Too much Tuesday

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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby Nancy » Tue May 15, 2018 11:00 am

Too much sun heat and pollen to fast here. Lovely flowers, too much yard, too much house to clean some say not sure if I agree. Tv is off so do not get too much of it.

Breakfast x
Journal x

See j & c for laundry list of too much prayer concerns.

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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue May 15, 2018 11:45 am

I got ddog to the vet and had a successful nail trimming for her. Since we were already in the car and she hadn't walked, I took her to the greenway where I walked w dfriend M yesterday and we did a slow shady walk. We went through the dog park play yard for a drink of water but she didn't take much notice of the other dogs. I'm up to 3500 steps for a good start. She is worn out! I hope she enjoyed the extra stimulation and smells. It was cloudy with a little breeze, so very comfortable, especially going slow!

Need to not stall out now. I'll need to leave at 2:30 for dental appt. Thinking about going through a couple of stores while out there. I ordered a "cocktail" style dress for the first wedding and I don't think it's going to work. It's cut too slim through the middle. :shock:

Back to work.
-empty dishwasher
-clear kitchen counters
-refill meds container
-start a lol
-make the bed
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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 15, 2018 12:38 pm

boy I have had so many texts and phone calls! spoke to dd at the airport.
feeling stressed and trying to control it. (probably making future responsibilities bigger than they actually are and what they will be)
old dog has been barking the whole morning while I was upstairs doing the bathrooms :shock:

still need to do the powder room
dog p**p outside
do the dishes and usual morning kitchen duty
check my car to make sure the
water the inside plants
put the containers outside that need to get sun and rain
take meds
put away lap covers in family room (fold them up)
change animals water
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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 15, 2018 12:48 pm

hi d twins what a nice way to take a walk! yay on your steps!
hi d nancy
too much yard, too much house to clean
I totally understand d nancy!

d kathryn how nice to have a lovely plate of fruit to start your day! Sorry it has been so wet!

d rose how wonderful!!! well done! waving to you too.

realized that I HAVE been overwhelming myself with the thought of the work I think I "should" be doing. Perfectionism and feeling sorry for myself seeped in there - I see it now. So attitude adjustment is happening. What will get done will get done (eventually and not perfectly).
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue May 15, 2018 12:58 pm

Twins, you are such a good dog Mommie.

blessed how is your ddog doing now?

Too. Much. Paperwork. It's ridiculous. And right now too much worry over this bank thing. DH is over at new house, they are installing the windows now. Maybe we will get paid for those windows after all. We had pre-paid them. And we're talking thousands. But bank lady said it wasn't separated out on the paperwork so we only get paid for that when they're installed. :roll: We still haven't heard from an inspector. This is going much too slow. Did I say too much worry?

I also have too much house and too much porches to keep clean. I am grateful for what I have, but it is too much to keep up now that I'm older.

Finally got the email from the church and I had 1 welcome (to new church visitor) letter to write. Got that in the mail. I volunteered to do that for 1 week of the month. I guess there are 4 of us sending out letters. I suppose a lot of first-timers don't leave their address on the welcome cards.

Dailies done.
Big progress of the day: I did a good bit of the mending. All work clothes for DH. Got 5 pairs of work shorts done and I threw away 3 pairs. They could have been fixed but there would have been more patches than regular material left!

Bad thing is now my material bins are open and everything dragged out. I will tackle that next. All I have left to mend is a huge bag of work socks. Last time I did them I was surprised to see how long they lasted. It is worth the effort. But it takes a long time.

See ya later.

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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby Twins' Mom » Tue May 15, 2018 1:53 pm

And done. This finishes a.m. routine except for continuing with laundry. Two phone calls from dd. I told her I would make cheesecake squares for her Sat evening Shavuot event. (A dairy Jewish festival)

I am going to work on Transcription work until 2:20, then get ready to head out.
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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby Dove » Tue May 15, 2018 2:18 pm

Hello, dear SHE friends! :) It is so good to see all of you. I peek in here every few weeks & cuop for a 24 hour period here in PWYC. Harriet, I read about your dsecondmil having a problem with sleep paralysis. I wanted to share that I had that for a short time in my early 20s. It was random, not every day, & would last about 30 seconds. I would open my eyes & not be able to move. Very scary, & my heart would race as I started to panic a little. Two things helped me: I would focus all my attention on my arm or leg & try to move it. If I could, it would end the paralysis. Then I started thinking about whether anything else could make my heart race & realized I was ingesting so much caffeine every day. I cut caffeine out completely & the problem disappeared. Even after I slowly reintroduced caffeine back into my diet, the sleep paralysis never came back. Thought I would share in case it could help your dmil. It's possible that the two things were unrelated (I never went to a Dr about it) but it worked for me.

Waving  ~~~~ to everyone! :)

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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby blessedw2 » Tue May 15, 2018 2:23 pm

it was a too much tuesday (only in my mind :shock: :D ) how do I make things seem so much bigger than they are at times.

