Special Sunday

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Re: Special Sunday

Postby Harmony » Sun May 13, 2018 2:08 pm

It's raining! Started raining just as we were getting home from church. I rushed and got the garbage out to the road before it came down hard.

Church was nice. Sermon managed to be all inclusive, whether we had children or not and a good or bad experience with Mothers.

I just did a big cleanup around the kitchen. Then I tackled the desk which was piling up and I got 90% of that all done. Now I think I will take a rest.

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Re: Special Sunday

Postby Nancy » Sun May 13, 2018 3:59 pm

We had planned left overs for lunch to avoid crowds. Dgd is going to pick up gift bag for dil later. H cut the pie for us. Hens are out for free range time now. I have 2 painted stones ready to seal. I washed eggs that collected. Considering my exercise for today.

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Re: Special Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun May 13, 2018 4:02 pm

yay on the cleanup in your kitchen and for a lovely service d harmony!

hello d nancy!
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Special Sunday

Postby blessedw2 » Sun May 13, 2018 4:03 pm

having a lovely afternoon. Reading and enjoying just being.
I could work on photos but I want me time only - dh is still at party.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Special Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 13, 2018 4:07 pm

At an ice-cream and bathroom stop. Still 80 minutes to the train station. Dinner will be very late tonight.

My service was very well received, lots of compliments. We stayed really long after because we enjoyed chatting with people.

No traffic to this point but now we join the freeway.

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Re: Special Sunday

Postby lucylee » Sun May 13, 2018 4:58 pm

Happy Mother’s Day to ALL! Thinking and saying a prayer for those who find this a difficult day. I have at least 3 friends who are facing their first Mother's Day without their mothers, so especially mindful of how hard this day is for them.

I am not celebrating with my mother — she still feels so croupy and miserable. She said I could bring her present when I bring her meds tomorrow.
Somehow, she has Wed morning meds but not Tues NIGHT meds. This should be impossible... she agrees with me — she remembers me counting out pills for 7 days in each dispenser... but the fact remains... somehow one night’s meds are missing. I do not know WHAT I am going to do with her. Smh...
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Special Sunday

Postby Twins' Mom » Sun May 13, 2018 5:07 pm

We had brunch out earlier with dkids - very nice and festive. I've taken a mega nap this afternoon, which was wonderful, deep sleep. Dh finally woke me but it had been over 3 hours napping.

We went the baseball game last night - it was hot, hot, hot and took a lot out of me. I drank plenty of water, but probably needed something like gaterade too. Had a good time though.

Otherwise, quiet day here. i need to do planning for the week. I'm going to see dmom in about an hour, after her supper. I'm trying not to make a big deal of today since I'd rather she not ask about my brother.
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Re: Special Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 13, 2018 6:14 pm

It has been a busy day.
** Church this morning. During the first part of the service, I sat with DD, DGD6, and DSIL which never gets old. It just reminds me that miracles really do happen.
** Children Church went smoothly. The children were thrilled with the flowers and drawing they made to give to their Mom's.
** We went to 3 restaurants before finding a table available to eat lunch. Everything was packed.
** DS44 called me twice today with MD wishes and caught me up on their doings.
** DMom was well pleased with her Mother's Day gift and greetings.
** We attended DH side of the family gathering and cookout at DNephew home. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable time spent with about 25 members of the family.
** We took DMIL her Mother's Day gift and she was thrilled.
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Re: Special Sunday

Postby Kathryn-in-Canada » Sun May 13, 2018 6:24 pm

On the train now. It was really smooth. There was enough time to pick a safe parking spot, transfer the food from the cooler, get rid of the recycling, go to the bathroom (and slice my finger on a metal edge of the stall door), get a tissue from my purse to control blood, get onto the train, Band-Aid, empty the water from the vegetables and then settle in. It is the start of the line so the train is empty now.

I have my flowers from church in a water bottle in the bottle holder of my computer backpack.

We'll eat a fast food dinner at the station, then go to the hotel.

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Re: Special Sunday

Postby LadyMaverick » Sun May 13, 2018 7:07 pm

Kathryn - I am always impressed how well you travel. Your experience and attention to details are fascinating to me. OUch! on the finger owie.

It is time for me to get busy with prep for the new week. I'm not sure which area needs my attention the most.

Homeschooling -
** I have all the lessons planned in each subject. It takes almost no time to prep. Just click on the category (Math, English, Science, etc) and then click on the curriculum, then click on the next lesson. Rinse & repeat.
** I do need to organize the various plastic tubs that I keep all the papers in for each curriclum. This should take me about 15 minutes.

Meal prep -
** Having the weekly overview (dry erase) is working well. It keeps me informed what food needs to be used next. I need to check each tub food category and make sure they don't need to be restocked. I know the raw and cooked vegetables need some attention. Also, the cottage cheese servings in the dairy tub need to be restocked. What else?

Cleaning -
** Getting back into the groove after vacation has been a struggle. I am getting there but I don't like feeling behind. I am going to spend time getting the 5 company ready rooms brought back up to ......well.....being company ready. They don't look horrible but they definitely need some attention.

Book study -
** I'm behind.
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