your grandchildren call you.
So adorable.

I am sure you all have seen this already
about getting your grandmother name

I am trying to fib to myself that it is morning so I can get myself focused. Sometimes with head pressure I get really tired as I am today.
I am behind but I will have to be okay with it today.

Can I start over by moving the clock back? 8-) :D
So pretending it is morning, I went back to my morning routine which I didn't finish this morning.
Laundry (thanks d rose for helping me focus again) I finished with fold and put away on towels and hanging up cloths and putting away. I know have sheets in the wash machine.

I still have to swish and swipe
Last edited by blessedw2 on Fri May 04, 2018 4:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby Nancy » Fri May 04, 2018 3:41 pm

Mop kit. Dining room, bathrooms x
Laundry x
Walk ddog in field, x
Lunch. X
Clear desk in creativity room. X
Declutter desk in Lr. x
Put away clothes. X
Last edited by Nancy on Fri May 04, 2018 6:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 04, 2018 3:48 pm

yay nancy
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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby Ramblinrose » Fri May 04, 2018 4:05 pm

Sweetie is my computer guru. Right now I'm on Lennix system and Duck Duck Go browser, which doesn't save cookies, which is why I have to sign in all the time. He hates Micro soft and any of that other stuff that most people use, but then again he is a programmer and knows how to get around most stuff others can't. Downside is whenever I run into a computer glitch, I have to help him for help.

He doesn't charge much and I pay him in food, like dinner ;)

My home is back under control again. Camels almost made it over the hill, but I chased them away. I haven't vacuumed mu house yet, but that can wait until the weekend since I'm still in recovery mode.

Neither of my grandmothers were of the cuddly kind. Never spent a weekend with them nor any just you and me time either. And both were definitely the hands off type when it came to being mothers as well which explains why my parents are the way they are. One I called Granny and the other Gran, cause she would say she was to young to be a Granny. My grandfather was called Pop. My parents were/are known as Granny and Gramps. Better name for my father should have been Grumpy. My son's father's mother was known as Nonna and considering our relationship don't want to use that name.

My son mentioned Mimi which I like and also Mammie or the Italian name Nonie. Any of those will do.
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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 04, 2018 4:28 pm

decided to do one zone thingy - 1 x 15 + 5 minutes - didn't take long -
family room
1. emptied the shelf (long one) with Alsatian Pottery
2. washed the pottery
3. dusted and then washed the shelf
4. put all the pottery back

moved chest and swept/vacuumed/swiffer rinsed floor underneath and dusted the wall behind it.
done :D

dh and I talked about how when I don't vacuum and swiffer rinse the wood floors in the walking areas during the week (I have to do it a couple times a week) that the house looks really dirty bc of people and animals. It looks really bad.
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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby CathyS » Fri May 04, 2018 6:23 pm

Recycling boxes are everywhere. Empty garden boxes (which are huge) have blown across the driveway. Water tank (1000 gallon?) encased in a metal rack has blown over. 3 fence panels have blown down. Don't know what else because I can't see it from the house. 122 KMH winds in Waterloo where my brother lives. His neighbor just had a trampoline blow 3 houses down the street where everyone has fences. I think we will find out later that there was at least one tornado touch down here today in Ontario.

Dh went out for hair cut and supper without me, which I am totally fine with. Not hungry at all.
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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby Sunny » Fri May 04, 2018 6:52 pm

Hi everyone. We've had a nice spring day here. Temp. is only 81* now. We do need some rain; the grass here is still dry and not growing much yet.

We've had a bulldozer/backhoe combo parked in our front yard all week. I woke up early one morning to the sound of the dozer dumping all kinds of yard debris on the spot where the tree fell over last fall ( the hole was never filled in or planted with grass). So we watched and later that day orange cones appeared and the sidewalk was painted with arrows indicating where the sidewalks were uneven, broken etc. County workers (we live in unincorporated county area) have been moving throughout the neighborhood digging out the sidewalks needing replaced. At one time they stacked broken pieces of sidewalk on our lawn, actually on the right of way between sidewalk and street. Yesterday they set the forms and poured cement, but when they got to our sections they ran out of cement. :roll: This morning they had to score and dig out a section that they poured yesterday and recement that and finish the end they missed. This is the first time in the 32 years we have lived here that I know of a total neighborhood repair. There are 500 homes here; it will be nice when we take a walk to be on a flat even surface!

Dh is known as "Papa" to all our dgrandkids and I am Grandma. When ds#3's daughter was just starting to talk she started calling me Judy and with her dparents' persistent suggesting she eventually learned to call me "GrandmaJudy". Sometimes her dbro uses that term, but not as much as she does. I remember when I was very young calling my dad by his first name. So it tickled me when dgd20 did that with me also! My dmom was called Nana. I never knew either of my grandmothers and only my dmom's dfather. We always called him Grandpa. My ddad's father was never close to us, he died when I was about 12 years old. I think I would have called him Granddad.

It is good to hear that Dee's dh is home again; hope he is recovering well.

Cathy, feel better soon.

Dh has had three doctor appointments in the last two weeks and has had good reports for the most part from all of them. Primary doctor has upped his thyroid RX a little, so maybe he won't feel as cold or tired now.

Happy Birthday, Sadie. I'm sorry I missed greeting you yesterday.

Supper is ready.....
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Re: Friday - "Finish the process"

Postby blessedw2 » Fri May 04, 2018 6:53 pm

not feeling the best but I pushed myself to clean the counters, vacuum the kitchen floor and swiffer rinse it. dishes are washing themselves and dinner is cooking. flip flop laundry. If I can get my routines done that will be a plus today. :D

called the bug person for wasps in the attic and they don't take care of things. they just spray mmmm

hi sunny!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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