I went back to my morning routine to calm myself down. dd and d mom are still stuck on the plane (2 hours) because of lightening in the area.
I hope they can take off in a bit; as long it is safe.

It is humid here. With all the rain and creatures the house looked worse than they actually were. I gave a quick vacuum and a swiffer rinse (a couple wipes to do the kitchen floor - right off the laundry room leading to outdoors.)

finished my bathroom weeklies
swiping smudges on windows and mirrors done
my zone cleaning done. I thought it would take longer but no perfection thinking on this 8-) .

hi d twins yay on your morning routines! have a wonderful time this weekend. the cheese cake sounds delicious

hi d harmony - she can walk on her own now - she is a wobbly mess at times but happy just to walk on her own. She still has her head cocked and weakness in her back paw especially in the morning but she is very cheerful to the point where so won't stop barking if I am not in the room 8-) We don't leave her alone but hoping that these slow improvements continue daily :D Thank you for asking!

hello d dove!!!!

d harmony hoping your paperwork and all the payments people need to pay you come your way.
yay on dailies, yay on the mending.
it is always a joy to be here with you!

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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby lucylee » Tue May 15, 2018 5:16 pm

Kinda having too much fun around this house, this week, that's for sure! LOL -- no, seriously, you can never have too much happiness, and all that we are doing involves happy occasions but oh my goodness, as dh said, WHY does it all have to be crammed into ONE week???

I've enjoyed my retired teacher's lunch today, then went to the drug store to pick up rx's for dmom and dh...
talked to dmom on phone...
wrote checks for yard man and pool dues...
and I have a couple hours before time to go to the nursing home w/ds & family.
After that we are eating out -- but dh says he is coming home to watch Braves game, and we can bring him a plate when we leave the steakhouse.

Blessed, I hope your dd & dmom get on their way soon -- and have a safe and uneventful trip!
I always make things out to seem much bigger in my mind, too (as everyone here knows very well!)
So glad your ddog is doing better!

Hello, Dove! Good to see you!

Waving to Twins -- who is reminding me I need to do laundry. Came home with ketchup on my shirt last night. Thank you, dgs...

And Harmony -- who is reminding me I need to mend a few tops of my own, little holes in the underarm seams... Not a big job at all, but one I procrastinate on a LOT!

Yep, Nancy -- too much house to clean! Amen to that!
Sun and heat and pollen have arrived quickly here, too -- 90 degrees already. We have about 15 minutes of spring and then BAM -- here come those lazy hazy crazy days of summer.

I stopped by the library yesterday, Rose! But I didn't get anything. They were having a book sale (ddil had called to tell me) but I was going to have to write a check and at 10 cents per book, I didn't want to load up on enough to justify writing a check. Then I thought, I've got a STACK of books I'm trying to read right now on my nightstand, and I can't seem to get through them, so I left empty-handed.
I love to go to the library, though.

:?: BTW -- does anyone know -- if you have a NOOK, does it work just the same way as a KINDLE? Like on amazon -- can I order the Kindle version and have it sent to a NOOK? So far, I have only downloaded a free book from the B&N site that seems to be the default ordering-site for the Nook that dmom passed on to me.

Waving to Kathryn -- sorry about the soaking rain. Yes... too much potato chips... too much ANYTHING sugary/starchy in my case. I am just like an alcoholic.

Harriet, you are exactly right, it is so important to have balance. DH is better at that than I am, re: family and other obligations. I tend to think I just HAVE to do whatever I am asked to do; dh is better at "just say no." He knows his limits. Of course, it IS difficult for either of us to turn down babysitting requests at any time.

80/20 is a good measure, LadyM... but some things are very hard TO measure, you know?

(((Dee))) Oh my -- I'm so sorry about the unexpected expense with the tires, but sooo glad you have good tires before you start your long drive!
My dmom has too much time alone, I think, but it is just hard for me to do more than I do, and it is hard for her to force herself to be more active in church activities and things like that. MAYBE when her foot surgery is finally done, she will do better, but I doubt it.
I truly believe she would have more time with friends & family if she lived out here closer to us, but I don't know -- that may be just wishful thinking on my part.
Tomorrow is another day.

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Re: Too much Tuesday

Postby Harmony » Tue May 15, 2018 5:51 pm

Too tired to do anything but sit this afternoon. But there's a lot of jobs one can do while sitting down, right? I tackled the bookkeeping. Got April spreadsheets all caught up and back a couple months to current on the deposits. Yeah.

This computer. :o It's happened a few times now that I'll be working on a spreadsheet and voila whole thing just shuts down, black screen. Yipes! I have no idea why it does that and if I lost everything I'd be just I don't know, they'd cart me away to a funny farm. Thankfully I have auto recover and when it all comes back up I open Excel and there it is recovered. Lucky lucky me. Why does this even happen?

Ok, I so want to go take a nap but it's supper time.

Nice to see Dove here today.

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